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74.64% The Emperor's Pampered Wife / Chapter 106: She's Lucky

Chương 106: She's Lucky

The breeze felt refreshing when Ji Li Zhao stepped out of their bedchamber. After making sure that Hou Wei Yan was already comfortably sleeping, he decided it was time to confront the little Miss of the Xie Family. He felt that waiting would do him and his wife no good.

He was about to summon her to his office when a particular scene in the garden caught his attention. Wrapped in a jacket was Xie Na and hiding in one of the tallest bushes in the garden is his right-hand man.

Finding this as a good opportunity to confront both of them, he calmly strode towards the garden and called out to Xie Na who was in a daze as she looks at the glittery moon.

"Xie Na,"

The sudden voice startled Xie Na but it immediately went away when she heard the familiar baritone voice her best friend loved in the past. "Ji Li Zhao,"

"How are you feeling?" he asked as he slowly approached her. Even though she was already wrapped in a thick jacket, he could still see her trembling. Worried, he took off his own jacket and wrapped it tightly around her shoulders.

"Terrible," she honestly answered. "I feel nauseous."

Ji Li Zhao immediately frowned when he heard this. She felt nauseous and yet here she is roaming the garden despite the cold air her body obviously cannot handle. Her lack of self-care is quite similar to his wife which made him shake his head.

Indeed, they are best friends.

"Let's go back inside." he offered. He thought Xie Na would agree with his suggestion because she knows that she needs to stay as healthy as possible.

But contrary to his expectation, Xie Na shook her head. "I need to talk to you."

Noticing the seriousness written in her eyes, he can't help but give in. He knows that there are countless questions running through her head. He is certainly involved in the questions that are occupying her thoughts.

With no choice left, he nodded his head and slowly guided her to the spot where he and Hou Wei Yan usually spend the night. As soon as they sat down, Xie Na immediately confronted him. "You knew about Zuo An, didn't you?"

He nodded his head before sighing. Makio found out about Zuo An's secret quite some time ago. Knowing the possibility of miscarriage if she got stressed at such an early stage of pregnancy, he decided to keep it a secret until her child and she are safe.

Hong Xiaodan's sudden appearance was beyond his expectations so he felt guilty because, in the end, she found out about adultery from her own love rival.

"I didn't tell you because I was afraid you would act rashly," he muttered. After a long pause, he looked her straight in the eye and looked at her with concern. From here on out, whatever she decides, he and his wife will support her. "What are your plans?"

"I'm leaving," Xie Na answered without any hint of hesitation. After finding out about Zuo An's infidelity and coming home safe, she finally reached a conclusion. She cannot stay in China, not when Zuo An, Hong Xiaodan, and her family are around.

Ji Li Zhao formulated plenty of solutions for her quandaries but she chose the path he least liked. "Leaving?"

"Sooner or later, people will find out that I'm pregnant. I will most likely be called names and I don't want Wei Wei to hear it." Xie Na remarked while looking away. She can't continue involving Hou Wei Yan in her problems anymore. She already heard plenty of hurtful words, and if she hears about problems regarding her as well, Hou Wei Yan will probably break down sooner or later.

"She's way overprotective and hearing those words will only break her heart."

Ji Li Zhao hummed at what she said before sighing. Indeed, his wife will hear such hurtful words but he knows that she's not that fragile to get drowned by their words. She's strong enough to fend off their rumors so giving this reason to her sounds ridiculous and shallow.

In truth, this isn't her real reason. Because if it is, he should probably reevaluate his perspective on Xie Na. "That's not the real reason, is it?"

"No one can really hide secrets from you, huh," she answered when she got confronted by Ji Li Zhao's knowing gaze. With Palisade behind his back, there's no information he cannot get when he puts his heart into it. "It's my family."

"Are you afraid they would disown you?"

"Disowning will sound good," Xie Na remarked before sadly smiling. Disowning her would be a good path but she doubts they would do that, especially her brothers. She's the only sister they have so letting her go will become quite tough for them. "But I doubt they would do that. What I fear is their incapability to accept my mistake...with Zuo An...and this child."

Ji Li Zhao frowned when she said this. He could remember Xie Zedong and Xie Zhong's love for Xie Na and her parents' overwhelming adoration for her even though she mostly causes them headaches. He thinks that she's having misconceptions when it comes to her family and sees their overprotectiveness as a threat. He was sure that they would even hold a party once they know of her pregnancy. "You can't be sure about that, Xie Na."

