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50.5% Classmancers - A MOBA Esport Story / Chapter 301: Basketball Game, Start!

Chương 301: Basketball Game, Start!

Before the basketball match kicked off, both sides agreed on a 10-minutes recess.

Mike's team used this time to warm up. They partially warmed up back when they were practicing shooting drills, but they had cooled down since then when they were busy messing with Ben for the past hour or so.

"Say, Mike," Larry spoke while stretching his arms. "Why didn't you just accept the 1v1? Wouldn't that be faster?"

"Hm." Mike gave a vague response as he dribbled a ball. Honestly, he had no idea either. Why didn't he accept a 1v1 against that clown? He couldn't quite put it into words but his instincts told him it was risky.

"Heh." James snickered. "Don't tell me you're scared of that dude?"

"Hmph, as if." Mike shot a glare at James, making the guy squirm a little. "It just makes more sense to play 3v3. I mean, basketball is a team game, right? It should be played with teams."

"Really?" Larry asked. "Isn't 1v1 your strongest suit?"

"So what if it is? It doesn't change the fact this is firstmost a team game. Besides, if they think they can challenge us as a 'club', it makes sense to make them bring more than one player, right? That Lars guy might be good at basketball but I'm sure the rest of them suck hard."

It was difficult to assess Lars's skill level at a glance, but his tall posture and sturdy frame implied he was quite the athlete. And, seeing as he dared to challenge Mike head-on, it was clear he had some basketball experience. But, the same couldn't be said about the nerdy boy by his side.

[Yuel, was it?] Mike vaguely recalled the name. Honestly, the guy didn't leave much of an impression. He was nothing more than a backup for Lars, who was the actual main force of the club. [I gonna bet this Yuel guy plays Support, heh.]

Unlike with Lars, there wasn't any hint that this Yuel fellow was any good at basketball or at sports at all. Maybe he wasn't a fatass like Ben, but neither did he have an athletic build. Yuel looked like one of these skinny nerds, the typical gamer who pretended he was an athlete while sitting on his ass the whole day.

Seeing this guy was what sparked the 3v3 idea. It was far safer to challenge an unknown enemy when he had weak teammates dragging him down. This way, no matter how good Lars was at basketball, there was no chance he'd ever win, not even by accident.

And, to add some more spice to the setup, Mike nominated Ben as the third member of that lousy team. That was going to be the final nail in Lars's coffin. It was the perfect setup, far safer than accepting a 1v1 against an opponent of unknown skill.

[Hmph. It's not like I think Lars actually got anything on me.] Mike scoffed. [But, better safe than sorry. I can't embarrass myself in a 1v1. They challenged us in our own game, on our own turf. So, we gotta mop the floor with them no matter what.]

Mike's preparations were flawless. No matter how good Lars turns out to be, the guy won't be able to carry that sorry excuse for a team all by himself. That dumbass dug his own grave when he challenged Mike.

The agreed 10 minutes have passed. Both teams gathered at the center of the court.

[Good.] Mike smiled to himself. The enemy team complied with his request to a T and dragged Ben to participate in this match without objecting any further. [Honestly, I was expecting them to resist a little more. Oh well. It gonna a cakewalk. Though, I'm not sure I care for that look on Ben's face...]

"Huh, so you're playing." Mike towered over Ben and glared at the fat kid.

"A-Ah, yeah..." Ben stuttered and averted his eyes. "You asked me to play, right?"

"I sure did," Mike said plainly. "Heh, thought you'd run away or make excuses. Looks like you got some balls if nothing else."

"Hey," Lars interrupted the intimidation session. "What's up, dude?"

"Hmph." Mike shrugged. "I was just making sure our [friend] over here got his shit together. It'd be a shame if you lose this match because of him, you know?"

"No problem." Lars grinned confidently. "Ben gonna rock this game, just you watch!"

"Hah. Yeah, right." Mike snorted and turned his back to the two clowns.

"I-I am...!" A squeaky voice made Mike pause and look back.


"W-We plan to win!" Ben mustered all the fleeting courage in his body to squeeze out these words. "S-So, I can play to the win, right?"

"Huh?" Mike's face contorted a little. "Well, duh. Of course you gonna be trying to win. Or what, you were planning to be a scarecrow or something?"

"O-Okay then." Ben nodded strongly. There was an irking glint of determination in his eyes.

"Wait, don't tell me you actually believe you can win?"

"W-We won't know until we try." Ben averted his eyes from Mike's spearing glare.

"Yeah, exactly!" Lars tuned in. "You never know how things gonna turn out until it happens, yo!"

"Hmph." Mike scoffed. [I'm already used to seeing this idiot spout whatever nonsense he wants, but now even Ben is saying that shit? That unfounded confidence gotta be infectious or some shit. I better not catch the flu from it.]

Where was that nonsensical confidence coming from? The enemy team was at a clear disadvantage from every possible angle. Mike pulled all the necessary strings to guarantee that was the case.

And yet, their morale was abnormally high. They weren't quaking in their boots as he expected.

