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43.75% ' Make it right' taekook story / Chapter 7: 'Unexpected encounters' Chapter 7

Chương 7: 'Unexpected encounters' Chapter 7

The Museum of Modern Art in N.Y city welcomed its distinguished guests in the most elaborate way. Champagne was flowing, slow music filling the air,while people were admiring the remarkable, state-of-the-art exhibits ,created by famous Asian artists, although the spotlights were on the prominent Korean model JK, stealing all the thunder! Cameras were flashing. Fans approaching to shake his hand , asking for an autograph. Flirting in a discreet way. Jungkook was enjoying the attention!

A man was roaming around the venue in search of a particular person. Anxiety and confusion affected his body, resulting in slight quavering. He eventually spotted two familiar figures but his gaze was fixed on an exquisite creature besides them. He had seen handsome men before,yet he was alluringly stunning! A divine beauty, resembling a Greek God!

" This cannot be...him!" he mummbled attempting to breathe." Kookie? Could it be ?"Waddling through the excited crowd, the mingled conversations at the party, he reached a certain table, coughing to gain their attention.

" Yoongi? Jimin?" His voice echoed squealer than expected.

Two heads turned, facing the person they never hoped to meet. Jungkook was so preoccupied in his conversation with one of the artists, backfacing him, failing to sense his presence.

" Seojoon." Yoongi stated sternly, huffing.

" What a surprise! Never expected to see you! I'm happy that I did!"

" Sorry I can't say the same." Yoongi responded coldly, taking a huge sip of his champagne, choosing to look the other way.

Seojoon lowered his head." I guess I deserve it." he agreed in a rueful nod.

" Oh and a lot more!" Jimin added maliciously ,scoffing." Cunning weasel!"

" Point taken Jimin....May I ...sit?"he asked indicating the empty seat ." Please. May I have a word with you?"

His statement ignited Jimin's wrath. His audacity was nerve-wracking.

" Are you fucken kidding me? Talk? I want to smack your big , ugly head! You better get your sorry ass out of here! You've got a lot of nerve asking it!"Bearing his presence was pestering him. Yoongi held his husband's hand, signalling him to cool down. They were in public. Photographers and reporters scanning every movement to get a scoop. Jungkook, being famous, attracted attention and a potential scandal could harm his career.

" Please...just need to talk to you."

The couple exchanged looks and Yoongi inclined, warily watching one of his dear brother's bullies taking a seat.

" Talk fast. Leave." Yoongi ordered in a rather haughty way.

Seojoon was about to start when his familiar voice compelled Jungkook to abruptly turn around. His gorgeous eyes landed on the person who had become part of his nightmares for far too long. Only now, he wasn't a scared ,little boy but a confident, dynamic young man. Fierce and ready to fight back!

" Kookie?"

Hearing his name from the man's lips brought shivers and a stirring in his stomach." Jungkook to you." he corrected him derisively.

" Your change is...outstanding!" Seojoon seemed slack jawed by the transformation. No braces, thick glasses. A perfectly shaped body with the ideal balance between masculinity and angelic beauty.Piercings, slightly visible tattoos on his hand and an overconfident look, combined to a calming aura.

Jungkook jeered with a touch of contentment at his dumbstruck expression." At least now I don't need permission to show my hideous face to all you handsome people! Do I meet your requirements? Fit your standards? Or should I  crawl back to my dark hole so I won't pollute the air you superior people breathe?" He stretched his arms giving a comely view of his fit, broad chest to a thunderstruck Seojoon.

The younger 's mouthful smile glummed Seojoon, pondering his shoddy behaviour." I guess I had it coming Jungkook. Considering my past actions have caused you immense pain, trying to justify my inexcusable behaviour is futile. Please accept my deepest,most sincere apologies for the way I treated you. I won't blame it on youth, immaturity or plain stupidity. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive an old fool." he stated truthfully. His horrible past , despite his good deeds, always haunted him. It was there to remind him that kindness exists even in your darkest moments, waiting to be embraced, if you accept and admit your mistakes.

"Frankly I don't give a damn about your remorses. I won't ease your conscious or offer you redemption." Jungkook was blantantly straightforward. Beating around the bush wasn't his thing." You can't begin to comprehend what I went through because of you! It took me ages to recover. Face the world. Heal my open wounds. I might forgive but I won't forget!" he emphasized calmly. He knew exactly how to manage arrogant bastards like him. Seojoon was an overbearing asshole. He folded his legs, resting his right arm on the chair." Anything else? If not I would advice you to beat it."

