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40.9% .The King. / Chapter 9: Chapter Nine

Chương 9: Chapter Nine

The lords looked with fear and awe at the little dragons that were in front of their eyes, but more attentive they were to the ruler of the north, Harry had in the palm of his hand a white colored Dragon that right now was like a cat, it was only a short time ago that all of them had been born, which increased the magic in the north, with magic they were going to do many things and one clear thing was that the world needed magic to be used again, but he was going to take care of that.

But it wasn't the only Dragon that was with him, a black and green Dragon was on his shoulders, lying quietly, to the lords it only meant that the dragons thought Harry was their father, it was the only answer they had. But fear was something common in the human being, everyone was afraid of something, and the one who says he is not afraid of anything, is because he had not found it yet, the dragons were the animal that made the reign of the Targaryen last for a long time, and when they gradually disappeared things went wrong, some kingdoms began to rise little by little, no longer complying with the king's orders.

Harry knew why the dragons became extinct, you can't keep such a magnificent creature locked up, they need freedom, not only for them to grow, but for their power to be much greater.

In this world dragons was the greatest power of magic, now that power was going to grow and in time magic was going to become more abundant and easier to use, what did that mean, it could stop winter from hitting the North hard. Maintaining a neutral climate during the winter, that would be perfect, no one would suffer from the cold, and they would be able to work quietly, making sure that the South could never reach them, winter was something that hit the North very hard, which meant that they could never advance when winter ends, the only thing that is in the head of a northerner is to prepare for the next winter, it was a cycle that never ended, and now it was time to put a pause to that.

Slowly he put the dragons he removed back in their cages, where they were now safer, but some things were missing, there were more cages, which were covered, which meant there were many more creatures, which made them think what was Harry planning.

The North was full of animals, why not use them for their benefit, being able to use a bear in a war, a wolf to hunt or chase any infiltrator in the North, all that was going to be a great benefit for the North. Besides that it was certainly going to help the houses, animals could detect anything strange, and they were much more efficient than a human when it came to detecting something strange.

Also in this world, it was not so different from his, there were several animals, that he wished to have in the north, while the war was raging, he was looking for those animals, he needed to have them under his control, since as adults they were not going to be of much use to them as they were going to be difficult to tame, and he found them.

He had to send some faceless men to get these animals to the most dangerous corners of the world, and luckily they managed to get all the ones he wanted, he was not only going to help them against their enemies but also against the white walkers. They did not have a dragon, and they could not pass without one, so the dragons were not going to pass beyond the wall, and there was also the three-eyed raven, he was not yet aware of his presence, which was good, being the envoy of death helped a lot to make that so-called God not do anything, but he was sure that in a very short time, he would realize his presence, but it would not change anything, now he had enough power to neutralize any move he made, he knew he was beyond the wall, so he only had to prevent him from passing to this side. A barrier was going to be enough, but he needed to know what he was planning, he needed to enter his mind, and then expel him.

But he was not an idiot, these animals were extremely dangerous, and one had to be careful with the production of these, although they gave great military might, they could also be the beginning of the end of the North, so they were going to have a limit. Thanks to the magic he could make them loyal, and also postpone the mating season for them, as he was not sure he could control them in numbers and when he was not around, it was going to be without a doubt a nuisance that they would all get out of control, so the armors that these animals would wear in the future, were going to have loyalty runes. It was the only way to keep them all under control, of course, this was only going to be known to him, the smiths who made the armor, when these animals reach adulthood.

Harry thought about these moves, it was dangerous, but where would the fun be if they didn't dare to do something crazy, this was a new world for him, where he had to exploit as much of his potential as he could, and he knew that these people were going to support him, besides that, there were the creatures that he brought from his old world, it was time for them to come to light. The north was like the forest that surrounded his old school, full of life where they could be at ease, where the only thing they could do was to serve the king of the north.

- "The north will not only have Dragons, various animals that man fears, will be under our care, we have to breed them to be loyal to us" - Harry was starting again with his speech, he always had something to say and of course, the lords were convinced of that - "So far I have not failed you, we have a fleet of ships, we do not have many ships like the Tyrells, the Lannisters or mainly the Greyjoys... but the most powerful... If the Targaryens could tame dragons, why can't we tame these creatures?"

