Moon Goddess fated me to mate my uncle, Ray. However, I rejected him a night after I made love to him. I thought I had to move on and fall in love with someone new. I got him—the mysterious man who made me crazy for him, as he was crazy over me, too. We fell in love. Wildly. However, he was from another race. Damn! I thought I had fallen in love with two men and they were my mates—the forbidden mates.
"Votre lit est froid," dit une voix dans la pièce qui la fit écarquiller les yeux de peur. Nerveuse, elle se retourna, déglutissant doucement en voyant une ombre sur son lit, comme si quelqu'un s'y était allongé. L'homme qui s'était allongé s'assit, émergeant des ombres où il l'attendait. "Que fais-tu ici ?" demanda-t-elle alors que ses pieds touchaient le sol et qu'il se levait pour commencer à marcher vers elle. Ses traits séduisants paraissaient plus sombres que d'habitude en raison du manque de lumière dans la pièce. "Je suis venu te voir," il inclina la tête, "Où es-tu allée ?" "Je suis sortie me promener," répondit-elle rapidement, un mensonge qu'il devina immédiatement, ce qui lui fit sourire, un sourire qui lui faisait le plus peur. Elle fit un pas en arrière lorsqu'il s'approcha d'elle. Cela ne l'empêcha pas de la coincer, et son dos heurta le mur derrière elle. Il leva la main vers son visage, et elle ferma les yeux, effrayée. Elle frissonna quand ses doigts traînèrent de sa tempe jusqu'à sa mâchoire et son cou. Ses cheveux blonds étaient lâchés. "Au milieu de la nuit ?" elle ne répondit pas, sachant qu'il pouvait décrypter ses mensonges à travers ses mots. Il se rapprocha davantage, ce qui la fit détourner le visage de lui et ses mots vibrèrent sur la peau de son cou, "Es-tu allée le voir, ma douce fille ?"
Subastada y vendida por su madrastra, se convirtió en un artículo en venta. Él descendió brutalmente para apoderarse de ella, forzándola a firmar el contrato. "Mujer, te di todo lo que necesitas. ¿Por qué aun no estás satisfecha?", preguntó mientras pellizcaba su barbilla. Ella luchaba por liberarse, rehusando encontrarse con su mirada. Cuando su identidad fue expuesta y ella se convirtió en la heredera de una familia prestigiosa, se dio cuenta de que seguía siendo un pájaro en su jaula. Cayendo cada vez más profundo... fue solo al final cuando comprendió que se había convertido en la reina de su imperio hace mucho tiempo...
Lara was at rock bottom, feeling like a puppet whose strings had been cut. When she stumbled upon her husband and best friend in a compromising embrace, everything fell into place. The heartbreak stung, but it also ignited a fierce determination within her. Instead of wallowing in despair, fate intervened, giving her a second chance at life—waking her up ten years earlier, just before the chaos began. Armed with wisdom, she promised herself not to repeat the same mistakes. As she stood at the top of the stairs, her gaze fell on Lucas, her once-beloved fiancée. Regret washed over her; she couldn't believe she had almost let him slip away. This time, things would be different.