" Jungkook please, I understand it's a lot to ask but give me a chance to talk to you.In private." the man insisted.

Yoongi 's patience was undergoing a heavy ordeal. He would snap at any minute." You heard him! Bog off!"

" My brother was tortured and nearly rapped by you goons! You and that bastard of a friend, sat back and enjoyed the show! How the fuck do you expect forgiveness? Why should we lighten your guilt? I hope you burn in hell! " Jimin was throwing tantrums at poor Seojoon, who had his head hang low." You won't get near him again! Stay away from him and our family!" He waved his fists at him, imitating striking his big head.

Seojoon became more stiffly. Trembling at the request he was assigned to ask. Trying to convince them they weren't aware of Mark's plans seemed hypocritical. " You are absolutely right Jimin. We stayed silent and refused to help. There isn't a day that goes by I don't feel disgusted by our lack of courage." He turned to face Jungkook." I have no right to ask ... nevertheless I will. Please let's talk. Things have changed. We have changed. Taehyung isn't the same boy you..."

Jungkook stood straight up with his shoulders squared. " Not a word! Even his name makes me sick! " His growl and sizzling gaze dashed the man's hopes." I don't want to have anything to do with him. He's a fucken monster."

How was Seojoon suppose to convince a victim to give a chance to his bully ,just because Taehyung was madly in love with him? It seemed pointless. Doomed to fail. Jungkook hated Taehyung's guts and who could blame him? Asking him to mellow down and consider even meeting his cousin was like having a death wish!

He would give it a shot but damn it was so freaking hard even to assume the younger would have any sort of feelings rather than hate for Taehyung. Of course he loved his dear cousin. Hurt to see him suffering for an one-sided love. But he brought it upon himself. Yes, Taehyung had completely changed. His savage nature was gone and his kindness had helped many people. Well ,perhaps too many , including that bitch he was engaged to, who deliberately exploited his gentle heart. That was another subject Seojoon had to justify. God knows how!

Yoongi and Jimin would most likely beat the shit out of him in spite of being in public, judging by their incensed looks.

Realising it wasn't the right time or place , he simply decided to quit insisting, at least for now. Not to mention the death glares from from the incredibly agitated duo, ready to have his head! Plus he had zero tolerance to pain! So he took out a business card from his side pocket, giving it to Jungkook. The younger diverted his gaze and Seojoon placed it on the table.

" We've heard enough! Stay away Seojoon! I mean it! I don't know what you're after but it ain't gonna happen!" Yoongi threw at his face. Jungkook seemed unbothered.

" I'm staying at the Ritz  Carlton... In case you change your mind." He stood up , nodded and doubtfully departed.

Jimin's concern for his brother, impelled him to give him a huge hug, understanding his conflict. The ghosts of the past had made a remarkable appearance, stirring the calm waters of their lives.

" Don't give in , baby. He is messing with your head. I don't know what he's after but please erase it from your thoughts." Jimin advised him. Deep inside he knew.

The seed of doubt was planted and they would watch it grow.

" I'm not naive , hyung. "

" But you're thinking about it.... about him."

" Of course not! After all he has done, I'd be a fool."

" Love tends to turn the smartest person into a damn fool!"

" Don't worry. I won't let them manipulate me. I'm a grown man. Perfectly capable of protecting myself." He picked up the card, waving it in front of Jimin." Here, take it. Throw it away... rip it... don't care."

" No. Not gonna make it easy, baby brother! Your choice to make! Your strength to test."

" Quit treating me as an immature child!" Jungkook was pissed. The card burnt his hands, raising a huge pile of doubts in his messed up brain and was in desperate need to get rid of it, the sooner the better!

" Perhaps. I still think of you as my baby!" Jimin pouted and Jungkook timidly chuckled. He found it impossible to het angry at his hyung.

Yoongi interfered, pinching the bridge of his nose." Can we go? He spoiled my mood! God knows how I managed to cool my jets and not break his freaking bones!"

The two brothers laughed. Savage Yoongi was delightful to watch. A breath of fresh air in what it turned out to be a dreadful night.

Jimin pecked his husband's lips and whispered to his ear." Keep the savageness till we get home."

" Babe, you'll be limping for a week! Sure you can handle it?" he warned him, wiggling his eyebrows and running his fingers through his husband 's hair.

" Am I invisible to you? I'm right here! I can hear you!" Jungkook scoffed, crossing his arms across his chest.

" Shut up Kookie!" Jimin popped up, holding Yoongi's hand." Let's go!"

