Though Ves and Gloriana had fallen into their low periods for a time, that did not make them useless.
The biggest downside to their current states was that they weren't able to design mechs with their usual passion.
That was not a serious problem.
They just had to devote their attention to something else that did not require as much creativity and imagination.
Aside from studying, tutoring their assistants and managing their subordinates, the newlyweds also laid the groundwork of their second round of projects.
They had already made the first decision when they met aboard the Stellar Chaser.
On April 25, I have picked several reader submissions to include in the story in one form over another. Although I originally stated that I would just select 2 winners, I became so impressed with what you have come up with that I picked a lot more.
These are the submissions that have won the contest based on quality, fit and charm:
Andrenidae - By Sharpie One - Discord
Vivacious Wal - By Beroster047 - Ch 2502
Graveyard - By Wolff - Discord
Gorgoneion - By Beroster047 - Ch 2460
Discendibus - By DemonDamian - Ch 2460
Diligent Ovenbird - By TechnoViking - Ch 2460
The following ship has won the contest through a random lottery:
Cornucopia - By Kixtia - Ch 2460
In addition to these winners, the following ship design submissions have impressed me so much that I have put them on reserve. I may use some or parts of them in the distant future.
Blinding Banshee - By Majulio - Discord
Nyahalla - By Agniwolf - Ch 2460
Grave Exemplar - By Virilitas - Ch 2460
Dragons Den - By Agniwolf - Discord
Lady Bathory - By Raile21 - Ch 2460
The ship designs that have won the contest by selection and by random lottery are guaranteed to be implemented in The Mech Touch.
The ships designs that have been put on reserve may or may not be included in The Mech Touch.
IMPORTANT: I will adapt and interpret the winning ship design submissions according to my discretion. The capital ships that will appear in The Mech Touch may not exactly conform to the winning submissions. I may change some details or aspects in order to fit the setting and the narrative direction of the story.