"You know my brothers," she said while biting her lower lip. Her brothers are overprotective and they want a man who could stand beside her in both status and looks. If they find out about Zuo An and what he did, they may get rid of the child so she could start anew. That's the scary extent of their overprotectiveness.

She's not scared of what they can do to her, but she's terrified of the things they can do to her child. "They want me to marry someone of my caliber. In fact, they're already deciding who would be my betrothed. They would flip if they find out about my pregnancy and would likely suggest abortion so my name wouldn't be ruined...so I could get married to a decent family."

He could clearly see the fright written in her eyes. Although he was skeptical of her view with regard to her family members, he can't help but go along with her. Xie Na's maternal instincts are quite strong to the point that it's deluding her. "So, you'll run away from them? Forever?"

"Forever is a long time." she immediately answered. She knows that she can't hide from them forever and she's not planning on doing so. No matter how bad they often think, she still loves them because they are her family. But right now, she needs to protect her child from them. It's quite saddening but running away is the safest plan she can think of.

"I'll just hide myself till I give birth to my child. I will return when the child is already healthy and when I had earned enough money to free myself from them," she added while smiling. Besides, she doesn't want her child to grow up without her family and friends love.

Ji Li Zhao heaved a heavy sigh when he heard her plan. Her brothers will surely search for her and they will do their everything to find her. If that happens, he will be placed in a tight spot. Xie Zedong is a part of the group that has close relations with the Xings and the Jis. They will most probably approach him or Xing Mei Yi so they could find Xie Na. If they ever learn that they are the ones hiding Xie Na, they might sever their ties and that will ruin the harmonious system he built.

"You'll cause another chaos, Xie Na. Why don't you just come clean to them? Maybe they will understand." he muttered after calculating the repercussions of her plans.

Xie Na bitterly smiled when she heard this. She knows this will be a big scale hide and seek and many people will have a hard time in this game but she can't back down. She's too afraid of losing her child. "I don't want to take the risk and expose my child to the danger they possess."

He wanted to suggest some other plans but when he saw the determination in her eyes, he immediately knew that he can no longer interfere. So instead, despite the many problems it may bring, he decided to help and support her. "Where will you stay?"

"I just called a friend and she said she will help me hide," she answered after remembering her friend's shocked voice when she heard of her current quandaries. Luckily, she has quite a control over France and China so hiding her won't be that problematic. "I will also seek help from Auntie Mei Yi. With her influence, I'm sure my family won't track me down."

"Let me help. I can ask my men to erase your tracks." Ji Li Zhao remarked seriously. He could ask Xing Mei Yi's men to cooperate with his own. This way, he can strengthen his influence in Xing Mei Yi's troops and maintain his good image as a son-in-law.

Xie Na knew that she needed plenty of help if she wants her plan to succeed and her child to remain safe. She looked him straight in the eye and smiled warmly. With Ji Li Zhao's influence, her escape will be a piece of cake. "Thank you."

"Are you going to tell Wei Wei?" he suddenly asked, worried that she would just take off without informing his wife. If she finds out that she helped Xie Na run away without her knowledge, won't that ruin their still budding relationship?

"Yeah," Xie Na answered before flashing him a reassuring smile. "I will be leaving her side, so I hope you can protect her in my stead. She's strong but no matter how strong she is...don't allow fight by herself."

Silence engulfed the garden after Xie Na said this. Ji Li Zhao carefully observed her before taking a side glance at the bush where his subordinate is hiding. After a few seconds of contemplating, he heaved a sigh and looked at her seriously. "Take Fang with you."

Xie Na blinked a couple of times when she heard this. She was grateful for his offer but she needs to decline. She doesn't want to burden Fang and take him away from his job and family. So instead of nodding her head and complying with his request, she merely smiled warmly. "Wei Wei will need him more than I do so keep him by her side. If two people suddenly leave her side, she would be distraught."

Fang Tao is indeed his right-hand man, but that doesn't mean he's the only one that could guard Hou Wei Yan. If things become complicated, he was planning on pulling him out of his mission as her guard and assigning Xing Yun to be safe. Pulling him out now will not matter that much, in fact, he would be more at ease knowing that Xie Na is safe under his right-hand man's hands.

But of course, he can't push such an offer to her when her face is screaming for him not to. He heaved another heavy sigh. "Call me if you ever need help."