They returned home and Jimin got a taste of his husband's savageness! In fact, he was limping for ten whole days, forced to put up with Jungkook 's teasing and Aera's constant questions.

A few days later.

" Baby have you thought this through?" Jin asked his son while packing his stuff for the second time this month.

" Obviously papa." Jungkook reassured him, smiling. " I know exactly what I'm doing!"

" You can't blame me for worrying. It's what I do best. Well .." he scratched his head." that and scolding."

Jungkook laughed at his papa's words." I know it first hand. When you snub all hell breaks loose!"

Jin blocked his way, forcing him to stop and held both his hands." Kookie you're in a crossroad. The decision you are about to make will define your future. Change your life. Make you deal with a situation you might feel uncomfortable. I want you to be absolutely certain for this huge step."

The younger gave his papa a glowing, bunny smile, making his cute dimples visible." I'm a grown man, travelling around the world for years in a ruthless job. Do you believe I will be intimidated? I assure you , you've got nothing to fear. Your son is a taught nut to crack!" He tried not to laugh at his own statement, since he was scared shitless.

" I trust you, baby! Besides I raised you and did a damn good job!" Jin boasted, folding a loose, grey sweater and putting it inside the silver suitcase.

" I know....I know papa!" Jungkook had learnt ,over the years ,not to object when  his papa was feeling proud of his accomplishments.

Namjoon, observing the two men from a safe distance, staying out of the line of fire, leaned against the door. He still had trouble realising his baby had grown up. Become a man.A confident, handsome young man. He couldn't find the proper words to describe how proud he was. For all three of his boys. Because Yoongi was his son as well.

" Stop faffing around and do something useful for a change." Jin's voice got him out of his trance, a black hoody landed on his face and he frowned.

" Hey! Watch it!" Namjoon exclaimed , walking closer. " All you have to do is ask... politely!"

" Quit wasting my precious time and help us pack. We've got so many things to do in such a short time." He turned to Jungkook." Your passport? Cards? Key card to the house?"

The younger waved a small, square, black wallet." Ok...checked!"  He placed it in the front pocket of his bag pack.

" A driver will be waiting for you at the airport to drive you home ." Namjoon informed him, closing the second suitcase, putting it aside , taking a third one.

" Will you chill out appa? It's not my first visit there! Remember?"

" Kook you're not familiar with the roads so humour me!"

" When will you be coming?"

" At the end of the month. After we settle things here." his appa replied.

" I understand it's a huge change for the family." he admitted, feeling slightly guilty his plans affected them.

" It's time to go back." Namjoon smiled remembering the good old days." We've missed home. Haven't we love?" He glanced at his husband who gave him a big nod.

Like a hurricane Jimin barged in, in a fury, stepping in front of his brother. " You're not going. Unpack and tell them the deal is off!" Folding both hands on his waist he grimaced, expressing his dissatisfaction and blistering ire!

Their parents took a seat on the left side the bed , staying as far away as possible, letting the two brothers sort things out.

Jungkook and Jimin stood across eachother ,staring intensely. No one was willing to back away. Jungkook was fed up with his overprotectiveness and Jimin was....just Jimin! A spit image of Jin!

Jimin spoke first." I won't let you go."

" You can't stop me."

" Bet your ass I can!"

" I'd like to see you try!"

" Don't provoke me!"

" Stop trying to control my life !"

" I'm not a control freak! I'm doing what's best for you!"

" According to whom? What happened to' it's your choice to make' statement?" Jungkook imitated his brother, shaking his head.

"Down the drain with your logic! Keeping each other company!"

" You promised Jiminshi!"

" Well, for your information promises are meant to be broken!"he stated cockily.

" Says who?" He stomped his foot on the floor, scrunching his lips, looking daggers at him.

" Your hyung, you ungrateful brat! It's my job to look after you. Prevent your idiotic plans. I'm the voice of reason!"

Jungkook sniggered." Too bad I can't hear you from...down there!" He placed his palm vertical on his forehead, pretending to search for him from up high!"Maybe you should be a little louder!"

The nasty remark about his... height  infuriated Jimin, prompting a new set of cursing and yelling. He was extremely sensitive about it!

" I'm not SHORT! It's not a joke anymore! Nobody's laughing! I find the term extremely racist BECAUSE I'M NOT SHORT!"

Their parents were going a bundle on the show. It was sort of a family tradition for the two brothers to indulge in quarrels for the slightest provocation. Throwing tantrums, shouting, acting like five-year old kids, fighting what cartoons they'll watch. Then of course Jungkook would comment on his brother 's height and Jimin would explode.