WARNING: Mature Content The story of a knight who has fallen in love with his queen. It was nothing but that, a simple plot for a fairytale, or was it? He stood proud at seven feet, everything looked minuscule in his sight. He towers above all knights who looked at him with disgust and alarm. He was one of the rebels not long ago, but for an undisclosed reason, he has betrayed his so-called 'brother at arms' for a seat at the round table. People murmured whenever he passes them by, the atmosphere itself was laced with terror as this all muscled barbarian held his head high. Panic in the hearts of many was evoked by his presence alone as he stood before the queen who was forced to face him. "My queen," he knelt before her, and even yet the queen had to look up from her throne to meet his eyes. The frail queen was very small compared to him, her fragile countenance barely reached five feet and her innocent face makes her look like a child. He took in the vision of her as she sat there, trying to look brave as she met his eyes. His queen, the reason why he risked it all and will risk it all again. She sat on the throne judging his motives and all the while fearing him. Was she disgusted by him too? He can't tell. The crowd disappeared and all thoughts from his mind were gone as he was faced with her. She has dark auburn hair that reached past her shoulders, small lips that curled into a thin smile, and eyes that expressed her immense disgust and anger for what she had labeled him in her mind - one of the reasons for the destabilization of her kingdom. He wants it all, all of what she offers. Her beauty, her brilliance, her frailties... at that moment he realized, he wanted all of her.—¿Quién te tocó? —preguntó él, su mirada sombría bajando hacia ella y cuando no respondió, su voz retumbó en la habitación—. ¿QUIÉN? —El mayordomo que estaba cerca de la pared habló temblorosamente: — Señor, fue el señor Reverale —la cara de Damien se tornó agria, su mandíbula marcándose en ira giró su rostro hacia el lado donde el mayordomo estaba detrás. —Tráiganme al hombre. —¿A-ahora? —tartamudeó el mayordomo—. Era la hora de la noche. Damien, que no había roto el contacto visual con la chica frente a él, empujó su mano contra la pared que ahora descansaba al lado de la cabeza de su hermosa chica. Girando su cuerpo, primero miró a su mayordomo que tenía la cabeza inclinada. Con gran coraje, el mayordomo alzó la vista para encontrarse con los ojos de su Amo: — ¿Tiene usted algún otro momento mejor? ¿O debería ser después de que le tuerza el cuello? —Damien preguntó con calma inclinando su cabeza—. No un segundo después, el mayordomo salió corriendo de la habitación para volver con el señor Reverale después de veinte minutos. —Damien, ¿vamos a tener una fiesta del té nocturna? —El señor Reverale vino a saludar pero el amo de la casa tenía otros planes—. Al ver el cuchillo que estaba clavado en la manzana sobre la mesa, lo alcanzó para sacarlo. Justo cuando el señor Reverale iba a intercambiar un apretón de manos con él, Damien tomó su mano para colocarla sobre la mesa. En un movimiento rápido como si estuviese cortando cebollas, cortó los cuatro dedos de la mano del hombre, haciéndole chillar y llorar de dolor. —Nadie toca lo que es mío. Estoy seguro de que esto te lo recordará la próxima vez que incluso pienses en tocarla —suspiró Damien como si estuviera cansado de decirle a la gente que mantuviera sus sucias manos lejos de sus pertenencias. Conozca a Damien Quinn, un vampiro de sangre pura que es un narcisista completo, brusco con sus palabras y tacaño a pesar de ser rico que regateó cuando compró una esclava del mercado negro. Por otro lado, conozca a Penélope que cree que es una 'invitada' por unos días en la casa de los Quinn ya que está decidida a escapar del extraño vampiro que necesita terapia. ~ Discord:
