Ever since Gavin informed him of the huge shift in worship pattern among the Ylvainans in his fleet, Ves felt more anxious about this group than ever.
Religious fanatics always concerned him a lot. Unlike normal people, fanatics wholeheartedly devoted themselves to whatever cause they idolized!
This compulsion could be used for both innocuous ends and destructive ends! When people turned off the part of their brains that ran on logic, they were capable of doing anything regardless of the harm to their own lives and wellbeing!
This was why Ves hated them so much. To him, reality made much more sense when people solely pursued their rational self-interests. Extremists and fanatics were some of the people who were most prone to ignoring this pattern, which made them very hard to predict and guard against!
It was already bad enough that some of his enemies consisted of fanatics.
It was worse when they counted among his allies!
Hello everyone.
I am nearing 2000 chapters for The Mech Touch now. I must say that when I started to write this novel, I never imagined I would go this far.
While my novel is far from the top earning original novel on this site, I am very happy that I have been able to earn a comfortable living through my writing.
To be honest, even a year ago I did not expect to reach this level of success. While I don't have a large base of readers like some other novels on this site, I have still been able to persist in my writing with the fans I have.
For that, you have my thanks.
It is a great honor for me to earn your appreciation through my writing. It humbles me to think that many readers find my story to be entertaining enough that they are willing to fork over actual money to keep reading.