"I will." she meekly replied before smiling at his attitude. She had long known Ji Li Zhao and watched his fleeting romance with Hou Wei Yan during High School. He was cold and quite a detached person then. He treated everyone like their existence doesn't affect him.

To be honest, she was quite scared of him when they were young because he was emotionless. But she was wrong to think badly of him because he was undeniably human. He just showed his true and caring self to those he loved and Hou Wei Yan is at the top of his priority.

She always wanted a romance like her best friend—with less drama though. She thought she achieved that with Zuo An but she was just delusional. After such betrayal and heartbreak, she knows that she can no longer look at romance with such a shallow view. Hou Wei Yan is lucky because the one she loved never gave up on her.

"She's a lucky woman to have you as her husband. Despite how cold you are to others; you treat her the kindest and you love her without question. I hope you wouldn't hurt her that much when you reveal yourself." she softly muttered in gratitude. She's glad that Ji Li Zhao is not like Zuo An.

Ji Li Zhao flashed her a slight smile of sincerity. That was his plan all along—to unconditionally love her. "I will try my best."

"Treat her well...Wei Wei is a good person but her kindness is also her curse. She's been hurt countless times by those whom she loves so don't add to the count," she added upon remembering just how fragile she can be when her kindness overthrows her logic. "She's a savior to many...please treat her well. That's all I could ever ask of you."

A smile was now plastered on his face when he heard this. He knows that she was a savior to many and he was one of those people she saved from despair. She was the angel that saved him from drowning in extreme misery. He is always grateful to her and he was beyond ready to throw his everything to protect and love her. "She's my savior as well so trust me when I tell you that I will treat her well. I would never abandon her."

"That's good," Xie Na remarked while nodding her head. She stared into his eyes for a long time and she can't help but chuckle at his determination. In front of her is a love-struck man vowing his eternity to love his lover. It was obvious that her best friend is in safe hands from the way his eyes retained emotions when mentioning her name.

After concluding this, she stood up and flashed him a gentle smile of both happiness and gratitude. "Goodnight, Big Brother Li."

"Good night, Xiao Xie," he replied and looked at her fleeting figure disappear in the darkness. As soon as he made sure that she was gone, he turned towards the suspicious bush and called out to his subordinate. "Fang...you can come out now."

As soon as his name was called out, Fang Tao stepped out of the shadows and showed himself. He bowed toward Ji Li Zhao before looking at him seriously. He was long acquainted with Fang Tao so he knows that there is something weighing on his mind. "You heard her. What will you do now?"

"I will remain by Madame's side." Fang Tao replied without hesitation making Ji Li Zhao quite skeptical. He thought he would ask him to follow Xie Na. He was ready to grant any request he wants as long as he could assure Xie Na's safety.

"Are you sure?"

"We still have to be wary of Ji Boqin so leaving this country is out of the question. I won't abandon my duty as your right-hand man." Fang Tao answered with conviction. Xie Na is precious to him but his family is in Palisades. He can't run away especially when his family is under threat. "I wish to fight by your side until the end."

Ji Li Zhao nodded his head before looking at him intently. The Fang Tao he knows would surely choose this path but his eyes are telling him that there is another request he wants. "Is that all, Fang Tao?"

"Please allow me to handle Xie Na's protection. Please let my team monitor her in your stead," he remarked without hesitation. After hearing Xie Na's plan, he immediately formulated this plan. He can't be by her side because of the ongoing battle with Ji Boqin but once he's done, he wants to pursue her. She needs time for herself and he respects that so he was planning on fighting until she's ready to open her heart once more.

"Cooperate with Makio's people. Don't let her out of sight." Ji Li Zhao answered. He could send some of his personal guards to protect Xie Na and assign their French Branch to secure the area around her, but if Fang Tao wants to do the protecting then he will leave it to him. His men are as formidable as his personal guards so he won't worry. "She may also be at risk if Ji Boqin finds out her importance."

"Thank you, Boss."

"Protect your woman, Fang Tao," he remarked before standing up. "Don't let her get in danger."

Fang slightly smiled at his advice. "I will."

He looked at him for a few more seconds before turning his back and walking back inside the mansion. He calmly strode towards their room and was ready to sleep beside his wife when he noticed that she wasn't in their bed. His brows slightly arched high.

Before walking out of their room, he made sure that she was already sleeping. Worried, he scanned the room and a frown immediately marked his face when he saw Hou Wei Yan sleeping at their study table with piles of medical books and hospital files.

