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18.18% .The King. / Chapter 4: Chapter Four

Chương 4: Chapter Four

There were no better smiths than those produced by Qohor, Qohor swords, knives, and armor are superior to any steel forged in the castles of Westeros, and blacksmiths have managed to infuse color into their work, getting precious and durable finishes. It is the only place in the world where they can reforge Valyrian steel using spells, although they guard their secrets jealously.

It was very rare that the Qohor allowed some of their blacksmiths to leave the city, but Harry managed to get 40 blacksmiths to come to the north, all well paid, and with a place where they could live peacefully, they were going to be in command of the Tallhart house, who was in charge of the armaments in the north, 40 blacksmiths divided into young people who were beginning to learn, and adults who already had at least 10 years of experience.

As expected because of the war, no one knew of the arrival of these blacksmiths, only three months had passed since the revolution began and without a doubt, Robert had an absolute advantage over the crown, Harry knew that the north was his priority, but he was not going to take his eye off the war, since a beneficial outcome for the north.

After the arrival of the forty smiths, a surprise came for Harry a week later, Tobho Mott arrived in the north, it was surprising as he was a master of the king's landing arms, but he arrived in the north. It was surprising that the lord, had come north without even sending him a letter asking him for something, but apparently, Qohor had told him that he had to go north, where he would work exclusively for House Stark, the blacksmith was not very happy to say that with the war his business would increase much more, but the Qohor's let him learn and leave the city on one condition. He had to follow their orders or his life was in danger, the secrets of how to work Valyrian steel had to be kept until he found an heir and Qohor accepted him.

Since there were very few people who could work with Valyrian steel, because of how difficult it was. But in less than a week Tobho Mott changed his way of thinking for the North, the Lord of House Stark, showed him several weapons he was planning to create, and wanted him to be closely supervising the creation of everything. But the surprise did not stop there, the boy was able to get Valyrian steel, a good amount to form at least a dozen high-quality swords.

Also arrived in the north the masters Qyburn and Marwyn both brought their things, and no disciple and the citadel did its best for them not to have disciples especially Marwyn for being a master of magic.

They two had escaped from the citadel and because they took so long to remove as many books as they could and get out of that place the citadel was going to ask for their heads, but in the north, they were going to be safe, before their escape.

The heads of all the maesters that were in the north appeared at the main door of the citadel, that was the exact moment to leave that place and come to the north.

When they arrived in the north, everything seemed normal until they realized, the north was working in silence, people were moving normally, but they were working, Winterfell was getting bigger, to house even more people, but at a quiet pace, just not to draw anyone's attention, even they found it hard to realize being inside Winterfell.

In little more than a month, they learned many things, it was incredible that they learned in a week more than they could learn in a year in the citadel. They were grateful to have come, but they also had a warning.

They both had goals, and Harry was willing to help them, but if they betrayed the North and him, they were going to die and to agree a sane spell was used that would follow Harry's words.

Another event welcomed by the North, was the birth of Harry's sister, if her mother gave birth to a girl named Lyanna Stark, like her aunt, as Ashara always liked that name and wished to give it to her daughter. Ashara was saddened by the loss of her husband, but she had her children to ease that pain, her two sons needed her, especially Harry who she knew was someone smart.

He showed it from a very early age, his temperament was like a wolf, he was identical to his father, he hated being told what to do, and he was calculating, patient, and extremely cunning, but he still needed his mother, she always managed to calm her son's fury, as she did with Brandon when he was angry about something, like when he found out that Robert had a bastard, Brandon was about to walk to Storm Bastion to castrate Robert for his stupidity.

Harry acted that way when someone wished to give him orders, the maester tried to persuade Harry to send more troops to help the coup makers, and as it turned out, he had his throat slit and now had two new maesters much more competent than the previous one.

- "My Lady, what are you doing here at this hour" - Marwyn was surprised when he saw Lord Harry's mother walking through the corridors at this time of the morning, for him it was normal, he got used to sleeping late and getting up early to work - "It's strange to see you awake at this hour, and more so without little Lyanna" - Ashara was very overprotective of her children, she needed to be aware of everything they did, even if they were in the same place, and seeing her leave Lyanna in her crib was strange - "You wish to speak with the young master."