The whispers were not long in coming, wondering what their Lord was up to, and knowing of the possibilities they could have if they followed him, so far that was all they were doing, following him, because who was going to deny that Harry's slightly off ideas would currently place them as the greatest power in Westeros, without anyone knowing.

Harry looked analytically at everyone present, doubts were something that was never going to be lacking, as there was the fear of losing everything that was achieved so far, it was natural and he was not going to deny it. But it was a unique possibility, just imagining a fortified north not only with soldiers, but with animals, any infiltrator trying to be clever in the woods was going to be devoured by wolves, bears, or any creature found in these woods, it sounded like a fairy tale, or from someone who was a maniac, but he had everything in his power to achieve it.

Harry had many ideas, but as he had too many ideas, he also wanted to eliminate some things, like for example that no one would find the gunpowder, so far there was no such material in the north, and he hoped that in the south that material would not be found.

- "I sent some Sothoryos people, and they brought me some animals that will not be of much use" - A very subtle way to hide the lie, that continent was very dangerous, and although several animals were brought from that place, others I already had, but I was not an idiot, some animals could not be tamed for example the basilisk, It was one of the animals that he doubted that could be used in this place - "Not all the creatures that we have captured could be loyal, but others that will have to be well cared for, and of course well guarded, since we now have dragons at our disposal, when they grow up they will reproduce, we have to make that reproduction be moderate to be able to raise them more efficiently."

Many of these animals could not be bred in large numbers because of their dangerousness, they had to limit their production to a point where they were not too few to disappear, or too many to not leave them without food which would cause them to try to devour them, they had to do it in moderation. And that is where their new ideas came in, not only of commerce since it was going to be very useful for commerce in the future, and they were the animal farms, as they were going to feed a Dragon when they grew up, for that reason they had to have an animal farm, which could be commercialized with their meat and their skins.

Not only were they going to gain military power which was very important, but they were also going to gain economic power, which gave them much more power to increase the might of each house, the lords were meditating attentively on what Harry was saying, it made sense, the dragons were dangerous, and if they ran out of food they were going to attack them. But currently, there was not an ample amount of food to feed creatures the size of a Dragon, it was fortunate that the Mammoths did not eat meat or they would be dead by now, because of the amount of food each of those animals eat.

- "My Lord, do you have any plans to get food for those huge creatures" - The Lord of House Hornwood was curious about what his lord was planning, they were one of the houses with the most profit, but it was not ambitious, no one in this place was ambitious because of the contract they signed although they did not know that part, but it was the desire to help, to help his lord to get the north to be unstoppable - "How are we going to get a lot of food?"

- "We will create animal hatcheries" - Harry was aware that they had to have a lot of food for what he wanted, wild animals were not good to keep without food, but they were also going to be able to modify their eating schedules, it was good to use magic for those cases - "The Manderly and the Mormont, you two will have marine animal hatcheries, we will go to the right place to build those hatcheries" - Although both of them will have hatcheries it did not mean that both were going to trade, calmly Harry uncovered four cages where four small bears were, two were polar bears and the other two were brown eyes - "The Manderly will trade with all types of fish, while the Mormont will use for bear breeding, moderately.... since they are wild animals... they will have to ask Lord Ryswell to send one of his keepers so they can have those bears very well fed since they will be the animal breeders."

- "My lord, will we also be the breeders of the other animals?" - Asked Lord Ryswell who was very interested in the idea that his men not only take care of horses or mammoths but also other animals, to be loyal to them, from one point of view it was very tempting.

- "House Ryswell will be the only house that will be supervising the breeding of animals, all the houses must pay 100 gold dragons a week, to House Ryswell, for the proper breeding of the animals that will be at their disposal" - There was no refusal to Harry's words, that was good and with that, he gave him the documents, with the way of breeding each animal, since he had to choose the best men for that job - "The Mormonts will have bears, as their shield, but it has to be extremely careful breeding, because of how dangerous they are.... and as I know the Ryswells are very careful with their work, there are two species of bears here, who will care for them when they are young, and few people are allowed to have a bear, primarily only Lady Mormont's daughters or a loyal soldier."

