{Warning; Mature Content} **She was ice. He was fire. And none of them were willing to melt, or quench the other.** Princess Raziah Octavius, the strange and curious princess had only two things in mind. One; To be alone. Two; Take revenge on the person responsible for her nightmares that unfaithful night. On the night of her introduction, she comes across a unique devil dressed as a prince, and she immediately agrees to get married to him just to get the frustrating night over with. Whisked away to his kingdom, she finds out just how unique his Majesty is with all the mystery around him. But no matter what happens, and how much this devious devil tries to burn her with his touch and gaze, he can never melt her frozen heart. ...Or so she thought.Anastasia Harrison, une jeune femme maltraitée par sa cruelle famille, pensait que sa vie était terminée lorsqu'ils l'ont forcée à épouser Richard, le mouton noir peu recommandable de la riche famille Wallace. Pendant ce temps, sa jeune sœur préférée, Michelle, allait épouser Xavier, l'aîné, qui était un PDG. Pourtant, une erreur à l'hôtel de ville a fini par inverser leurs noms sur leurs certificats de mariage respectifs. "C'est quoi ça ?! Comment se fait-il que tu sois mariée à Xavier Wallace ?" "Tu n'auras ni nourriture ni eau jusqu'à ce que tu signes les papiers du divorce !" Pour envenimer les choses, le vieux M. et Mme Harrison sont décédés, laissant tous leurs biens à Anastasia et non au reste de la famille. Cela a poussé les Harrisons à bout. Pour échanger contre une vie paisible, Anastasia était prête à abandonner son héritage et quitter la famille, mais les Harrisons avaient d'autres projets en tête. Ils voulaient se débarrasser d'elle. De manière permanente. Cependant, ce fut par un coup de chance qu'Anastasia fut trouvée par son nouveau mari, Xavier, avant que sa famille ne réussisse. Déterminée à prendre sa revanche, elle a conclu un pacte avec Xavier. "Continue d'être ma femme et je t'aiderai à prendre ta revanche !"
Le jour de son mariage avec l'amour de jeunesse, Natalie Ford reçut un cadeau inattendu : un certificat de mariage. Il stipulait qu'elle était déjà mariée à un parfait inconnu — Aiden Handrix. Alors que les invités du mariage continuaient de se moquer et de l'insulter, son amant Ivan décida de la quitter pour épouser sa demi-sœur Briena à la place. Pour ajouter l'insulte à l'outrage, elle fut jetée hors de chez elle. Pour prouver son innocence, Natalie Ford n'avait qu'une seule option — elle devait trouver ce mystérieux Aiden Handrix et éclaircir cette histoire ! Le lendemain, il y eut une nouvelle qui fit sensation à la télévision. Justine Harper, l'héritière de la famille la plus riche de Bayford, rentrait chez elle. Natalie plissa les yeux devant l'écran de TV. «Pourquoi cet homme ressemble-t-il exactement à celui sur la photo de mon certificat de mariage ?» Dans sa quête pour percer le mystère derrière ce prétendu mariage, elle décida de le suivre et de lui demander en personne. « Êtes-vous marié ? » « Non. » « Vous avez un frère jumeau ? » « Non ? » « Vous avez déjà entendu le nom Aiden Handrix par hasard ? » « Non. » « Alors, qui diable êtes-vous ? » « Ton frère. » « Attendez, quoi ? » « Oui. Maintenant, fais tes valises et rentre à la maison avec moi. » D'abord un mari sorti de nulle part et maintenant un frère avec le même visage ? Est-ce que Dieu créait des clones et les lui offrait sous différentes relations ?
The night before her wedding, her world shattered. Betrayed by her own sister and abandoned by her fiancé, who demanded her kidney as the price for his love, she thought her life was over. But she refused to be a victim. At the altar, she made a bold move: she called off the wedding and declared she’d marry anyone willing to step up. To everyone’s shock, he—the richest and most powerful man in the city—stepped forward, claiming it was his “duty” to marry her. Overnight, she went from a betrayed bride to the wife of her ex-fiancé’s uncle, turning the tables on everyone who wronged her. From navigating family drama to outsmarting scheming rivals, she rose to become the undisputed queen of both families, building an empire of her own. Now, with a thriving career and a husband who adores her, she’s living her best life. But when her husband calls, begging her to come home because their twins are “starving for attention,” she knows her chaotic yet glorious life is just getting started.