Slowly, he strode towards her while shaking his head. She was already snoring but her files seem to be done. She must have passed out from exhaustion after her work was finally done. "You workaholic."

He bent down and placed a kiss on her forehead before neatly piling her books. After everything was arranged, he gently picked her up and carried her toward their bed. He then slipped inside the blankets and wrapped her in his warm embrace.

"Good night, my wife." Ji Li Zhao sweetly whispered in her ears before closing his eyes with a smile. He was unable to see, his adorable wife slightly smiling after hearing his words. Hou Wei Yan was dreaming of her husband and she was beyond glad to hear his voice whispering good night to her.

She snuggled closer to the warmth that Ji Li Zhao was emitting and in no time, the two found themselves warped in their own dreams.


"Good Morning Wei Wei." Xie Na greeted when she saw Hou Wei Yan enter the dining area followed by Gu Man and Song Ye Jin. She was wearing plain white and fitted woolen long-sleeved blouse and black square pants. Despite such simplicity, she looked so beautiful and ethereal that even Xie Na was blinded by it early in the morning.

"You're miraculously up early," she remarked with a smile before taking a seat opposite Xie Na. As usual, there's an array of dishes spread on the table like a feast. After picking some meatballs and peas, she looked at Xie Na who was busy chewing chicken skillets. "What are you planning next?"

Xie Na raised her brows before gulping down her food. She then flashed Hou Wei Yan a relaxed smile. "I'll rest first before I plan my next move."

"That's a good idea. Stay here for a while." Hou Wei Yan muttered while nodding her head. This way, she will be assured that Xie Na is safe and won't do any reckless activities.

"I won't decline. Your food here is good." her best friend replied back before picking up some breakfast burritos.

When she saw Xie Na happily chowing down her food, she can't help but chuckle. Her mouth is stuffed like a squirrel and it's actually too cute for her to handle. "You're still the foodie as you'll ever be."

A few seconds after Xie Na finished her burritos, Gu Man entered the dining area and bowed to both of them. He then flashed them a smile. "If there is any particular dish that you want, we can cook it for you, Lady Xie."

"Then, can I have some Cheeseburger Frittata, please?" Xie Na muttered without hesitation. Gu Man nodded his head with a smile before he disappeared towards the kitchen. As soon as he was away, she turned to Hou Wei Yan with a wide smile adorning her face. "No wonder you got slightly fat Wei Wei. The care you receive here is impeccable!"

"I got fat?" Hou Wei Yan asked worriedly. She has quite a fast metabolism so she never really got fat in the past no matter how much she eats. Honestly, she wasn't body-conscious in the past but now, she's growing anxious about her body weight because of a certain someone who likes hugging her waist when they sleep.

"Wow, your self-awareness is still low," she remarked with a surprised look on her face. "You really did get fat but not that much. It's a slight difference so you don't have to worry that much."

"Hmm, maybe I should begin exercising again. My work is swamped after I got back here in China so I stopped." Hou Wei Yan muttered before looking at her belly. Maybe she did get fat. If it's this way then the best choice she has is exercise.

Xie Na nodded when she heard what Hou Wei Yan said. She didn't gain that much weight but if she wants to remain in shape then she should exercise again and maintain her healthy lifestyle. "30 minutes will do. Why don't you give it a try again?"

"I'll try," she answered but after a few seconds, she heaved a sigh. Well, exercising sounds good but she's always swamped with work, and plenty of stressful events are happening here and there that she lacked plenty of sleep lately. "You know I'm mostly sleep deprived so I would rather use my 30 minutes to get more sleep."

"That's a good choice too. Anyway, you really don't have to worry. You're not that fat and it's a good change. It won't be good if you look malnourished." Xie Na said before grinning at her. "You're still a star on Instagram no matter how fat you get so don't get bothered."

Hou Wei Yan shook her head when she heard this before trying to hide her embarrassed face. Being dubbed an Instagram star is a little bit uncomfortable for her even though her friends repeatedly teased her about it for years. "You really like to exaggerate."

"I'm serious. The last photo you uploaded with your siblings had more likes than my followers. That speaks volumes, Wei Wei." her best friend muttered when she saw her frowning. She knew Hou Wei Yan is quite shy when it comes to things like this and she should stop teasing her. But somehow, she can't stop. In fact, seeing her best friend getting flustered in embarrassment is her happiness.

"Many people liked it because my siblings are cute," she replied after hearing Xie Na's words. Of course, many people would like her photo. Her little siblings are too cute to ignore.