*WARNING!: MATURE CONTENT* ~•~ "I shouldn't have come out of the house, no, I shouldn't have drank too much, I shouldn't have lost my sense of reasoning, that way I wouldn't have gotten lost in the woods. I'm very, very sorry for interrupting this peaceful gathering and I'll love to go back now" she said out loud, directed her words to everyone she could see and most especially to the male in front of her and got ready to run for her dare life. |•| Growling under his breath, which she thought was weird since humans weren't supposed to be growling, and rapidly moving towards her was a man, not just a man but the most ravishing, mouth-watering, and 'down to earth' most handsome man she has ever seen in her life. Handsome was an understatement. His facial features were well defined and his eyes were beautiful lazy eyes with a color she has never seen, a swirl of silver and red, and it was glowing. . "Mate," he said he got to her. She couldn't look anywhere else, not that she had to, she was being pulled by the mate bond which has been used to bind them from up here, and right then is where its work begins, afresh. . 'I am fucked' she thought as she still couldn't look away, she felt like she was trapped in it. After another long second, she looked around to see the people around staring blatantly at her with a little or maybe more contempt than she's seen in years and immediately, she felt she was in trouble and the feeling made the hair on her skin rise and the need for survival surge. ~•~ 'Layla, who lived her entire life as a human, blissfully unaware of the paranormal world around her accidentally but fatefully walked into the territory of a werewolf pack on a full moon night which happened to be the night they were having a ritual, a means of prayer to the Moin Goddess for abundace. |•| Slowly, she'll learn the reason why she is the first 'Human Luna's to ever exist. But fastly, she'll realize that no matter how far she runs from fate, it'll catch it when it's its time. Author's note: Prior to the warning above, readers below the age of 16 are not advised to continue the journey into the Bane's pack. And taking into consideration the fact that young minds tend to disobey this particular warning, I'll love to emphasize it now, this book is a mature book with explicit mature content. Take heed. |•| This books narration is majorly in a first person's POV, but it switchs at times to a third person's POV. There would be indications in the switch, kindly notice it. |•| And also, please note, English is not my first language, so therefore, I can't be perfect in it. Mistakes will always occur, either typos or me not phrasing well but I promise you'll rarely see it as I'll always try my best to edit to perfection. It won't affect the standard of the book. And in such cases where a typo is noticed, kindly do me the favor of pointing it out in the paragraph comment. Thank you. In the hopes that you have your seat belts fastened, I hereby wish you a safe journey into the Bane Land... I hope you have a joy ride!! |•| And in case you wish to connect with me: IG: @aries.dehelaKetika si teratai murni memprovokasinya, dia langsung menamparnya, "Itu hanyalah sepasang sepatu kusam. Jika kamu sangat menginginkannya, ambil dan pakailah." Presiden Jones menyela dengan wajah genit, "Istri, meskipun itu sepatu kusam, aku hanya akan membiarkan kamu yang memakainya." "Pergi sana!" ... 【Satu pria, satu wanita】Empat tahun lalu, dia pergi dalam kemarahan dengan kue di perutnya. Empat tahun kemudian— "Paman, aku perhatikan wajahmu tampak muram, sepertinya kamu memiliki panas hati yang berlebihan. Jelas kamu kekurangan istri. Maukah kamu mengenal mamaku?" Presiden yang menjauhkan diri dari wanita itu melihat mini-me-nya, matanya semakin dalam. Dia langsung mengemas ibu dan anak itu, membawa mereka pulang ke rumah, memanjakan mereka sampai menyebalkan semua orang. Ada yang bertanya, "Presiden Jones, bukankah ini terlalu tidak masuk akal?" Presiden itu tersenyum dingin, "Kamu mengharapkan aku bersikap masuk akal saat menyenangkan istriku?" Ini adalah kisah tentang Presiden Jones yang dominan, sangat protektif, dan tidak masuk akal dalam memanjakan istrinya.
La vie parfaite de Joanna Smith a soudainement pris un tournant drastique lorsque le Cruel Patron de la Mafia a exigé qu'elle devienne sa nouvelle mariée. « Souhaitez-vous savoir pourquoi j'ai épousé une femme fragile comme vous ? » lui avait-il demandé, sa voix empreinte de froideur. Joanna acquiesce de la tête, voulant connaître la raison derrière son mariage avec un homme aussi dangereux. « Vous payez une dette, chérie ! Une dette que votre père a refusé de régler avant sa mort ! » Il rit métaphoriquement, comme s'il avait dit quelque chose de drôle. « Vous êtes à moi maintenant, Joanna. Je vais faire toutes sortes de choses folles avec votre corps, vous faire me désirer, en vouloir plus et me supplier de vous baiser sans merci ! » Il lui sourit méchamment.
