Wherever he went, all he could see were countless trees, tall and thick bushes. The pain coming from every part of his body and the nauseating smell of the blood leaking out of his fresh wound confirmed to him that this situation was, in fact, real. His rapidly beating heart and the shrieking of the incoming enemies made the pigolo feel desperate, nevertheless, he never stopped even for a second.
He was mentally exhausted and physically fatigued yet his legs kept running, jumping, and leaping over large boulders, trying to lose the chasers off his trail. Unfortunately, he used a considerable amount of his energy and he had to protect the little girl under his shoulder so it was to be expected that he was slower than the still energetic white specters. As for flying to the sky? That would make him an open target and reveal his location to the enemies, who sealed off the whole forest, cornering him and trapping him like a rat.
We're reaching the end of Volume 8.