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25% My Hero Academia, I'm A Villain / Chapter 5: UA Entrance Exam

Chương 5: UA Entrance Exam

Inko Midoriya

Inko was sitting on the couch watching tv. As per orders of her boss, and many urgings of her friend Mitsuki Bakugo, Inko was having a day off to rest. The reason. Well it was because she had been out late so many nights looking her for son. She had been at it since his disappearance ten months ago.

"Izuku baby, please come home. I miss you," she sobbed.

Inko spent most of her days crying. Each night she looked for him by going around the city and asking random people if they had seen him, to which she always received a no. Other than that she made a visit to the police station at least once a week to see if they had made any progress, but the answer was always the same. Another action she took was placing posters around the city with Mitsuki's help. However, no matter what she did he was never found.

"It's all my fault," she whispered. "I should have done something sooner."

Her son was in pain and she did nothing. Every day he would come with bruises and burn marks (likely from Katsuki) which he tried to hide. Inko however had a sharp eye and could see them from edges of his sleeves. Other times she could tell from the way he walked that he was actually limping. Izuku usually gave the excuse "I fell over", but Inko knew he was lying. The only reason she didn't interfere before was because she knew it would upset him, also, since it was Izuku he was likely to deny it. She tried talking with Mitsuki about it, who in turn was furious with Katsuki but nothing she did seemed to get through to him. The last time she was with Izuku was the last straw. She decided to visit the school the next day to inform the principal of her son's situation. She made another phone call to Mitsuki about Katsuki.

"I can come in with you tomorrow if you'd like," she told her. "Honestly, we should have done this in the beginning. His behaviour, well, it's gone on long enough."

It seemed Miitsuki had finally reached her limit with Katsuki. Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned.

The next day when she got up she noticed he wasn't home, so she assumed he'd gone to school early. It was when she arrived at the school with Mitsuki that the trouble started. According to the principal and the teacher, Izuku hadn't shown up that day. It was then Inko got worried.

As she wondered where he could be she recalled her last conversation with him. "Thanks Mom for everything really. I really love you for it," he had told her while hugging her.

"No," she thought horrified. "He wouldn't."

She called the police afterwards and they started searching for her son but found nothing. Shortly afterward Inko began her current routine of looking.

"Please don't let it have been that," she silently prayed. "Anything but that."

Inko had an idea of what Izuku meant when he said those things to her but she didn't want to believe it. Whatever her son had been going through he had clearly reached his limit.

"Your body hasn't been found so I know your still out there," Inko said to herself. Regardless of the situation or the progress, she wasn't going to give up.

"Izuku. Despite what you've done I still love you. No matter what happens I will find you. I will bring you home," she swore.

Ochaco Uraraka

"Well this is it," Uraraka thought. She stared at the large building in front of her. UA Highschool, the best school in Japan, if not the world, where someone could become a hero. Though it did offer other opportunities in other departments. Uraraka herself was aiming for the Hero course.

"Mom, Dad, I will become a hero," she promised herself. "And when I do, I'll earn enough money so that you never have to work again."

While walking to the entrance she saw a girl running straight past her. However, one of the laces on her shoes was open so she tripped. Before she could fall however Uraraka used her quirk to make the girl float.

"Easy there," Uraraka told the girl. "It would be bad if you injured yourself before the exam you know." Uraraka deactivated her quirk and the girl landed softly on her feet. The girl then turned to face her.

From Uraraka's perspective she was rather pretty. She had long blonde hair and grass green eyes. Her figure was rather thin and she was roughly the same height as Uraraka.

"Thank you," the girl replied with a Russian accent. She then raised her eyes slightly. "And you are?" she asked politely.

"I'm Ochaco Uraraka," she replied cheerfully. "What's your name?"

"Elena Belekov," she stated simply. "Are you here for the entrance exam?" Uraraka nodded in response.

"I see. What course are you applying for?" Elena asked.

"The hero one. You?" Uraraka replied.

"General Education," she admitted. "My quirk isn't exactly useful in the field of heroics."

Uraraka was surprised at her answer. Usually General Education was where the applicants who didn't get the hero course ended up. It was rare for someone to actually apply for it.

"What's your quirk?" Ochaco asked curiously.