Un día, Wang Meiling, una trabajadora de oficina ordinaria a la que le gusta leer libros de fantasía romántica, se despierta en el cuerpo de Rosalie Ashter, una villana menor en la novela de fantasía clasificada R que estaba leyendo antes de esta extraña transmigración. Como se espera de la trama, Rosalie se supone que muera a manos de su hermano loco y abusivo, Raphael, por lo tanto, armada con el conocimiento detallado de la historia original, Meiling está decidida a salvar a la trágica villana cuyo cuerpo ahora posee y se acerca al Duque Damien Dio, el protagonista masculino de la historia que sufre de la maldición de la "fiebre acmé". Ella le ofrece una relación contractual de un año, prometiéndole ayudar a aliviar su sufrimiento a cambio de su protección contra la familia Ashter y un pago sustancial después. Aunque al principio escéptico, Damien acepta firmar el contrato, pero cuando finalmente llega el momento de que Rosalie deje al Duque, se da cuenta de que terminar su relación podría no ser tan fácil como pensó. Esta novela se puede categorizar como "él se enamora primero y lo hace más intensamente". ADVERTENCIA: La historia contiene contenido maduro como escenas R18, comportamiento obsesivo/yandere, abuso doméstico, indicación de abuso sexual y gaslighting. También incluirá la representación de violencia y gore. Lea a su propio criterio.
Una científica, Duan Yixin, transmigró a otro mundo. Poseyó el cuerpo de una chica de dieciséis años pero no heredó ninguna de sus memorias. Con un compromiso matrimonial roto y sin dinero en mano, solo quería ganar dinero pacíficamente. Es una lástima que el destino siempre juegue trucos a las personas. Cuando pensó que finalmente podría vivir en paz, descubrió que este mundo no era tan simple como pensaba. El hombre que rescató era el notorio general despiadado, y la mujer que le robó a su ex-prometido era la protagonista femenina de este mundo. Miró hacia el cielo y preguntó: —Dios, ¿estás bromeando conmigo? Unos años más tarde, en su noche de bodas, ella lo miró seriamente y dijo: —General, no soy tu luz de luna blanca. El hombre bajó la cabeza y susurró en su oído: —Mhm, no eres mi luz de luna blanca, eres mi vida.
Chaque année, dans chacun des sept villages qui composent le grand Royaume d'Ignas, un Rituel de Choix est conduit. Durant ce Rituel de Choix, l'une des dames du village serait choisie pour être la Mariée redoutée du Roi Dragon. Personne ne savait exactement pourquoi le rituel était mené chaque année ou ce qu'il advenait des mariées qui avaient été choisies auparavant. Les transformait-il en esclaves? Les donnait-il en pâture à son dragon? Ou... se nourrissait-il d'elles? Cela ne pouvait être exclu. Après tout, il y avait des rumeurs que le roi n'était pas comme eux, qu'il n'était pas humain. Pourtant, la question tourmentait sans cesse le cœur du peuple. Dans quel but les utilisait-il?! Mais ils n'osaient pas questionner le Roi, de peur de quel destin les attendrait s'ils oseraient s'opposer à lui. De toute façon, aucune de ces choses n'était l'affaire de Belladonna. Bien que ce fût au tour de son village de produire une mariée cette année, elle était certaine de ne pas être choisie. Pourquoi? Eh bien, parce qu'elle avait un plan et elle était absolument certaine qu'il ne la laisserait pas tomber... ou le ferait-il?
Eun-Byul Lee, a fearless and street-smart fighter, meets a tragic end in a car accident—only to awaken as Cecilia von Arlen, a minor character in a novel she once read. As Cecilia, a timid pushover fated to die tragically halfway through the story, Eun-Byul must use her wits and fighting spirit to change her destiny and survive in a world that was never meant to be hers.
