The head nurse was still bickering with Dr. Wu when Huo Mian entered the clinic.
"Nevertheless, I will not agree to fire Huo Mian," the head nurse insisted.
Wu Xiaoxue, with a pompous expression, scolded the head nurse, "You're just protecting her because she's one of your people, do you know that? Who is she? She's just a nurse! Who gave her the nerves to perform surgery on a pregnant patient? Does she think she's Norman Bethune? What if something had happened? It would affect our hospital's reputation! Will you be able to take responsibility for that? Or can she?"
"The important thing is that Huo Mian performed the operation immaculately. The other doctors in our clinic all checked diligently. The patient's sutures were perfect, and her newborn is doing well. There were no accidents."
6th chap