In the distant future, amidst the vast expanse of the cosmos, humanity stands on the brink of war as tensions escalate across the galaxies. The sudden ascension of Emperor Ishbar of Valterrium sparks unrest, leading to a tumultuous era known as the Dark Century. Amidst the chaos, the House of Capsuley rises to prominence, propelled by the enigmatic figure of Peter, who harbors memories from another life. Set against the backdrop of Vultrum, a frigid planet teeming with the invaluable resource Mana, the story unfolds with the arrival of Duke John Tyrell and his daughter, Siona. Their visit marks a pivotal moment as they encounter Peter, a young man marked by scars and otherworldly features. As Peter's fate becomes intertwined with the machinations of power and politics, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, navigating a treacherous landscape fraught with betrayal and intrigue. As the celestial forces converge and destinies intertwine, Peter must confront his past and embrace his destiny to shape the future of the cosmos. With echoes of celestial strife reverberating across the stars, the fate of humanity hangs in the balance as ancient secrets and cosmic powers collide in a battle for supremacy. A SAGA OF STARS is an epic saga of political intrigue, celestial conflict, and the enduring power of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Join Peter and his companions on a journey across galaxies as they unravel the mysteries of the universe and forge their own destiny amidst the chaos of the cosmos.
'Red ties one's fate' illustrates a world of infinite possibilities that are tied in tandem with the strings of fate. Red threads are created and destroyed with ever action and thought of a person. Thus, influencing that persons future and likeliness of experiencing a certain outcome. 'Red ties one's fate is a novel of a charter who defies this rule of his won world and yet will eventually gain the power to influence such rules to his own benefit, whether it be conscious or not.
In a post nuclear-war era where life is so scarce and precious, The liquidators at division 7 works hard to protect the public safety that hangs by a thread. One day an unforeseen beast disrupts the balance held between nature and civilization. How will they handle the threats that will lead to a much darker truth hidden behind ruined buildings and forgotten hopes? Only one way to find out!
Max found himself in a realm where technology and transcendence collided in a chaotic Warcraft. Amidst the raging battles and alienation, Max, armed with a peculiar cube for gene evolution, woke up to the realization that he might just be the legendary protagonist destined to save humanity. With a smirk, Max declared, "Looks like I'm the man destined to be the pillar of the human race – bring it on, world!"
The endless monster hunt of monster hunters against the giant army of monsters The Flawless. Twelve hunters and long cold nights, with the belief that they will protect London and England. Together they swore allegiance to London's Ghosts, fighting in the service of the Queen and England. Rake Aries said: "We are the night, we fight in the dark." Saz Taurus said: "We are the monster hunters of London. Their blood runs through our veins." Jade Gemini said: "We fight for the great Queen Victoria and for the innocent." Jin Cancer said: "And for a belief in a peaceful kingdom." Leon Leo said: "No monsters are spared mercy." Vyctoria Virgo said: "No monsters are allowed to run away from us." Evelyn Libra said: "Our blades are sharp to cut through darkness." Lancer Scorpio said: "Our guns are too hot from killing too many enemies." Godspeed Sagittarius said: "Even if the blood flows, we become monsters." Hexor Capricorn said: "We will never give up until our mission is done." Xiang Aquarius said: "In the name of Queen Victoria, We are..." Leia Pisces said: "The London's Ghosts." Litch Ophiuchus said: "Then, let there be our war. Huh, huh, huh."
The story is about the future interstellar voyage era, transplanted to the moon genetically modified human Yvette people and the Earth people contradictions become more and more intense. Ordinary Earth teenager Li Feng was involved in an accident, gained the superpower of alien civilization, and was specially recruited into the famous school of mecha warriors Yalang Academy ...... However, everything is just the beginning.
Something in this world isn't right, people are disappearing and people are beginning to see weird things, Johan is a normal teenage boy living in England when suddenly a mysterious man will come and take him away from his reality, putting him into a weird and mysterious world that monsters and humans occupy, monsters and people created for the sole purpose to fight, but after a big accident monsters began to roam the world, and Johan was caught up in the middle of it, how will this boy survive in this apocalyptic reality and will he ever escape it?
