Lin Mingyu smiled and laughed mockingly. Then, he rested his chin on both of his hands as he stared into Huo Mian's eyes and said, "You know of the work forensic officers do, right? Foremost, we conduct chemical and biological tests on specific extracted materials. Second, we conduct clinical medicine tests, which utilizes clinical knowledge to inspect and detect the biology of a given matter and its pathology. This allows us to resolve the responsibilities in medical incidents, to prevent the spread of viruses in biohazard situations, so on and so forth. There are three main categories of investigation methods during this process, based on chemistry, biology, and physics. Which techniques does each of these categories include? Of course, you don't have to name all of them. I'll let you pass even if you only mention a few notable ones."
"That's right, I've got my eyes on you." Who the fck even says that? I mean, unless you are someone like Qin Chu, this pickup line just doesn't work hommie