Pudding said, "Good idea."
Little Bean answered, "Come at me, I'm not scared of you."
Pudding answered, "Qin Mumu, listen here, it's best of one. If you lose, don't say that it's best of three or other stupid stuff like that."
Little Bean replied, "Don't worry, I'm true to my word."
Pudding said, "The problem is that you are never true to your word. How can I trust you?"
Little Bean replied, "Can you stop throwing shade?"
Three, two, one...
"Rock, paper, scissors," the sisters said simultaneously.
Pudding had paper and Little Bean had rock.
"You lost, Mommy. Nantian Springs, thank you." After speaking, Pudding sat back to play her game.
"Mommy, why do I always lose?" Little Bean made a sad face.
"You always use rock. Why can't you change it up?" Huo Mian smiled and looked at Little Bean from the rearview mirror.
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