- "My son takes everything he does very seriously, to the point that while we sleep, he is awake going around Winterfell to know if everything is as he had planned" - Ashara knew her son, there were no mistakes to be had, although she taught him that from mistakes you learn, Harry was against it just like his father, since a mistake meant that you can lose, and her son did not like to lose - "So as a mother, I have to tell him that he has to rest... he cannot sleep only four hours... he is still a child and he needs to rest."

Marwyn only nodded and went to do his respective tour, leaving Ashara to enter the northern hall, where the northern throne was, made of gray marble, which from afar looked as if it was pure ice, especially in the light of every day while it was cloudy, it showed a much more terrifying appearance. In the middle of the room was the map of all of Westeros, where Harry and Qyburn stood, who was looking at a blueprint, surely for the creation of a new weapon, his son was always coming up with ideas for the creation of new tools.

The two didn't notice Ashara enter, after all, she entered just after Marwyn left, Ashara could see that Qyburn was fascinated by what her son was showing him, and without a doubt she felt proud to be Harry's mother, to see that she could practically surpass Brandon the Builder, and leave a before and after in the north and the world was always something to be happy about.

If it wasn't for this war Harry wouldn't be able to be doing all this, and when the war was over no matter what the outcome, the lords of other kingdoms were going to want his head. They were not going to allow the North to be much more powerful, and that would mean war.

- "My Lady" - Qyburn bowed, he was so focused on the new weapon Harry wanted to create that he could only think that he did not pay attention that his Lord's mother had entered - "I'll leave you alone... I will leave as quickly as possible to the Tallhart house so that they can create this weapon."

Ashara saw that her son needed to rest, she agreed that now that the war was the only important thing for the Southerners, the North had to make the most of it, so she understood that her son practically did not rest, but she was his mother and she had to watch over his safety and health.

So with a look, she made Harry understand what she wanted, Harry adored his mother, in the world, she was the only one who could make him change his mind, the only one who could give him orders and that he would follow, because she was the woman who gave him life, it was lucky not to remember his family ties in the other world, only the information he collected and some more data. That's why he fits so well in this world, why his family was something that always had to come first, and he was going to protect them.

Harry sat in a regular chair, near the map of Westeros, which was littered with papers, on these papers were drawings, and many words, Ashara looked at them sideways, until she saw armor designs, which were created by her son, no doubt she had to admit that her late husband was right, her son was touched by the old gods, he was practically going to leave a mark in the history of Westeros, as someone better than Brandon the builder or anyone else who left his mark, her son would surpass him, and that filled her with pride.

- "Persian Army, Spartans? What is all this" - Ashara saw more names with the respective armor designs, where the one she appreciated the most terrifying was the Persian, she was not afraid to admit that she was not a good military strategist, that position belonged to Brandon, she was a good political strategist, but her son had both, he was a prodigy son, but since she was not good with militancy, she looked at her son looking for questions - "What do you want to create son, for thirteen years I realized that the wolf blood that runs through your veins, is stronger than even your father's."

What did wolf blood mean to the north, unpredictable, the Starks were always unpredictable, and that always brought something good or something bad, depending on each person and the side that person was on. For the north, it was always good, for that reason the Starks were the leaders of the north for over eight thousand years, and with every passing wolf that had the true blood of a wolf, it always brought something good.

Not to go much further, her husband, was a specialist in giving courage to his soldiers, he was a born commander, and that's why the whole north was going to follow Brandon, and now her son who had practically all the support of the north, only the Boltons and another house were a nuisance, only 2 houses were a nuisance, two houses for the moment could not be dealt with.

Ashara understood her son's political maneuvering, with Robert on the throne, the Starks were untouchable because of Robert's affection for the Starks, they were practically family to him. With that, and that Cailin Moat was being rebuilt without attracting much attention, no person could enter the north without them not knowing about it, the spies were being killed. Precisely to weaken their enemies who were always going to seek to stop the North from advancing when they realized it, so the duration of the war was a priority so that Harry could work.

- "I want to create an elite northern force, just like the immaculate" - Harry knew his ancient world and centuries of military advancement, and he had the necessary books to create that military force, they were going to be the elite of the elite, anyone would think twice to try to attack the north, not only would they have the most soldiers, but they would also create new ways to fight a war - "I want to show the world, that the north can create unique soldiers."