Xie Na laughed at what she said. Hou Wei Yan is really enamored by her siblings. She doesn't stop complimenting them when the topic lands on them. She's such a die-hard fan of her siblings and it's beyond cute seeing her fangirl over them. Well, if she had cute younger siblings she would obviously fangirl as well especially when they're as cute as the Hou Siblings.

"Try uploading a solo again and you will see just how much your followers grew," she remarked, not wanting to drop the topic of her popularity. "You're even dubbed Yang Guifei of the Era and Doctor Beauty on Instagram!"

Hou Wei Yan's face flushed red when she heard those titles again. She hasn't heard those in a while so suddenly bringing it up in the presence of her subordinates took her by surprise and she was beyond embarrassed that they found out about this. Being dubbed Yang Guifei is already too much for her—much more that 'Doctor Beauty' title which is beyond her.

"Stop saying that embarrassing title." she shyly said which earned Xie Na's chuckle. Her best friend was about to tease her again and she didn't want that. When she saw the newly cooked food that arrived at their table, she immediately grabbed one and placed it on Xie Na's plate. "Here eat."

Xie Na accepted it with gratitude but before shoving food in her mouth, she flashed Hou Wei Yan a mischievous look. "Yes, Doctor Beauty, Wei Wei."

"Stop it." HouWei Yan requested in embarrassment. Xie Na's laughter echoed in the dining area but it soon died down when she began eating. She was glad that she stopped teasing her but her speed of eating is increasing and it was making her worry. "Hey, eat slowly. You'll get indigestion if you continue that."

"Okay, okay." Xie Na answered before slowing down and drinking some water. Not finished yet, she began eating again making Hou Wei Yan shake her head at her limitless stomach capacity.

After they ate, Hou Wei Yan remained seated and chatted with Xie Na for a while. Because of their engaging chatter, she wasn't able to notice the time. Luckily, Fang Tao came to the rescue and approached her politely. "Madame, it's about time we depart."

"Already?" she asked before checking her phone.

Fang Tao nodded his head in a reply to her question. There's still time before her usual schedule but because today is an important event, they need to arrive at Yi Lan Hospital earlier than her initial schedule. "The Foreign Employees will be having a brief conference and they wish for you to be there as Master Han's Apprentice."

After hearing this, Hou Wei Yan sadly turned towards Xie Na who was still eating some carrot biscuits. "I wish I could stay with you today, but my schedule is fully booked."

"It's okay." Xie Na assured before waving her hands at her.

Hou Wei Yan nodded her head before standing up. "I'll inform the head of your absence so just take a rest and don't worry about anything."

"Just go already. Foreign Employees will arrive today so you can't be late."

"Don't play around and rest," she muttered before planting a kiss on Xie Na's forehead and leaving with Fang Tao.

Xie Na watched as they depart. Before they fully exited the room, Fang Tao looked back and they made eye contact. Embarrassed, she looked away and stared at her food.

Once they were gone, she heaved a sigh of relief before fishing out her phone and dialing an international number. Not a moment too soon, the person from the other line finally answered. "Aina."

"Xie Na. I will be arriving in China tomorrow. Is everything on your side already prepared?" the lady from the other side of the line asked while sorting out some documents. Flipping of pages could be heard from her side so Xie Na knew she was quite busy.

"Yeah," she replied before smiling sadly. She's really grateful that she has a friend like her who would even offend the Xie Family just to protect and save her. "Everything's good so we will proceed with the plan."

The lady nodded her head before she momentarily stopped and worriedly asked her an important matter. "And Wei Wei?"

"I'll let her know."

"I'll see you tomorrow then!" the lady answered before hanging up the phone. As soon as the call ended, Xie Na stood up and walked towards the window.

She stared at the beautiful scenery the mansion offered before heaving a sigh. "I'm sorry, Wei Wei."

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Hey beloved readers. Long Time No See. Forgive me if I just updated today. We got swamped with activities because it's already our exam week for our first term. I initially thought that I could update regularly because it's just an online class. I underestimated Online Class that's why the delay of the update happened.

Anyway, I want your opinion. Do you want me to update regularly (Sometimes I can't finish writing one chapter in a day because of my activities. If I push this, the chapter will have shorter words) or is it okay for you if I give 5 Chapter Updates a Week (Every Sunday and the chapter will have longer content). Comment down what you want so I can adjust the chapter contents.

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