Bem-vindo ao mundo extravagante da elite, onde Seraphina Alaric, uma garota delicada e frágil que sempre depende de remédios para melhorar, está apenas tentando encontrar um respiro antes que sua vida seja virada de cabeça para baixo por um casamento arranjado... Sério, quem quer estar preso quando ainda está tentando descobrir o que quer na vida? Durante um banquete sofisticado, ela esbarra no enigmático Duque de Everwyn. E a parte mais maluca? Ela não faz ideia de quem seja esse cara—apenas pensa que ele é um estranho misterioso. Do nada, sentindo-se aventureira (e talvez um pouco imprudente), ela sugere um encontro secreto que vira seu mundo de cabeça para baixo. Naquele momento oculto, Seraphina mergulha de cabeça em seus desejos mais selvagens. Mas reviravolta na trama—acontece que o cara com quem ela acabou de passar a noite é ninguém menos que seu futuro marido. Ops! Tanto por um estranho misterioso—ela acabou de passar a noite com seu futuro marido! "Duque, isso dói..." convida você para um redemoinho de auto-descoberta, romance ardente e o doce caos do amor quando você menos espera. Será que Seraphina pode se libertar das correntes da sociedade, ou ela se encontrá enredada na própria teia da qual tentou escapar? Junte-se a ela nessa jornada emocionante, e descubra como o amor pode ser ao mesmo tempo libertador e complicado. Não perca—sua próxima obsessão está a apenas uma página de distância!
Penny a trois frères : l'un est un PDG milliardaire, le second est le plus jeune lieutenant de l'armée, et le dernier est un acteur à succès. Ces trois hommes à succès n'avaient qu'un point commun : harceler Penny, leur petite sœur qu'ils considéraient comme un fardeau. La sœur qu'ils n'avaient jamais souhaitée avoir, et celle qui prétendait être leur vraie sœur, alors que la sœur qu'ils chérissaient depuis tout ce temps était une imposture. Après avoir vécu une vie de mauvais traitements chez sa tante, des personnes de haut rang sont venues annoncer à Penny ses vraies origines. Elle pensait enfin être sauvée des griffes de sa tante, sans savoir que ce qui l'attendait était pire. À 13 ans, Penny ne souhaitait qu'une chose : que ses frères l'aiment et la traitent comme une famille, tout autant qu'ils aimaient leur fausse sœur. Elle travaillait et étudiait dix fois plus que quiconque juste pour être acceptée par eux. Dans son désespoir, elle tomba naïvement dans un piège tendu par une personne malveillante, sans savoir que ses actions entraîneraient la chute de ses frères et qu’elle finirait en prison avec une peine de mort. Le jour de son exécution, Penny n'avait qu'une pensée en tête : Si jamais elle pouvait retourner dans le passé, ses frères pourraient choyer leur fausse sœur autant qu'ils le voulaient ! Elle ne voulait plus rien avoir à faire avec eux ! Et à sa grande surprise, Penny se retrouva le jour où tout avait commencé : le jour de sa naissance. Comme promis, cette fois, elle n'essaierait pas bêtement de gagner l'amour et l'affection de ses frères. Peu importe la famille ! Elle ferait juste beaucoup d'argent, vivrait dans le luxe, et créerait sa propre famille ! Mais attendez, pourquoi maintenant qu'elle ne voulait plus rien avoir à faire avec ses frères, continuaient-ils à se mêler de ses affaires ? N'étaient-ils pas censés choyer leur fausse sœur ? Pourquoi ne la laissent-ils pas tranquille ?! Et comment se fait-il qu'elle soit mariée dans cette vie ? Pour aggraver les choses, ce mari qu'elle n'avait jamais eu dans sa première vie se portait soudainement volontaire pour être le père de ses enfants ?!