[These fuckers are really thinking they got a chance.] Mike grimaced. [Okay, bring it on. We'll destroy your asses. You'll be crying to your mamas after we're done with you!]

"We'll start on the offense," Mike declared. His sharp tone made it clear there was no room for bargaining.

"Okay," Lars didn't even try to object.

[Tch, you're that confident, huh.] Mike clicked his tongue as he hit the ball against the floor. [I really hate guys like you who pretend they can achieve anything so easily. Do you think you're special just because you made it into the Mancers club or something? If so, you're in for a world of pain!]

"James," Mike passed the ball. "You know what to do, right?"

"Yep, no problem!" James saluted. "Leave the passing to me."

"Right." Mike nodded.

Out of the three of them, James's passes were the slickest. As such, he was the best fit for opening the game. He'll definitely deliver a convenient pass.

"Give it to me," Mike ordered as positioned himself on the three-pointer line. "I'll score in 5 seconds."


All six players assumed their positions on the court. Meanwhile, the fourth guy from the Classmancers club stood near the scoreboard. They agreed he'll handle that part.

[This mofo better not be cheating.] Mike shot the guy a glare just in a case. Judging by the nervous reaction the message got across. ["You try cheating and I'mma dunk your ass into the basket."]

Everything was set. The game was about to start with Mike's team on the offensive, per his demand.

It was a little forceful of a demand even by his standards. Things like that were usually decided by a coin flip. But, Mike didn't want to cut any corners. He capitalized on anything to gain the upper hand, no matter how small it was.

[That's how you win games.] Mike thought. [Gotta be prepared for anything. I'm not gonna give them any chances to catch me with my pants down, especially not on my turf.]

With James opening the game on the offensive, the team should be off to a good start. But, unbeknown to them, one player was carefully analyzing all their movements and words, brewing a counter-plan right under their noses.

[So, that's how they start off.] Yuel nodded to himself. [So, let's go with plan No.3 then.]

"I'll challenge him," Yuel announced.

"You sure?" Lars asked.

"I believe this is the best arrangement. Meanwhile, you should stick close to Mike as we discussed. According to Ben, he's the most dangerous player they got."

"Okay, gotcha." Lars nodded and lowered his voice. "So, watcha plan to do?"

"For starters, I'll try to steal the ball," Yuel said plainly. "Then, I'll pass it to you."

"Sounds solid but ya think it gonna be that easy?"

"We'll see," Yuel said. "I have a trick that might work at least once."

"Hehe, sounds good!" Lars snickered. It was always fun watching the wild things Yuel came up with for basketball. This 200 IQ dude played so differently from everybody else.

"Stay outside the three-pointer line," Yuel instructed. "You can score from there, right?"

"Of course! Who do you think I am?" Lars flashed his teeth in confidence.

"Good. I'll pass to the outside. They won't expect that the first time."


With the plan set in motion, Yuel advanced toward the center of the court to intercept the enemy's opening attack, to confront James, the "passing expert" according to Ben.

For the first round, the team on the offensive started off from the center of the court. Yuel received the ball and then gently passed it back to the opponent in front of him. This was the handshake gesture that signaled the beginning of the game.

[Now, let's put Ben's information to test.] Yuel concentrated on the target in front of him.

According to Ben's intel, James was the passing specialist in this trio. He was often tasked with opening attacks or and delivering the ball to the best attacker, Mike.

As for James's skill in other areas, Ben didn't have anything special to say. Most likely, the guy was rather mediocre. At least, that's what Yuel was counting on.

That's why, out of the three opponents, Yuel had the most confidence in facing James. It sounded like this guy was the weakest link when it came to one-on-one situations.

On top of that, James seemed like the biggest brat of the gang. Ben attested that James tended to be too spontaneous for his own good. Similarly, Yuel also profiled the guy as a goof.

[Players like that are the easiest to trick.] Yuel lowered his arms and stood straight in front of his opponent. His entire body was relaxed. He didn't apply even the smallest hint of pressure on his opponent.

Naturally, that made the opponent raise an eyebrow.

"The heck?" James cocked his head. [What's with this lazy stance? Is this guy a total scrub or something? That ain't how you defend, bruh.]

James dribbled the ball a few times as he carefully examined the boy in front of him. There was nothing intimidating about this guy, not in the slightest. He wasn't tall, his frame wasn't buff, and his stance made him look like a scarecrow.

[I can get past him ez.] James cracked a laugh. [Yeah, let's do that. No need to pass from all the way out here. I'mma get past him and then pass. Ezpz.]

James dribbled the ball a few more times, then he caught it in his hands. He had to get moving soon or else somebody will complain about the shot clock.

[Okay, let's play this cool.] James snickered. [I'mma pretend like I'm going for a pass, then I'mma break through! The coolest shit ever! I probably don't even need to do that kinda stuff against a scrub like him, but it's more fun this way, hehe.]

James raised the ball with both hands and directed it in Mike's direction as if he was about to pass the ball. However, his true intention lied elsewhere! And, there was no way his scrubby opponent will ever figure it out! Or, so he believed...