The order was clear, not everyone was going to have an animal, it was more like to protect them, for example when they were in the house, who in his right mind would attack someone with a huge bear taking care of Lady Mormont's daughter, it was practically suicide, but the lords were already understanding Harry's plans, the bears would be very useful for the protection of the island, and of course also to lift heavy cargo from one place to another, without the need to exploit the horses.

Of course, the bears were not tradable, only the Mormont house could have such animals, and that was going to be a fact since Harry always made the lords of each house sign the corresponding agreements so that they would follow the orders as they should be. And it was not only the lords who were affected by this powerful spell, all the northerners listened to the orders, and followed them to the letter. That made the North a beautiful place to live because there was not the ambition that was in the South, something that eventually would eliminate when he is the new king of Westeros because if the Starks were going to be the new kings of Westeros, he was going to take care of it.


The Dominion (High garden)

Margaery Tyrell was a beautiful woman, with intelligence, a talented manipulator who knew how to maneuver in the politics of the Dominion at such a young age, a worthy successor of her grandmother Olenna, of all her brothers, she was the most protected by her grandmother, she saw an impressive future in her grandchildren, she was not going to deny it, but Margaery was her only granddaughter, she put her total attention on her, besides that ability she had.

Margaery could endear herself to people, and use them without them realizing it, with the help of her grandmother, no doubt this was going to be a magnificent weapon for Margaery, it was going to make even the lions tremble, the ease of winning people over with wanting to listen to them or doing charity, when in reality she didn't care about any of that.

Then there was her ability to control her emotions, many people disrespected her, but she did not act in a bad way, but with respect like a true queen, she was ambitious like her kin and everyone else, and she desired power like everyone else, but unlike many others, her machinations were not motivated by a powerful lust or a claim for succession, but simply a desire to secure her family in a place of influence where they could direct political affairs in their favor.

But now there was something that kept her curious, the north, her father arrived furious from the king's landing, as she had to marry Lord Stark, as punishment for laying siege to Storm's End for a whole year. But unlike her father, her grandmother was pleased about that, so she, like a good granddaughter, sought information from the main source of learning in the High Garden. Her grandmother, who was not angry with her marrying a northerner, rather it was a great benefit to them, because the Starks were dear to Robert, practically if he was not a Baratheon he was going to be a northerner, as he had a good relationship with them so that benefited the Tyrells, but then there was the other and more important issue, the north had slight changes that no one discovered.

After the war, his grandmother sought informants from all the kingdoms to know how each one was doing, and who was harmed and benefited by the change of crown, all her spies came back and told them that there were not many changes, so the change of king was not going to hit the Tyrells as much as she had thought before, but the northern informants did not come back in one piece, rather their heads were sent with a note from the Lord of House Stark.


A fortress that was built approximately ten thousand years ago, in its time it was a great fortress with 20 towers and a great wall of black basalt, as high as the walls of Winterfell. And the knowledge that this place was rebuilt and modified was to be feared, according to what his informants could see from afar, there were more than 20 towers, it was much bigger than before. But for now, he was not going to do anything with the north, since momentarily they were his allies, so now he only had to concentrate on his plans exclusively in the king's landing, he had to make the Lannister house have more influence in that place, being his daughter the queen, he would be able to influence quietly to make his people occupy some important places in the kingdom.

Currently, his greatest enemy was the current hand of the king, Jon Arryn would undoubtedly be a nuisance in his way, so he had to move quietly, without much haste, he would not last long in his mandate in that position because his informants found an important detail that would be the end of Jon Arryn, he just had to wait for the right time as a true lion did.

- "And tell me Tyrion, how did you know that Jon Arryn's wife has a lover" - Tywin was curious about that, not even he knew that, until he arrived at Casterly Rock to talk to his son about Moat Cailin, although it was logical that his son did not know anything about that bastion being rebuilt, he was curious about what he was hearing.

- "The information about your enemies is of vital importance, as the king's hand would be a nuisance it is always better to look for his weak points, and that comes with his closest ones" - Tyrion was not going to say that the information came from the north, so disguising any hint of a lie in front of his father, was something he knew how to do, as he always kept his face with neutrality even when he was afraid - "Those points we can use them, Petyr Baelish, he is an ambitious person although apparently, he does a good job, we don't have to trust him too much, we have to know how to use him properly."