[Mature : Pas de viol] Âgée de vingt-cinq ans, Éverly Eloise, une louve-garou orpheline de sang-pur est engagée par un homme riche qui avait soudainement besoin d'un aidant. Elle accepta le travail, mais elle ne s'attendait pas à découvrir le côté monstrueux de cet homme. Le côté de lui que les médias n'avaient jamais montré, ou du moins qu'ils n'avaient même jamais connu. Valerio Avalanzo, un homme riche européen qui a été trahi par son amante, ce qui l'a laissé dans une condition qu'il avait très bien cachée au monde entier. Cet incident l'a fait changer radicalement. Il est devenu froid, craint par la plupart, asocial, sans émotion, et surtout, il a développé une profonde haine pour le mot « amour ». Pour un homme qui était aveugle et qui éprouvait une telle haine envers l'amour, on pensait qu'il était émotionnellement incapable d'aimer qui que ce soit, laissant ainsi le monde avec cette perception de lui. Mais que se passe-t-il lorsqu'il rencontre Éverly Eloise, son aidant ? Est-ce que son cœur l'emportera ou sa haine de l'amour gagnera-t-elle ? Et que se passe-t-il, lorsqu'il découvre qu'Éverly n'est pas juste son aidant, mais aussi un loup-garou. Les créatures qui ont été les ennemis de sa race pendant des siècles ?
When Riley's brother informed him one evening that he would be auctioned as a bride and married off to the highest bidder, he did not think twice and vaulted out of the house and escaped. On a moonless night, while still on the run, the wounded Riley met the enigmatic Draco. The cold and aloof head of the Sy Business Empire. Then everything changed from the moment Riley's clear watery hazel eyes collided with Draco's cool grey ones.
A love story hidden in the depths of despair and forsaken memories… Lai Mingjie is a hot and well-sought bachelor in the city, the sole heir of one of the country's most powerful and influential men. However, he has a secret: he used to be the most prolific demon king in history! In his plight of trying to end his suffering, he runs into the amnesiac Xu Rouguang. This man cannot remember anything else about his life... but that he loves Lai Mingjie. Who would have thought that this man is actually the demon king's wife... and executioner?! With the promises of freedom and a new life together, the two of them works on recovering whatever they can to rebuild the destiny that they have placed onto themselves—and what they have shattered all the same. How strong can they be in their crossed paths filled with pain, death, and separation… now that they are together again? [Disclaimer and Warnings:] This story is a work of fiction, and similarities to any living or dead person are purely coincidental. May contain triggers. Chapters will become locked when you reach Chapter 68. Please don't tell me you weren't warned. Follow me on IG @droopdroopghost and on Facebook (droopyghostofficial) Cover art is by reialdark66 (pixiv)4.31
"Don't you just look so ravishing?" With a smile on her face, she teased the young ger. "Y-you……………" With a hot face, the young ger failed to say anything as he glanced at the shameless fermar who happened to be his partner. "Can't you see that he is so shy, Lord husband?" A melodious female voice joined in with a giggle, then others joined in. "We should let the youngest feel comfortable otherwise he will run away before the honeymoon phase comes to an end!" "Do you think that after receiving **** from our Lord husband, any one of us will just pack up and leave?" The room was filled with laughing, the peace was palpable, and even the young ger who had just been teased felt at ease. Who can escape the grips of Alita, a foxy, sneaky fermar? Growing up in a new world, a new era where things were not the same as they were before. The intergalactic age began after the apocalypse that devastated the planet and reduced it to ashes. Growing up on a little star just big enough to be a city, Alita had a grandiose goal to go and live on Eartha, the new Earth after the catastrophe, marry a lot of wives, have a stadium full of kids, and most importantly, let her family live comfortably. And the opportunity to make that dream true was given to her when she finally …..... Read the book to find out more....4.54