- "And what do you need the savages for" - Ashara looked at a piece of paper, she could see the type of costume, it was similar to that of a savage, how did she know that, because her beloved late husband had a costume of a savage who crossed the wall and faced him, a fierce battle, but Brandan came out as the victor - "There is something you are not telling me, my son."

- "If I told you that they are northerners, that they were separated to protect the wall from something, would you believe me?" - Harry separated a book for his mother to know what it was about, Ashara looked at the book was an old one too old, but its cover was in very good condition. Because it had the lettering made of silver, that caught her attention, and opened the book, where was the drawing of the known white walkers. - "I found the Stark library...everything that Brandon the builder left as a legacy...is information about the white walkers... it is not a legend."

Ashara flipped through the page in the book, of how Brandon describes how in the old days the north was much bigger than it is right now, but they couldn't stop the white walkers in their first fights. So they had to create the wall knowing that they were not going to be able to defeat them, they were much more, and every time one of the living die they became one of them.

That is why he created the wall so that they could not destroy all humanity, but some northerners wanted to stay and face them as many times as necessary. After that, they never had contact and with time, it was only believed that they were savages and nothing more.

Ashara stared at the book, the legends were true, and that certainly made her much more afraid, her son not only had to fight against the living, but now against the dead, but she saw something that relieved her, the white walkers could not pass the wall unless they could destroy them and the only ones that could destroy the wall was a Dragon. This meant they didn't possess one which was a relief, but since she saw many strange things happening, so she had to believe that those things existed even if it was real.

- "And is this what have you worried" - Ashara looked, and he shook his head, on one hand, it had logic that he is not worried about what is beyond the wall, but even knowing that the wall was there, she was worried - "And what are you worried about, I am your mother...you can tell me."

- "Let the war end...at least I need 6 months, for everything to be completed, and another 2 months to stabilize the northern economy, now that we are not going to buy more food from the Tully that part will be much easier" - That was why Harry put as a priority that the ships he asked for be built, no matter how, those ships had to be finished, with that ships they were already going to have a naval advantage since there was no ship of that kind - "The less they pay attention to the north, the more prepared we will be when Robert takes the position of the king....how the war is going, it is most likely that the Lannisters will go to the king's landing to betray the crown."

- "The old lion has many reasons to betray the mad dragon" - Ashara knew that Tywin was furious when the King accepted Jaime to be royal guard, which took away him to be the future heir of Tywin who ceased to be the hand of the king, and so far of the rebellion did not make any move, knowing exactly that they had the largest military force currently of all west having in total 75,000 soldiers at their disposal - "You knew how to get your hands on the Martels, you have what it takes to control the Tyrells, but the lion is complicated."

- "It's not complicated, if my aunt Lyanna dies, I will help Tywin's daughter marry Robert, but if my aunt survives I will get Jon Arryn out of the way and put Tywin as the king's hand."

Harry was sure that one of the two things was going to happen, Jon Arryn was going to be a headache, he was sure, but without a doubt, he preferred a thousand times that Jon be the hand of the king, because knowing that Cersei was Robert's wife, the Lannisters were going to have a lot of power, and Jon was going to do his best so that the lion would not get his way, and that would cause the north to be left aside because of the power dispute.

- "And there you can use Ned, to encourage a major alliance with the Lannisters" - Ashara saw the political movement of her son, he was pretending not to play the so-called game, he was going to move the pieces so that those playing would destroy each other, thinking that he was going to give him only support and nothing more - "What do you think of your uncle's betrothed...do you think she is with the north or against the north."

- "That I think is best seen at the moment, when the Tully's realize they will no longer take money from us" - Harry that the northern food production was going very well, with the fertile soil and the magic running through them, caused the food to grow faster and healthier, with no one noticing anything out of the ordinary - "For now it's up to...watch."


Austere House.

It is located in a sheltered bay and has a natural harbor with sufficient depth to accommodate any ship, no matter how large. Wood and stone are abundant in the surrounding area. The water is full of fish, and there are colonies of seals and fur seals nearby.

It is a place considered cursed. The only refuge there are caves.