``` Penny tem três irmãos: um é um bilionário CEO, o segundo é o tenente militar mais jovem e o último é um ator de sucesso. Esses três homens de sucesso tinham apenas uma coisa em comum: intimidar Penny, a pequena irmã que era um verdadeiro incômodo. A irmã que eles nunca quiseram ter e a que alegava ser a verdadeira irmã deles, enquanto a irmã que tanto valorizaram todo esse tempo era uma farsa. Após viver uma vida de maus-tratos na casa de sua tia, algumas pessoas de alto escalão vieram até Penny com notícias sobre sua verdadeira origem. Ela pensou que finalmente estava salva do domínio de sua tia, sem saber que o que a aguardava era pior. Aos 13 anos, Penny só desejava uma coisa: que seus irmãos a amassem e a tratassem como família, tanto quanto amavam a irmã falsa. Ela trabalhou e estudou dez vezes mais do que qualquer outro apenas para ser aceita por eles. Em seu desespero, ela caiu tola em uma armadilha armada por uma pessoa mal-intencionada, sem saber que suas ações resultariam na queda de seus irmãos e nela acabando na cadeia com uma sentença de morte. No dia de sua execução, Penny tinha apenas um pensamento em mente: Se ela pudesse voltar no tempo, que seus irmãos mimassem a irmã falsa o quanto quisessem! Ela não queria mais nada com eles! E para sua surpresa, Penny se viu de volta ao dia em que tudo começou: o dia em que nasceu. Como prometido, desta vez, ela não tentaria de forma tola ganhar o amor e afeto de seus irmãos. Que se dane a família! Ela simplesmente faria muito dinheiro, viveria no luxo e faria sua própria família! Mas espere, por que agora que ela não queria mais nada com os irmãos, eles insistiam em se meter em seus assuntos? Eles não deveriam estar mimando a irmã falsa? Por que não a deixam em paz?! E como diabos ela estava casada nesta vida? Para piorar as coisas, este marido que ela nunca teve em sua primeira vida estava de repente se oferecendo para ser o pai de seus filhos?! ```
Nascida em uma das famílias mais ricas do país, a verdadeira identidade de Layla Rosenzweig é retirada no momento de seu nascimento pela amante de seu pai. Ela é forçada a viver como a filha ilegítima da Família Rosenzweig. Todos a tratam como uma estranha em sua própria casa. 'Isso é meu. Aquilo é meu. Na verdade, tudo é meu', disse a meia-irmã de Layla. Tudo o que pertencia a Layla é dado à sua meia-irmã, incluindo seu namorado. Então, ela é forçada a se casar com o tio impiedoso de seu ex-namorado, Lucius De Salvo, o homem mais terrível do país. Lucius De Salvo é conhecido por seus métodos implacáveis para conseguir o que quer. Seu nome é suficiente para aterrorizar as pessoas. Diz-se que ele é um homem desprovido de emoções. Ele encontra prazer na dor e no sofrimento alheio. Ele adora atormentar aqueles que caem em seu radar. Mas por que ele é tão amável com Layla? Ou seria apenas uma pretensão? 'Está pronta para a noite de núpcias, querida?' Lucius perguntou. 'Eu desejei você por muito tempo.' 'O quê?' Layla ficou chocada. 'Por que você desejaria?' 'Porque você é Layla Rosenzweig. A mulher que eu gosto.' Com isso, ele a capturou em um beijo apaixonado.