"Empathy, and to a certain extent telepathy. When I touch someone I sense what they are feeling, when I do I can look at the memory associated with that emotion. If someone feels a certain emotion very strongly, like despair or love, I can see all memories that are associated with that emotion. However, if the emotion is too powerful it will overwhelm me and I will lose consciousness," she explained.

Uraraka was amazed at what she'd just heard. Though, she was right. It wasn't a quirk for the hero course.

"My quirk will be useful in the field of psychology," she stated. "When I'm done with this school I'm going to move on to college and work to get a degree in psychology."

She then turned and started walking.

"Hey wait," Uraraka called out while running after her.

"You were wondering why I didn't ask about your quirk, right," Elena mentioned. Uraraka nodded in agreement. "Well since you just used it on me it's obvious that it's an anti-gravity quirk. Also, I don't mean to be rude but we've got an exam to do so, can we maybe resume this conversation later?" she asked.

Uraraka shut up at this and continued walking. "She's rather observant," she mentally noted.

Katsuki Bakugo

Bakugo was excited, something that was rather rare. The test laid out before him to get in to UA was a combat course, something he specialised. All he had to do was destroy whatever robots that got in his way and earn as many points as possible. "Easy," he thought. "Like taking candy from a fucking baby."

This was ticket into UA, his first step to becoming a hero greater than All Might.

"Say that reminds me. Midoriya you wanted to go to UA too right."

The words he'd heard ten months ago echoed in his head. A boy he bullied also came into his mind.

"The fuck," he thought annoyed. "Why the fuck am I thinking about that quirkless piece of shit now."

In truth he had avoided thinking about Deku ever since his disappearance.

The day after All Might saved him from a sludge villain that captured him Deku disappeared. At first he thought Deku was avoiding him out of fear. He thought maybe that shitty nerd finally gave up on trying to become a hero, a quirkless bastard like him had no right to be one in the first place. However, that wasn't the case.

Later that day the police came to the class and questioned everyone on Deku's disappearance. They asked questions about what he had been doing that day and his regular school life. Most denied any knowledge as they were not friends with Deku. When it came to his turn he told the police "that quirkless piece of shit isn't my problem. Don't say he's my friend because he isn't, he's just an obstacle in the way. Now if that's all can I go back to class, I've got things I need to fucking do."

The police were shocked at Bakugo's attitude but relented since they couldn't get any useful information out of him.

"That fucking nerd isn't my problem. He can go and die for all I care," he thought.

What happened to Deku wasn't his problem. It wasn't as though he had done anything wrong. Nobody at school ever spoke against him for the way he treated Deku. Even the teachers were ok with it (some even laughed at it). In fact, a few days after his disappearance everyone seemed to have forgotten about Deku. No one ever spoke of him or even mentioned his name.

"Applicants please make your way to your selected field," announced Present Mic.

Bakugo snapped back to reality.

"Shit," he growled. "Even when he's not around he's still a pain in my ass. Well fuck him. Just focus on the exam you idiot."

Bakugo arrived at the entrance of his selected field. As the doors opened he immediately started running. "Time to kick some ass," he said grinning.

All Might

All Might watched with the other teachers as the applicants made their way through the exam. Since he wasn't an official teacher at UA yet he wasn't a judge. He was there for another reason. He was examining possible successors to his quirk, One for All. Since he was only able to take part in hero action for three hours a day (due to his condition) finding a successor to being the symbol of peace was crucial. Though there were other students to look at.

"From the way points are gathering it looks as though we'll have an interesting bunch this year," Principal Nezu stated. He was an animal (appearance mixed with a dog, bear and mouse) with a quirk that made him highly intelligent. The teachers nodded in agreement.

"With their quirks it looks as though they'll become fine heroes," All Might said.

"Can someone without a quirk become a hero?" "I don't think its possible kid."

All Might gasped but no one seemed to notice, they were all preoccupied with the exam. "Why am I thinking about that now?" he wondered.

Ever since his encounter with that boy All Might had been recalling that memory every now and then. He mainly focused on his job as a hero and his registration as a teacher at UA so he hadn't thought about it that much.