- "I have to admit, he is quite a competent person" - Tywin looked at his youngest son who was having a glass of wine, for the first time in all this time, his fiancée was not in his meetings, by his orders, as he wished to speak privately with his son - "I spoke with your brother so that he would leave the royal guard, but he refused... apparently we only have to wait for your sister to have several children with Robert."

- "You know that Robert will be unfaithful to Cersei" - Tyrion knew very well the fame of Robert, and knew that his beloved sister was going to suffer many infidelities from the king, but it was not as if he cared much since their relationship was not very good, so any suffering of his sister was to his liking - "His obsession with Lyanna Stark, will be a problem for Cersei, and knowing very well his work."

- "I don't care about Cersei's complaints, if she can't control Robert, she's not as smart as she thinks" - Tywin gave his verdict with his daughter, he wasn't the best father in the world as he focused solely on House Lannister being in power if the death of his beloved wife made the golden lion's toughness much greater than it was before - "And how is it going with the Castamere mines."

- "Well, they are already working in full, it wasn't that complicated, I thought it was going to be difficult because of the amount of water in those mines" - Tyrion made a gesture about that, seeing what was left of the three hundred people who died drowned in that place was a bit scary for him, but he knew what his father was capable of, that wasn't even five percent of his true cruelty - "The income will come much faster than I had thought."

- "Perfect, we only have to concentrate on acquiring power in King's Landing and increasing our military might" - Tywin saw his son who nodded, apparently he also realized that it was better only to increase the political and military power of the Lannisters in King's Landing since Jon Arryn was going to be a bit busy with Dorne and the North.


King's Landing.

It didn't take a smart ass to know that Robert's reign was off to a very bad start, and it was only three weeks into his reign, but Jon Arryn instantly realized that the balance the Targaryens had in his realm after conquering the seven kingdoms was gone to shit.

The Lannisters were power hungry, with Cersei as the queen he was sure Tywin was going to seek to have his holy will done, it was something he was not going to be able to allow as he was one of his most dangerous political enemies of all, next to the Lannisters was the Tyrells, he was able to get the vote from them to win the pulse of Tywin to be the hand of the king, but rather it was because of the rivalry the two houses had, but their relationship did not begin in a good way because Margaery Tyrell had to marry Harry Stark, and there was another of his problems, a large amount of money was delivered to the north, as an intelligent person he wanted to know what the Starks were going to do with that money and tried to contact some of the spies who were in the north, he never received an answer, which was very strange so he sent two spies, they were sent to his person in a box in small pieces.

That meant bad news, as his relationship with the North was the worst of all, the new lord of House Stark did not trust his person, and neither was he going to be able to get Ned to influence the boy to return the money the crown gave him, it was a very bad point for him.

The north was the place with the most influence on Robert, any attack the north receives, was like attacking the late Lyanna according to what his pupil thought, and it was not good to anger the new king, so he had to work quietly and have others do the dirty work so that his name would never appear. For that reason he worked with Petyr Baelish as the king's master of coins, he did a good job at Port Gull, but what interested him most was his hatred of House Stark, he knew he was in love with Catelyn Tully. He was giving him great power so he could take revenge on the North, but of course, he was going to make it clear that without him, he was nothing.

Many would think it was foul play but life was unfair, there were only two kinds of people, those who use, and those who are used.

- "Petyr, how was your trip" - Jon looked with joy at Baelish, he was going to be a good pawn in his plans to keep the north quiet, he was the weakest of all those who were going to occupy a seat in the royal council, being the hand of the king, Varys although he did not like it was the master of whispers, Renly Baratheon was counselor of Edicts in charge of the laws and justice of the kingdom, Naval Advisor was Stannis Baratheon, he had no problem with them both as they were going to help increase his power, but he did not like that the Grand Maester was still Pycelle.

- "Very calm, my lord" - Petyr made a small bow, and with a small smile that hid his true intentions, he already had a plan to gain more power in the whole kingdom, he was going to indebt the kingdom, and then buy the brothels of the whole kingdom, because it was the best business you could have in the kingdoms, owning a brothel, after that, he was going to be in charge of lending the money to the crown - "I hope to help you to bring order to the kingdom."

next chapter
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