" I knew we would come to this!" Jin commented, shaking his head." Do you think I have time to make popcorn? This is better than watching ' White chicks ' !" Jin's favourite American comedy.

Namjoon glanced at his wrist watch." How long have they been fighting?"

" About ten minutes."

" Ok...If you make popcorn, get me a soda. I'm thirsty!" Namjoon glared at his son's." Maybe we should stop them." he stupidly suggested a few moments later.

" Don't even think about it mister! If we do, they will drag us in and force us to take sides! Remember last time?"

Namjoon had a quick flashback of that day. It brought shivers down his spine. All because of that stupid blind date Jimin tricked his brother into going!

Jungkook and Jimin weren't talking for a week. Jungkook was giving Namjoon the silent treatment for taking Jimin's side and Jimin was pissed at Jin for supporting Jungkook. In general, noone was speaking to noone! Well except Yoongi! Doing his best to patch things up.... unsuccessfully!

" No! No! I think I'll pass! You're right , baby.Let them fight. They are grown up men! They can work things out." He nodded multiple times.

" I'm always right!" Jin concurred, smiling, wrapping his hand around Namjoon 's forearm.

A beeping whistle interrupted the delightful scene and four sets of eyes stuck on a specific person. Yoongi was standing at the open door,a menacing glare decorated his usually serene face. They could have sworn smoke was coming out of his ears!

" Had enough? The entire fucken neighbourhood can hear you! Hell, I could hear you from the company!" A bit of an exaggeration but he enjoyed being a little dramatic!" What's wrong this time?" He marched inside in big strides ,shutting the door behind him with a loud bang. He regretted not buying a soundproof house! It would save him and their fellow neighbours from the noice pollution. They were lucky they weren't sued for disturbing peace!

" HE STARTED IT!" Both brothers shouted, pointing at each other, gnashing their teeth.

" I shouldn't ask! Big mistake! Huge mistake!"  Yoongi lisped to himself, rubbing his temples. He took deep breaths before popping the proper question, wishing he was back at the company arguing with a specific singer who had the bright idea of turning his rap song into pop! " What seems to be the problem ?"

Jungkook and Jimin started rumbling nonstop, trying to explain their side of the story. Jimin was very persistent on his brother 's absurd comment concerning his height as he kept repeating over and over again....

Yoongi was cursing on the inside, feeling the scene unfolding as deja vu. Same old...same old!

" HUSH! BOTH OF YOU! " He had enough! He had to draw a line since the in-laws were feigning indifference. He gripped Jimin's arm, drawing him closer , ensuring a safe distance  between two parties.

" You should learn to respect people's decisions. Stop trying to control their lives and let them make mistakes. Their mistakes! You can't prevent them from getting hurt. Let them fight for their dreams.Learn to value and accept their opinion according to their standards, not yours!" He pointed out, staring at his husband,who had a cute pout on his full lips." And you" he drew his attention to Jungkook." realise your brother cares deeply about your happiness. Worries about your safety. Ok he's got a funny way of showing it but hey that's Jimin! Overprotective, sassy ,stubborn... He's trying to protect you!"

Jungkook was munching on his lower lip, pouting with glossy eyes. Jimin was fidgeting , nervously tapping his right foot on the marble floor.

" Jungkook has an obligation to fulfil, a battle to fight and needs our support, even if we don't see eye to eye. It's his decision to make." His gaze was divided among the two silent men.

" Now, hug eachother, say sorry and for the love of God stop screaming!"

The Kim brothers fell in eachother's arms, hugging tightly.

" I'm sorry, baby... Didn't mean to snub."

" I'm sorry too, hyungie... Didn't mean to offend you...you know..." Jungkook sniffed, regretting his words.

" See? Piece of cake!" Jin exclaimed, raising both hands in the air, just to receive a death glare from Yoongi.

" You think? I didn't see you try! Oh yeah! Because you didn't!"

Namjoon attempted to give a reasonable explanation by opening his mouth to talk but Yoongi cut him off.

" Do you have a clue how tiring and frustrating it is to be the voice of reason? Too much I can assure you! The little,grey cells" he pointed his index finger on his head." are decreasing... rapidly. And I can't afford to lose them!" He curbed the desire to burst out laughing at his in-laws ruthful expression and the sudden realisation he was most likely the most logical person in the house. Him and his little princess.

A few weeks earlier in Seoul.

" Taehyung please , call off your engagement." YunHee begged her son." That woman is taking advantage of your kindness and tolerance."

" Mother enough!"

