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70.72% Dragonborn Saga / Chapter 528: Thank you and Fuck off

Chương 528: Thank you and Fuck off

Okay, so I decided to shorten the chapters from 4K words to around 3-2.5K words like before so I can publish more chapters to get more Votes, Views and Collections.

Lords and Ladies, we have 3 absolutely fantastic gentlemen in the party D rank community, say hellos to:-

@Jack Richards


@Josh Wells

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"Jarl Ulfric…"

"Jarl Ulfric?"

"Jarl… Ulfric!"

Comprehension, Question and Realization. Jon made no sense at first but when a large cloaked man walked through the gate of the Great Hall with one Warrior following him, everyone recognized Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak right away.

"It is very funny indeed, Thane Jonhild." The Unexpected Visitor spoke out with his deep powerful voice.

That's Jarl Ulfric alright.

Why is he in Saarthal?

What is he doing here?

Seeing the Jarl of Windhelm and the Leader of the Stormcloak Rebellion walk into the Great Hall caused a great stir in the Hall. The man walked straight towards Jon causing the Firemanes to feel restless. Just like Jon, Ulfric Stormcloak is unpredictable and immensely powerful.

As he stood in front of Jon, his presence caused Princess Julia of Daggerfall to retreat beside Vittoria while Legate Sulla was helped up from the ground by two servants.

Now, it is Jon Dare and Ulfric Stormcloak all facing each other.

"Been long." Jon spoke first.

"Indeed. I like what you have done with the place. Saarthal is the origin of all Nords." Ulfric replied, making himself comfortable.

"It is not your first time here and… this is my turf." Jon replied with a wide smile.

"Haha! Not going to argue, believe me." Jarl Ulfric smiled calmly as he raised his hands, "Unlike our Imperial overlords, I do not seek what is yours?"

Jon acted being taken aback and leaned forward closer to Ulfric looking at him in the eyes.

"Really?" Jon asked.

"Mhm!" Ulfric nodded.

"Damn! Almost fooled me there."

Ulfric looked at Jon with wide eyes and Jon returned the same look then the two burst out laughing with two terrible voices. Jon's voice was clearly stronger though.

"Welcome to Saarthal, Jarl Ulfric. To what do we owe the pleasure?" Jon stood aside and led Jon towards the high table with the lords and the elders.

"Dragons." Jarl Ulfric replied as the seating of the large table was rearranged for Ulfric to sit beside Jon.

"Dragons, eh? I always told people about 'em Dragons and now they finally listen." Jon said as he walked towards his seat

"We would be appreciative if you could assist us figure out the size of this Dragon Crisis." Ulfric said after he greeted the Lords and the Elders.

"It is not small I'm afraid." Jon said and noticed that Princess Julia is also interested in the Dragon incident and turned to her, "But if you may, I was just finishing with our Imperial friends here."

"Please." Ulfric politely nodded.

Even though his appearance caused a big stir and is still causing judging by how anxious Jonrad was, Ulfric showed utmost respect to the noble figures in this hall especially Jon.

Regarding the Imperials, however, Jon was finally giving them the last piece of his mind.

"Your Highness. I am sorry about earlier. Somehow, I don't really control my voice especially lately." He said and raised his Exclusive Exploit Contract in front of her, "Now let's talk about this."

Legate Sulla Trebatius and Princess Julia seemed to have been hit too hard by Jon's voice as their senses were still going haywire but there is no way they would ignore Jon like that.

"Everyone! This paper forced the Empire to play the State of Emergency card and cost itself very very dearly. It would be rude to not give them some face, right?"

Jon's words were filled with mockery and shrewdness.

"But Winterhold doesn't need to hide behind a mere piece of paper in order to stand on its feet anymore… for Winterhold is far stronger than that."

Not needing it?

Somehow this felt worse to the Imperials than what it already is.

Jon had that casual winner smile as he channeled a tiny bit of his Magicka into the paper and…


… the most important piece of paper in Winterhold was ripped to pieces.

It became no more.

There is no longer an Exclusive Contract.

There is no longer a Monopoly for Jon Dare over Winterhold's resources.

None could predict this. Some were even ready to swear that Jon may trade an arm or a leg for this contract but this is not the case as it seemed.

"You… destroyed the contract?" Legate Sulla was hardly believing what he saw, "You just signed the death of your company."

"Fool." Jon looked at him with pity, "What makes you think I needed that piece of paper? Did you perhaps think that every deep pocket in Skyrim would rush to Winterhold so that they can compete with me for the riches of the hold?"

"Everyone will." Sulla Trebatius insisted.