[It's a feint.] Yuel could tell by James's body language. The snickering boy looked like a brat about to pull a prank. [As I suspected, he's not that good in 1v1 situations.]

James raised the ball as if to pass it to the right, then broke into a dribble on the left!

[Gotcha, bitch!] James grinned as he dribbled past his scrubby opponent. That scrub stood no chance!

Even without this feint, that Yuel guy probably couldn't steal a ball even if his life depended on it. And, James just outplayed that n00b with a pro move! This was an absolute victory!

[Okay, now who do I pass to?] James checked both sides.

From this awesome position, it was easy to get the ball to either Mike or Larry. Once he gets the ball to either one of them, the attacker will convert into a goal ezpz. James just had to pick one of 'em and get them the ball... wait, what ball?

[Wut?] James blinked. His hand continued the dribbling motion by instinct, but it was dribbling through empty air!

"Wha-!?" James jumped in panic. Where did the ball go!? Did he drop it somewhere during the feint? No, he wouldn't make a dumb mistake like that, would he!?

"Where the heck...!?" James turned around and searched the area behind him.

The ball was nowhere on the ground. Well duh, of course it wasn't. There was no way James would drop the ball like that in a middle of a simple dribble. Sure, he didn't take club practice too seriously but he wasn't a scrub.

Then, where? Where did that dang ball go!?

[Think!] James racked his brain. [Where could I lose it? I dribbled past that scrub and now I'm here... oh.]

He finally found it. The ball was right there, in the least likely position. It was in the opponent's hands!

[What? When? How did he...] James was at a loss for words. It was impossible. [That dude was standing there like a scarecrow! He doesn't even know how a defensive stance looks like! Not to mention, I faked him like crazy! Then, how...?]

"James, you dumbass!" Mike barked. "What are you standing there for!? Get the ball back!"

"A-Ah, right!" James sprinted toward his opponent but it was too late. The enemy won this exchange.

[I did my part.] Yuel passed the ball toward Lars.

It was an easy pass to deliver. Mike was partially marking Lars, but he was only cautious about Lars venturing deeper into the court. It was the most natural line of play to defend against, as most players had to get close to the basket in order to score.

However, Lars was an exception to that rule. He was a special type of player who didn't care about getting close to the basket. Therefore, it was easy to send him a pass to the outside that won't be interrupted. Although...

"Sorry, it's a little off!" Yuel warned. His amazing coordination struck again.

"No problem!" Lars darted toward the ball. "I'm already used to it, haha!"

"I'm glad to hear it..." Yuel made a face.

This was so lame. Even though Yuel successfully outsmarted James and stole the ball, he failed to do something as simple as delivering a proper pass. Sigh.

Luckily, Lars was the receiver. That athletic goof will get the ball for sure even from this subpar pass.

"Got it!" Lars reached the ball and started dribbling. As he turned around, he came face-to-face with a defender who has been sticking to him like a gumshoe.

Mike stretched his arms wide to block the path ahead. "You're not getting through."

"Yeah, ya right." Lars grinned confidently and glanced at the basket. "I ain't getting through."

"Huh?" Mike raised an eyebrow. That wasn't the reaction he was expecting. And, what's with that confident grin? It didn't make any sense. Lars should be feeling pressure from this tight mark, not laughing it off.

"More like, I don't [need] to get through." Lars assumed a shooting position, with his eyes locked on the basket.

"Huh?" Mike could only blink in confusion at this. [Is this guy for real? He's going for a 3-pointer from all the way out here???]

Scoring a 3-pointer was already hella hard even when attempted from the very edge of the 3-pointer line. Yet, this madman was about to shoot the ball from at least five steps away from said line.

[Hah. Whatever.] Mike turned around and ran toward the basket. [Assuming he's not playing mind games with me and he's actually shooting, then he gonna miss for sure. I'll just get the rebound and start an offense.]

WHISH! Lars actually sent the ball flying toward the basket. Turned out this wasn't an attempt to lower Mike's guard or anything sophisticated like that. This idiot really thought he could score from all the way over there. The nonsense of this clown knew no bounds.

Fortunately, Mike was prepared. He positioned himself underneath the basket, ready to snatch the ball at any moment. Once the ball misses the target and falls down, Mike's team will restart their offense!

Alas, things didn't quite go as expected. The ball... it passed through the basket. It actually went in, without even grazing the hoop. It was a clean goal.

"Whoa!" James exclaimed. "Yo! Did you guys just see that shit!?"

"Heh, that was sure something..." Larry shuddered a little.

[He actually did it.] Mike couldn't believe it either. [A fluke? No, he was confident he'll score it from all the way over there. Is that for real?]

The trio locked their eyes on the magician who pulled this impossible trick. They expected to see some hint of surprise on his dumb face, but he only had one thing to say to them.

"First blood, yo!"

At that moment, Mike and Co. started realizing they were dealing with a basketball freak here...

DarkClaymore DarkClaymore

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