The night was long and Xhemin had nothing but questions with her.
What the heck was her grandfather up to?
And why did he have to do the Staw Serums by himself without telling her?
Xhemin continued to follow Dr. Dugmoch steps. As much as she didn't want to pry with his own adult business, the girl was kind of hesitant to leave him all alone in the dark apart from the fact that she was also a nosy cat and she wanted to know where he was going.
Later, Dr. Dugmoch halted somewhere in the forest, near a shallow cliff. He put the sack on the ground and sat on one rock doing nothing but just stared at the running water of the loch.
Xhemin on the other hand hid herself in one tree few meters from her grandfather and peeped on his next steps. Yet, few minutes had passed and all Dr. Dugmoch did was sat there calmly, staring at the open loch's running water below the shallow cliff.
Very raw chapters. I'll schedule an edit at the first week of May. I just need to finish off these parts. Please be a little patient with the typo's till then