Before she could open the door, Wang Shiwei pushed it from behind. He was standing just behind her with his arm on the door near her head. She turned back and what awaited her was his handsome face which was way too close to stop her heart from racing. She was looking down to make sure that her heart remains calm, but his warm breath was coming closer. “Why the hell I am getting this feeling, that he is coming closer?” she thought and glanced at his face and it turned out that he was more closer to her then 2 cm. Just a little push from back, and his lips can press hers. It was unbelievable and she was curious as to why Wang Shiwei was standing so close to her when he didn’t even liked her and moreover she was sure that he would hate her after what she did in the morning. “What are you doing?” she asked while looking at his lips and eyes, which was scanning her face. He smirked, “Just trying to fulfill your desire”. Caixia eyes become wider as she heard his words from his sexy lips, she gasped and putting her right hand on his chest, she tried to push him away. He grabbed her wrist which was pushing his chest and pressed it on the wall, looking down at her lips, he slowly moved his head toward her. Feeling nervous, she stuttered and said, “Stop seducing me! I never.. never had such an intention to begin with, now step back and let me go". --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wu Aili was the Savage Queen of the underworld but her trusted teammate stabbed her back. After her death she was reborn into Li Caixia body who was the biological daughter of the Li family. She is the only daughter but her parents favors her cousin ‘Dan – Lin’ more then her. Dan- Lin always mistreated Li Caixia and took the things which belonged to her. Wang Shiwei the wealthiest, handsome and the most famous bachelor of the country and was also called as the emperor of the ‘KU- GYE’ country. He was also the man liked by Li Caixia and she almost ruined her reputation to chase him but he never looked back at her. On an ominous night, Li Caixia dies in an accident but wakes up on her funeral which scares the hell out of her family and people present there. After getting all the previous memories of Li Caixia, Wu Aili decides to avenge herself and the owner of the body but while she was on her way to achieve success, somehow she get tangled by the wealthy Wang Shiwei who now forces her to stay with him. As they get together slowly the secret behind Wu Aili and Li Caixia death unfolds.Hüte dich vor dem Zorn der betrogenen Frau! .... Im Angesicht eines vernichtenden Verrats versucht Evelynn Rosetta verzweifelt, die Zeit zurückzudrehen. Doch ihre Bemühungen erweisen sich als mehr als aussichtslos, da sie im Körper einer Frau gefangen ist, die kurz davor steht, sich der Night's Courtship anzuschließen, einem gefährlichen Spiel mit tödlichen Einsätzen und einem unwiderstehlichen Preis - der Braut des berüchtigten Vampirs Maximilian Knight. Von bitterem Hass getrieben, schwört Eve, alles zu tun, was nötig ist, um die Macht zu erlangen, die sie für ihre Rache braucht, selbst wenn das bedeutet, dieses törichte Spiel zu gewinnen und einen völlig Fremden zu heiraten. Nur scheint dieser "Fremde" zu wissen, wer sie wirklich ist. ... Von den Geistern der Vergangenheit heimgesucht, hat Maximilian Knight sein wahres Ich vor der Welt verborgen und Jahrhunderte in stiller Verzweiflung ertragen. Doch gerade als er am Rande der Hoffnungslosigkeit steht, taucht eine Frau mit einem bekannten Gesicht auf. Maximilian schwört, dass er alles tun wird, um sie zu retten. Selbst wenn dies bedeutet, eine trotzige Zauberin zu heiraten, die wild entschlossen ist, diejenigen zu vernichten, die sie verraten haben. Das Spiel ist eröffnet. Eve wagt einen Schachzug. Für ihre Rache wird sie alles riskieren. ...... Tags: #slowburnromance #strongfemalelead #strongmalelead #norapeorabuse #r18 Andere Romane: The Lycan's Sin: COMPLETED Rosie's Games: IN BETRIEB Das Cover ist von mir. Instagram: @b.mitchylle Discord: MitchyMitch#3750
Riley, a rebellious human princess, always preferred the thrill of guild missions and the use of her magic over her royal duties. Neglecting her responsibilities, she left the burden of the throne to her younger sister. Though destined to become the future human queen, Riley chose to abdicate and live a life of adventure and freedom. However, her carefree life shatters when Seraphine, the future demon queen, murders Riley’s beloved. After a bit Riley is captured and imprisoned for treason against the demon queen. Her life takes a tragic and unexpected turn. In a twist of fate, Riley discovers that she is the perfect match for the future demon queen, Seraphine. Fueled by a burning desire for revenge, Riley is determined to make Seraphine pay for her lover's death. As their paths intertwine, Riley will stop at nothing to bring Seraphine to justice, even if it means confronting her own demons and challenging the destiny that binds them.