Hui Lan's soft body fell off from her large grey horse and crashed into two black and white pillows that had been waiting for her to fall onto.
The thud sound wasn't too loud, so it hadn't caught everyone's attention. Those who were wandering far away continued sightseeing.
On the other hand, those who were riding closely behind Hui Lan and surveying the area around her turned towards the direction of the sound one by one.
When Feng Furen saw the grey mare standing alone and her daughter was nowhere to be seen, her heart tightened, "Lan-er!" The middle-aged lady fastened her horse and headed over towards the grey mare.
Su Rong had also just turned back from looking in another direction and was quick to see a familiar clothing colour among the tall grass, "Hui Lan?"
Hello my dear readers,
I hope everyone is doing alright and hope you haven't forgot this novel yet TT. This time, I came back with a long chapter for you guys and hope it cleared one cliffhanger uwu. Let's see what will happen next ><. See you tomorrow, same time as today.
With love...