"I know… the Black-Briar, the Silver-Bloods, the Shatter-Shields or maybe the Imperial Guild of Commerce itself may push a horde of businessmen and wealthy individuals towards Winterhold. And? They'll cause me to go bankrupt? Is that what you're thinking?… Bitch please."


"Me? I am Jon Dare. Did you think for one moment that I don't know what you were up to from the beginning, Sulla? You won't find the treasure you seek, you will enter the ruins you were always looking for and you will die. What about me? I will be here in Winterhold waiting for you idiots to do me a very big favor and attract the heaviest purses in the entire continent to my doorstep. I won't be doing any monopoly but Winterhold will achieve diversity and… wait… it already did."

Jon spread his hands left and right.

"Look around you. See the people on your left? These are some of the richest Nord clans. See the people to your right? These are some of the richest individuals that I made very very rich. Do you know why these people are gathered here? To welcome me? Maybe. To eat with me? Possibly. But the real reason these people are here today is because of Money. Investment!

Don't you see? Everybody here is rich and once any piece of land becomes free, they have the right to invest in before any foreigners. But all of a sudden, you Imperials made us even richer by bringing a large amount of money to us which we will accept as investors as well. Legate Sulla, I am deeply thankful for this grand opportunity you presented Winterhold. Truly… Thank you… and Fuck off!"

With the end of the DDC Monopoly, the Real New Phase is investment and Winterhold needed new blood and money. Jon aimed for diversity from the start and as he used his previous act as if Winterhold contains boundless treasures only he was allowed to dig up so that he can attract more attention, everyone now is attracted to Winterhold where there are hundreds of opportunities. Jon even had his first patch of investors ready and waiting after they ate his famous mind-numbing kabab.

He really needed a method to end his monopoly and advertise for Winterhold but who knew the Imperial Legion itself would be doing the advertisement for him no charge required.

Jon was also done with Legate Sulla after foreshadowing his future. In truth, Legate Sulla found proof that there exists a long lost Dwemer City under Winterhold and he coveted the discovery from himself only to end up sending a group of poor people to a horrifying and painful doom. The player can always encounter Legate Sulla Trebatius in the deepest parts of the ruins of Alftand fighting the last of his companions over the credit for the discovery.

Now, the only one left was Legate Julia, the Princess of Daggerfall.

"Your highness, you are welcome to stay in Winterhold for as long as you like considering you are the Princess of a friendly Nation but please deliver a word to your General. Next time he wants something from me, he better come himself."


After the Imperials left, many people wanted to hear Jon's thoughts about the Dragons but he dispersed them to meet Ulfric Stormcloak.

It was evening now in Winterhold and Saarthal was lit by torches and magelights. In the Dare Tower middle section, the Quarters, Jon was brooding at a window listening to a report from Jullanar.

"That's all for today."

"Good job. Make sure that our friends understand what they are investing their money into. They are regular investors in the gold's resources, not investors in my company. They should also wait until the Company gives them the money they need." Jon said.

"Alina was thinking of opening the Company for investment but you seem to be strongly against it. Why is that?" Jull asked.

"I am old-fashioned and I don't like trusting investors. My money, my business… I supervise the hold's assets and know its secrets better than most. Leave the farming, mining and quarrying for our friends; I want to play the bigger trades."

"Magic and Industry?"

"Indeed… alongside Finance. I still monopolize more than one-third of the hold after all. With the Firemanes and the Moonblades being the biggest investors after us followed by the Shield-Thanes and the Bannermen, I feel very comfortable about our position."

"Alright… other than that, we have already gathered all the dirt we have on Legate Sulla Trebatius and will present it to the Imperial Legions from various sources. Once he is completely screwed and dishonorably discharged, we will… discharge him for good."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Can I keep his head?"

"Stop acting like a child." Jon flicked her forehead and she smiled.

"Where is Alina?" He asked.

"She will be here… Whoopsie-daisy! Our time is up, your guest has arrived."

Jull retreated after stealing a kiss from Jon then opened the room's door. Ulfric Stormcloak was standing there with his bodyguard looking at her after he was guided in by Wulfur. The room was simply a small cafeteria fancily decorated unlike anything in this world with a bar, many bottles of liquor and an access to the roof of the Great Hall.

Ulfric didn't really understand how Jon designed this strange tower and truth be told, neither did Jon. The Tower's ultimate purpose was to act as a pedestal for the Elder Scrolls but its lower section became a Great Hall for important events, its middle section became a social club for the high society of Winterhold called the Quarters while the upper part was a great Library.

"Jarl Ulfric, it is nice to see you." Jon welcomed him.

"Thane Jonhild." Ulfric greeted him back.

"Please, have a seat."

Jon and Ulfric sat down and started lightly chatting while Jullanar, Wulfur and Ulfric's bodyguard were on standby. The situation was stiff but Jon and Ulfric acted casually.