The men of the Night's Watch who pass with their galleys along the coast call them The Wailing Caves. That is where Benjen Stark was heading, accompanied by two ships, one was the Silent Mary where he was, it was a beautiful ship, of great size, extremely fast he was undoubtedly surprised by the creation of this ship, to his left and right side a ship each, not the same size as the Silent Mary, but they were undoubtedly imposing. Her name was, The Black Pearl, she had a total of 32 12-pound guns, three masts, and a black paint job that made her unmistakable. Of all the ships, this was the fastest, but her destructive capacity was astonishing although inferior to the Silent Mary.

And the second ship was the Dutch, a curious name, while the Pearl was black, this one was completely green, even its sails seemed opaque green, where floated the symbol of the Stark house, has 38 side guns, and two triple cannons in the bow, the curious fact was the ship that had the largest cabin of all, and the one with an organ.

But because Benjen was here, because of the savages, his nephew showed him the book of his ancestors, and he was here to negotiate with them, so that they would all go north, where Harry would be waiting for them.

When he reached the shore he could see a large number of men and women with guns, there were hundreds or maybe thousands, perhaps all the savages were in this place, but he was not afraid, and got off the boat, just him, while those with him watched intently from the boat, ready to attack with the guns if necessary, as the Pearl and the Dutchman were not on the dock as they were in very bad condition, so the only one that stalked up there was the Silent Mary, at a distance where Benjen could get off and they could walk away quietly.

Benjen looked at all the savages, they all had guns and were watching him intently, so he raised for all to see that he had a role as the leader of this place. If what his nephew told him, was that the savages follow the strongest, so the strongest had to be in the front row, but a woman was the one who came out.

- "You are not one of the crows" - The woman had a vision, where all savages were made safe, so she made all the savages come to this place, to wait for them to be saved, and when they were all about to leave the place, these three ships appeared - "You come from the other side of the wall."

- "My nephew, he sent me to take you south of the wall, he knows about the existence of the white walkers...and he doesn't want any of you to join his army" - Benjen raised his voice so that as many people could hear him, it was necessary to remove them from here, it not only helped to populate the north but also militarily - "My nephew knows about what the Night King can do, we found the book that the creator of the wall left. ..." - Ben knew it was going to be difficult, but he had to try, he had to talk to them - "If we want to have a chance when they move, we have to work together."


Casterly Rock

Tywin sent for his brothers and his son, he wanted to have a conversation with them about which side to take in this war, or if it was preferable to wait, he had the army necessary to tip the balance towards the crown, but he knew he was going to lose soldiers, that was bad from his point of view, so he had the option to join Robert. But he was not alone in this decision, as it was a more than important decision he called his advisors, his four brothers, and of course his son, right now they were his advisors.

The first Kevan Lannister, a loyal brother, always recognized his brother's superiority since he was young, he was very comfortable doing his brother's bidding, not caring to live under the shadow of his older brother, and he was not ambitious. Unlike his younger brothers, Tygett and Geryon, Kevan followed Tywin willingly and without frustration. After Joanna Lannister's death, Kevan became a captain and Lord Tywin's most trusted man. He is recognized for being a tireless yet prudent man, as well as a strategist, the brother anyone would wish to have.

Then Tygett Lannister, Tywin's second brother, for years the two of them had a not very good relationship, because, unlike Kevan, Tygett hated to live under the shadow of his older brother, but no matter how hard he tried he could not reach his brother, but their relationship was changing. When he helped his brother Tywin to stop the rebellion of Reyne and Tarbeck and stood by his brother's side when the lands of their enemy houses were destroyed.

When Tywin was appointed hand of the king, he pretended to appoint him as the hand of the king, but the king did not allow him, so now his relationship was much better, he was not going to follow orders just like that, but he was going to support his brother.

The third brother was Gerion Lannister, the most fearless of the brothers, someone who can make others laugh, like his brothers Kevan and Tygett, Gerion was overshadowed by his older brother Tywin. While Kevan built his life close to Tywin and Tygett tried to be independent, Geryon laughed at his game and made jokes. The two had a tumultuous relationship. At the age of sixteen, Geryon made a trip through the Free Cities, he was the one who got along best with Tyrion since every time he came to Casterly Rock, he always compensated, he desired to go to recover the ancestral sword of House Lannister, but his brother did not allow him and put him as naval chieftain, with the perfect excuse that the family must remain united.