*ESSA E MINHA PRIMEIRA OBRA,TENHO OUTRAS JÁ PENSADAS A ANOS JUNTO A ESTA, PORÉM AINDA SOU UM ESCRITOR INICIANTE E NÃO FALO INGLÊS NATIVAMENTE* Em um universo onde armaduras de tecnologia avançada e magia são coisas do dia a dia,um grupo de mercenários viajam entre planetas,se aventurando...e as vezes saqueando...e principalmente causando confusões,eles são : Dorian Orlok,um vampiro necromante,com passado obscuro, ligação com demônios e problemas com drogas e álcool. Forgil,um warforged que é um cientista genial e está sempre a procura de material e dinheiro para suas experiê acumulador e comprador compulsivo. Therian,o último blood-elf que não lembra do seu passado. Baltasar Yatejur,um black draconado que é o último cavaleiro de uma antiga linhagem de cavaleiros de dragão...tem sérios problemas de raiva. Edgar,um Licantropo homem-leão espadachim com dupla personalidade. Caesar,um Lich druida que adora animais...vivos ou mortos. Triks,um antigo cientista humano,que mudou seu corpo ao maximo,coleciona monstros ,animais ,homunculus,etc. e adora fazer experiências digamos que biológicas. Amon Akvus Belial Verinax,um tiefling bruxo filho de um demonio nobre que fugiu de casa. Silvertr,um antigo ent maligno monge que busca a sabedoria. Oskbar Rampstur,um anão assassino, especialista em roubar,matar e acabar com a bebida de um bar. Ebony,um ghitzerai mago,maligno e quieto,pouco se sabe sobre ele. Adorat,um turtle-man gigante,muito forte e muito burro,seu melhor amigo é Triks.
In the year 2030, mutations in the human genome grew. At first, they were smaller changes, like green hair, and grey eyes… But later. Major changes in the human genome began to occur. Very major changes. The Mutant intelligence and Care Enterprise (M.I.C.E.) was established in 2043 to combat the growing rate of mutant crime across the globe. Agents are promised a livable wage and other benefits. But must put their life in danger day in and day out to capture criminal mutants. Hal, a longtime solo M.I.C.E agent. Is finally assigned a partner. And who else could it be but his academy mentor who trained him. The girl he always had a crush on…
To be a Mutant or a Zombie? To be... or not to be? Amber is an ordinary human who holds no hope of ever undergoing a mutation. At this point, his life choices narrow down to two: become a Zombie, the evil-aligned equivalent to the Mutant, or remain as a human to work for the Mutant Association as a lowly servant. Although the option is there, becoming a Zombie means succumbing to the K-Virus and receiving its unholy baptism! Madness and undying greed awaits those who enter the ranks of the Zombies. How could he even consider opting for such an outcome? Or... Maybe he can? Follow Amber as he embarks on a path that turns out to be entirely his own! Meanwhile, the world welcomes the Chosen One of Evolution... the true protagonist of the apocalypse, one who would lead the Mutants toward an outrageous war against the Zombies... and possibly losing miserably as a result. *** This time's WPC is Overpowered Side Character...
"ON YOUR FEET BOY!" Assaulted with a loud voice, a voice of command as you are wrenched to your feet, you're tired. Your breath is coming in long gasps. Your body aching in a way you've never experienced before, but there is something else. Something deeper, something that you've never quite understood, but now you did. Excitement, as the voice continued to yell at you, you raised a hand. Using an already dirtied hand to dig at the mud that had fallen into your eye and toss it away as your eyes opened. You could see clearly, before you a battlefield something out of a fantasy book. Magics arced across the sky, hissing with heat and crackling with power as it slaughtered ten men standing before you. You feel a weight thrust into your hands and you notice you are now holding a sword it feels familiar, not to you mentally, but your body. Your hand tightened around the longsword as you look up across the battlefield. Thrust into a world not your own was your wish, right? You wished for battle, for magic when strength and power meant something. When people bent the knee, and when you could play your little fantasy game. Now you were there, with no time, no preparation, and in the middle of a battle raging between two armies. The scent of blood and the sight of steel, but despite all that. You can feel your heart pounding, for once in your life. Something is bringing you that excitement, that edge you so wished. This is your story, your story of Blood and Steel.
After the invasion of the Drachknee Imperium on Earth. A young man named Arcan is destined to become the apostle of the Sun God and save the world from the Drachknee, a race of alien beings bent on destroying humanity. Arcan must journey to the sacred temple of the Sun God and prove himself worthy of the title of Apostle, facing many trials and tribulations along the way. He must also rally the people of the land to fight against the Drachknee, and find a way to stop their invasion. Will Arcan succeed in his quest, or will the Drachknee triumph and or will the Drachknee triumph and bring about the end of humanity? Or could there be another way to stop the war, without resorting to violence? Arcan's journey will test his strength, his faith, and his humanity, as he discovers who he truly is and what he's capable of. The fate of the world hangs in the balance.