Jon ordered two goblets and a large bottle of wine from the bars nearby then poured it and put them between him and Ulfric.

Silently, Ulfric observed the goblets and looked at Jon distrustful. Jon giggled while shaking his head and held each goblet once taking sips.

"Fine stuff."

As he put them back on the same distance between him and Ulfric, the latter smiled as well and picked the one on his left.

"Cheers then."


The two drank their wine and looked at each other once again.

"How is the War?" Jon asked.

"For Skyrim." Ulfric replied.

"Not for its sons and daughters?"

"For them as well."

"What about Talos?"

"For Talos."

"And Honor?" Jon asked.

Ulfric paused and looked in his goblet.

"… There… is no Honor."

"Told you so." Jon couldn't help but say that.

"The Empire had enough with you. I will be blunt, Jon. Join me." Ulfric said.

"You? Not us?"

"Fine… Join us."

Jon looked at him and smiled.

"There is no point convincing me. You can ask Jarl Korir."

"I spoke to him."


"He agreed." Ulfric said.


Ulfric narrowed his eyes.

"He is your Jarl."


"… You won't join us?"


Ulfric and Jon reached a stalemate without even being bothered by the other's attitude. Maybe Ulfric was bothered a little but he drank it over either way.

"Don't you want the War to end?" Ulfric asked.

"I do. But if I joined your war game, thousands will die." Jon said.

"You still hate War."

"I do… call me a coward, I won't mind it."

"And you think the Imperial Legion will respect your wishes? You've seen what they tried to pull off." Ulfric was finally triggered.

"And they saw what I can do."

"You are no longer the Demigod from the Battle that day. They want to make sure you don't become that again."

"Sure. They would be fools if they let me be." Jon said, "Then again, are you saying that I must be a Demigod to scare the Empire… am I a joke to you?"

Jon asked half kidding but his words were right on spot.

"Heh! You showed them well today. But what of tomorrow? Will you ward the Empire of Winterhold forever?"

"I can. Actually… I did." Jon said and smiled, "General Tullius made a dick move with me. Now he knows that he will be rendered dickless if he tried any dick move ever again."

"How so?"

"Imagine a General of the Imperial Legion declaring the State of Emergency then failing to achieve his goal in the end. He wanted my Contract. Why? He wanted it as leverage. How? He thought I would do anything for him if he takes the contract from me. Now there is no contact, no leverage. What about Winterhold? Richer each second than the one before it. The General? Let's see if he can set one foot in Winterhold."

"But Jarl Korir…"

"He supports you. He will send you his men and his money and that's all. My deal with Jarl Korir extends beyond a mere contract. I build houses, move ships, offer services, make jobs, organize lives. Supporting you is a luxury for Jarl Korir, supporting me is what basically keeps his hold together."

In other words, whether Jarl Korir supports Ulfric or not, it means nothing.

"Winterhold is part of the Old Holds… actually, it is the Oldest Hold. As a wounded Hold that is still being rebuilt, this place will be an asylum for anyone who wants to keep away from the war. The Empire will soon give up on me and so will you. Either way, the result of this War doesn't even matter."

Jon had a great insight regarding the War of Skyrim and he understands how it eventually ends. He didn't need to worry about joining it or not.

Ulfric could see through Jon and how he viewed this war as meaningless. By that, there is no longer a need to press any further. Jon is neither an ally nor an enemy. He at least can be a friendly neighbor.

Ulfric sighed as he no longer needed to pretend. He was indeed frustrated. Still, Jon had a piece of his mind to give Ulfric.

"You fucked up… big time." He said.

"You think so?" Ulfric asked

"I know so… you killed my friend." Jon replied.

"Torygg? He was weak." Ulfric became disdainful.

"Weak? Yes, he was. Annoyingly so." Jon agreed, "He could have done a lot of things but he wasn't the right king for such a period."

"Maybe." Ulfric didn't agree or disagree.

The two became silent in a heavy mood for a while until finally Ulfric brought out the final topic.


"Yes, something fun to speak about." Jon also wanted to not speak about politics.

"Fun? Have you seen a Dragon up close?" Ulfric was outraged but Jon's statement.

"Three times." Jon replied.

"You've seen the one in Helgen?" Ulfric asked.

"You have no idea." Jon laughed and nodded.

"Jon Dare, from what we know, you are the only expert about Dragons and you even know the Dragonborn we heard about."

"You heard right." Jon confirmed, "I stumbled upon a certain prophecy a long time ago and I knew there will be Dragons."


"Congratulations, Jarl Ulfric. You have survived the World Eater him-very-self. Now, let me truly tell you about them Dragons."

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