In all honesty, he wasn't proud of what he'd done. He had destroyed another person's dream after all. Although, he hadn't done it without reason. Personally All Might had nothing against quirkless people, however, he did believe that if they went up against someone with a quirk they were disadvantaged. He should know better than anyone, after all, he used to be quirkless. When he tried to fight someone with a quirk he got his ass handed to him. The reason he had said those things to that boy was because he believed he would be safer, that he would be less likely to die. It wasn't out of prejudice. Aside from that even if he applied for a hero school there was a high chance he'd be rejected. There were very few hero schools that allowed quirkless people to apply, and even then hardly anyone ever got in, so there was really no point. To his own knowledge All Might had never even heard of a quirkless hero before.

"Only five minutes left," Nezu announced.

All Might snapped back to reality and looked at the exam.

"Focus," he thought. "You'll be teaching these kids this year so pay attention."

Later that day at the Nezu's office

All Might sat alone in front of the principal. "Quite a selective bunch we've got this year," Nezu said with enthusiasm. "Anyone catch your eye All Might, ant possible successors?"

All Might nodded his head and said "It's too soon to be sure. But I can see there are a bunch of gifted youngsters so maybe in due time."Nezu seemed happy at this statement.

"Now on a side note what were you gasping at during the exam?" Nezu asked. "It wasn't one of the children. You were lost in your own thoughts till I brought you back."

All Might froze at this statement.

"He noticed," All Might thought. He mentally cursed himself.

"If somethings on your mind you should tell someone. Don't hold it all in," Nezu told him with concern.

All Might contemplated this for a moment. After a minutes silence All Might took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Nezu was a friend so there was no problem telling him.

"Well it happened about ten months ago," he started explaining.

And so All Might told Nezu all about his encounter with the quirkless boy and everything that had transpired between them. He even told him about how the boy saw him in his weakened state, though he didn't know about his powers. Nezu just listened silently, never making a move to interrupt him. When he'd finished speaking Nezu said "I see." All Might was surprised at his calm demeanour.

"Don't you think it was wrong for me to say that, to ruin that boy's dream," he asked confused.

Nezu stared at him with an unreadable expression.

"Why would I say that?" he asked. "You were just speaking your opinion, as well as from personal experience. I don't think I can begrudge you for that."

All Might was relieved that Nezu was so understanding. However, All Might had another question.

"Principal what is your view on what the boy asked me?" All Might asked.

Nezu got up from his seat and gazed out the window.

"Honestly," he said. "I see no reason why it can't happen."

All Might remained silent. "I can understand why you would think the way you do about them. When facing against a villain or trying to save someone from an accident quirkless people would be at a disadvantage. However, quirks aren't everything. They don't define someone as a hero or a villain, their actions and capabilities do. Take Aizawa for example, his quirk maybe useful for stop other quirks but that's all its good for, most of the time when fighting against villains he would need to rely on hand to hand combat," Nezu explained.

All Might stared at the floor, he had never thought of it that way before.

"Now a quirkless person," he continued. "They could be a hero through excessive training in martial arts and a reliance on gadgets and weapons. With theses it would be quite possible for them to be on equal par with other heroes and villains."

All Might considered this for a moment.

"When he says it like that it does sound possible," he thought.

"Here at UA we believe that anyone can become a hero, even someone quirkless. It's why we allow them to apply," he continued. "Although I must admit we've never actually had a quirkless student before, in any department." All Might could tell from the way Nezu was speaking that he was slightly disappointed at that last statement.

"Anyway enough of what I think," Nezu said changing the subject. "You may want to leave All Might. I have a lot of paperwork to attend to and you have to get some rest. You're going to have a busy few days with all the holographic recording you're going to do."

He was referring of course to the messages he would be sending to the students who successfully passed the exam. All Might sighed knowing that he was right, it was going to be a long couple of days. With that he got up and proceeded to leave the room while waving goodbye to Nezu.

As he walked towards the exit All Might thought very hard about what Nezu had told him. He wanted to believe that it was possible, he really did. However, he still had his doubts. Whenever he tried being a hero while he was quirkless he accomplished very little. It was only after he had received his quirk One for All that he was able to actually do something meaningful.

As he came to the exit he halted. With the thought of quirkless people being heroes the image of that boy came in to his head again.

"Wonder what he's doing now," he said softly.

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