" You won't shut me! Not this time! " she threw back at him, fuming in anger.

" You are well aware of the reason. I made a promise and I must be truthful to that." His every attempt to remain calm was seriously tested by his mother's attitude. Of course she was right. Aecha was exploiting his tolerance in every way possible.

" Does your promise worth ruining your life? Throwing away all you ever fought for? The woman is delusional! Deranged! Always comes up with silly excuses to invade your life. Visiting us late at night. Forcefully staying at your room. Escorting you to social events...uninvited

Bossing the staff like she owns the place. This time she went too far. Moving in without asking, just because she's aftaid? Of what? I hardly think that kind couple poses a threat for her life! But even so, they have to get in line! I'll kill her first!" The woman 's menace and fury were visible in every part of her jittery body as she drew closer to her idiotic son.

Taehyung perched on the edge of the couch, brushing his fingers through his hair." No need to be so melodramatic mother. I've spoken to her, made it clear I won't condone her behaviour. She brought a few essentials in case of need. She's not, under any circumstances, moving in." he reassured his mother, although she seemed to have reasonable doubts on her true motives.

Who could blame her? Last night she came barging in, putting on a show of how someone was staking her, scared for her life, leaving no choice to Taehyung but to let her spend the night at the house.

Being nice is one thing, being a total sucker is completely different! Taehyung felt his temples ready to split in half! He would eventually have to admit he was unable to handle the current situation.

" What if Kookie returns? If he already knows about your engagement but not the true story? What conclusions will he make? How on earth will you win his trust and love with that bitch running after you like a horn..."

" MOTHER! LANGUAGE!"Taehyung cut her off, widening his eyes.

His mother rolled her eyes to the back,scorning." Oh please! My words surprise you, not her corny attitude? Kookie will question your motives." She abruptly zipped it noticing Taehyung 's pale face.

" Do not doubt my love or devotion to him!" he ignited." He's my life! My breath! The reason I wake up in the morning! When I find him , I'll explain my intentions and he will understand. By then, Aecha will be out of the picture!"

" You wish!" Seojoon chipped in. He could no longer keep his mouth shut and watch his cousin heading to disaster." What if he comes sooner than expected? Will you claim him when she is your fiance? Break up with her before you regret it!" Seojoon was fed up with her whinning, howling and complaining.

Taehyung 's heart clenched thinking of his love! Not knowing where he is. If he had moved on. Had a boyfriend or a husband. He hid his face in his palms as his heart was racing a marathon. He was a well-known businessman. His life,charities, activities were often displayed on media. Kookie was bound to have heard of his engagement. How could he have been so naive? His good deeds could cost him his only true love.

" I'll find a way to get rid of her... before she totally messes up my one chance of happiness..." he thought outloud and stormed out with fury burning in his eyes, leaving everyone speechless.

YunHee flopped on a chair." I give up! This boy will be the death of me!" she bellowed, raising her hands in dismay.

" I wish I could argue with that!" Seojoon took a seat across her. Just by thinking what was at stake here had him on edge.

" He brought this awful woman into our lives! Forced her repulsive presence into our house!" She sneered." Aecha won't go without a fight. I know her intentions! And there's nothing noble about them! What was he thinking proposing to her?"

" After what happened to Kookie, his need impelled him to help people. Be a better version of himself. Aecha smelt his vulnerability and attacked like a shark when he smells blood."

" Taehyung owes her nothing. His devotion lies only on Jungkook and his family. Not to an opportunist who tries to get into his pants!"

Seojoon almost choked on thin air. However his auntie was a modern woman, completely compromised with new, reformed ideas. And a valuable ally to him and Kai after his parents'  objections to their marriage. Auntie stepped up, defended their decision and scolded her sister big time for her old fashioned opinion.

" Please! Don't be so damn prude! I have had sex before! Did you think the stork brought your stupid cousin? It's his body she's after! I can see how she drools over him!" She heavily sighed." Anyway...How was your trip?"

" Productive."

" Did you ensure the deal?"

" Was there any doubt?"

" One of the reasons I assigned it to you!" She folded her long legs." When?"

" The official meeting is scheduled next month."

" Excellent! Are you expecting a... positive outcome?"

" Depends...They required a meeting with you first. To seal the deal."

The bright smile on hers lips made her look irresistible." Arrange it as soon as possible. At the loft. We don't want any... unexpected encounters."

" Best of luck, auntie! God knows you'll need it!"


DanaiM79 DanaiM79

I hope you enjoy my story so far. Thanks so much for reading !!

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