And finally Genna Lannister the only woman among the five brothers, after the death of Joanna's death, she took the maternal role with her nephews, an intelligent and cunning woman, she is a dominant person. But she loved and respected her brother, because he always took care of her, for example when he opposed her marriage with her inept husband Emmon Frey.

Genma does not love her husband, but she had four children with him, although many doubt if Emmon is the father, although, of course, no one dared to question Genma and more knowing that her older brother would come out to defend her. Something that Tywin provoked was that you always felt protected, Tywin although he didn't show it appreciated his siblings, and if any of them were in danger, he would personally take care of killing the enemy. Although Genma was the most like Tywin, in the same way, she was loyal to her brother, they knew that Tywin was the head of House Lannister, and knew that he brought the Lannisters to a point where they respected and feared them.

It was surprising and a relief that Tyrion is here, none hated the boy for his stature, and they were not as ruthless as Tywin. Kevan was indifferent, always respectful because he bore the Lannister name, Tygett, and Geryon always had a good time with Tyrion, and Genma took care of him so he's practically like her son. And she always told her older brother, of the three sons the true son of Tywin, is Tyrion, which led her brother to stop talking to her for a period.

- "House Lannister can have an incredible weight in this rebellion, we can help the crown, which does not guarantee that we will come out well, or we give the victory to Robert" - Tywin saw that his brothers thought, his brothers always had something to say, maybe one was intelligent than the other, but they always helped with something, that was the good thing about having a family with head, he did not understand how his first two sons were not thinkers - "With Tyrion, we talked about many possibilities to have the Lannister house on top, you can explain them."

- "There are several points that we can use, as we also have several against, giving victory to Robert will put us in a high position, as we will be what gave the last blow to the mad king's government for a new reign" - Tyrion was speaking from the perspective of a Lannister, the lion always had to give the last blow, it was one of the most important things that were implied, the last blow was the one that eliminated their enemies, not the first or the second, it was the last - "Taking advantage that Jaime is a royal guard and that the Grand Maester is in favor of our house, we can go to the king's landing and give the castle to Robert" - The four brothers agreed with Tyrion, luckily their older brother made peace with his son - "But here come the bad points... Lyanna Stark and Jon Arryn."

- "We cannot have either of them killed, with our luck, we will be blamed, so we will ally with the Starks, knowing that the Northerners do not look kindly on the Arryns" - Tywin took the word from his son, so he could grab a glass, which was filled with wine by his son's betrothed, who was in the meeting, Tywin realized that the girl was smart, certainly a good choice - "Tysha...as my son's betrothed...why do we need to go against the Starks."

- "My Lord... Robert's relationship with Eddard Stark is like that of brothers, if Lyanna Stark dies and the Lannisters are involved, the Northerners and Robert's army will come for us" - Tysha felt surprised when Tywin asked her that, of course even his brothers and his son, apparently her father wanted to see the capacity that his betrothed possessed, because although she was a commoner he did not like the useless ones, he was going to marry a commoner, he was going to allow it but with a useless one, that was not going to happen - "And this can be taken advantage of by the other enemies that the Lannister house possesses, like our biggest competitor that are the Tyrells."

- "And we are in the same situation if we kill Jon, which a union gives us, good eyes with Robert, and depending on what happens, we can Cersei as Robert's wife, or your brother as the king's hand" - Genma spoke calmly, seeing the possibilities, so far it is perfect that the Lannisters did not move, which left with intrigue what their move would be - "So far, the Tyrells and the Lannisters are on good terms, but if we support Robert, the time of good terms will be over."

- "If I may, Lady Genma" - They all looked again at Tysha who poured wine to the woman who looked at her attentively, like everyone else, it was time for the plan she and Tyrion had planned to begin - "Olenna Tyrell has a granddaughter, the same age as the heir to House Stark...that could be a benefit."

- "Wonderful, girl, you got yourself an extremely competent fiancée Tyrion congratulations" - Genna congratulated her nephew who only smiled at his aunt's flattery, even his uncles congratulated him, and everyone could see Tywin's smiled pleased by the answer given by his son's fiancée, apparently he was thinking something similar - "Don't separate her from Tyrion, Tywin, two heads think better than one."

- "Undoubtedly a good idea, but there is also a problem" - Tyrion spoke, making all eyes pass to him, so if he found faults it was good to know how to make a good plan - "How will we make the Tyrells accept that?"

next chapter
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