(*No Rape*) Bringing to you from the Series of The Queens' Trilogy; VOLUME I: A Royal Mismatch: The Trouble With Prince Charming From Royal Reject to Accidental Crown Princess: A Marriage of Convenience Gone Wrong. Every girl dreams of being born a princess, right? Not Oriana. Sitting on a little stool, waited on by hand and foot? No thanks. Freedom, adventure anything but the stifling expectations of royalty is what she craves. In fact, she'd rather be scaling the castle walls tonight than attending a stuffy soiree. Luckily, she wasn't born to be the crown princess. In fact, she is the bane of etiquette tutors and the kingdom's resident "bad egg." But fate, it seems, has a wicked sense of humor. Duty throws Oriana into a political marriage with the infamous Crown Prince Adric of Avon. A notorious playboy known for his scandalous lifestyle and disregard for courtly decorum, Adric seems like the perfect escape hatch from her suffocating expectations. Adric, on the other hand, couldn't care less who he marries. His reputation precedes him; a notorious playboy who thrives on defying expectations. But when the fiery Oriana crashes into his world of calculated indifference, sparks fly. Will this forced union ignite a royal scandal of epic proportions or blossom into an unexpected love that challenges the very foundations of their kingdom? _________ Oriana pressed her lips. "You don't want to do this. I'll hate you forever. I belong elsewhere, not here." "I guess you're mistaken, Princess. You only belong in one place; where I am. You belong to me," Adric said, moving his free hand down. He traced his fingers down Oriana's neck. ._._._._._. VOLUME II (A ROYAL MISMATCH: UNTAMED LOVE) Freya, the royal cook's daughter, loves to read and hide from the world. Her life changes when she catches the royal guard with a married woman in a scandalous act. Now, she's forced to interact with this annoying guard, who's never fallen in love before. Despite his efforts to win her over, Freya doesn't find him attractive like other women do. When they're sent to an ally kingdom as delegates, they spend time together. One day, while the guard is was pleasing other women, Freya discovers a new world she never imagined. What happens when she experiences the forbidden fruit? And is drawn to same guard she vowed never to look at. _________ "What you saw...did you enjoy it?" The young girl turned her face away, avoiding the guard's eyes, as a familiar heat built up between her legs. "Look at me...say the word...beg me to give you the release your body craves," the Royal guard commanded, his grin growing wider as he pushed her chin forward with his large palm. "Why should I?" she replied, her voice firm. "It's men who beg women, not the other way around." The guard chuckled, shaking his head. "Not in your case, I offered it to you the first time and your rejected...if you want it now, you'll have to earn it." Other works of this author; 1. Kitanna from the series of Queens'Trilogy. 2. The Hitman's Sunshine. 3. Cursed Bride of The Damned Vampire King
When Aria turned five her grandmother told her that their family has never been blessed with a mate and not having a mate doesn't mean they won't find love. When Aria turned eighteen, her desire to have a mate became stronger because her best friend whom she had a crush on found his mate and the pure joy in his eyes when he told her about the mate bond, place a emptiness in her heart. "You are special, Aria. You have the power to turn back time." That was what her grandmother told her when she claimed she was cursed and even though she was not satisfied with that answer, she never asked again. Two years later, Aria got a call from the hospital and found out that her grandmother has been poisoned and the only way for her to save her grandmother was to accept this deal made by the Alpha of the Shadow Moon pack "Marry Alpha Tristan, have him fall for you and then kill him." It was the only way to saved her grandmother so she agreed despite knowing that she was walking into a lion den, because how was she going to kill a man who despite losing both his sight and his mate, command enough power and authority to still be called a Alpha. How will Aria feel when she realized that the man she has been task to kill has been waiting for her for five lifetimes and have just two years left to live? What situation will Aria find herself that will require her to turn back time and what price will she pay for altering time itself? ----------- Excerpt Aria felt uneasy by his silence and wondered if it was the right moment to use the techniques, Hailey has taught her. Taking a deep breath, Aria stepped closer and closed her eyes as she brushed her lips against Tristan's. Tristan stiffened when he felt her lips on his and without thinking, he immediately pushed her away. Seeing the angry look on his face, Aria felt like it was all over; she was definitely going to be killed now. But Tristan expression was shadowed by more than anger. How had she gotten so close without him sensing her? And why--why was his heart racing like this?
A vida de Rain Clayton toma um rumo inesperado quando ela destrói o carro do seu namorado infiel, só para descobrir que não era dele — pertencia a um estranho. Para piorar a situação, ela acidentalmente descobre que está casada com esse estranho, ninguém menos que Alexander Lancaster, o recluso Vice-Presidente e CEO do poderoso Grupo Lancaster. Criada em uma família que a maltratou e agora é pressionada pelo pai para se casar com o filho psicopata do prefeito, Rain vê esse casamento surpresa como uma bênção disfarçada. Após anos de sofrimento, parece que os céus finalmente tiveram piedade dela, presenteando-a com um marido bilionário e bonito — um homem implacável com seus inimigos e exatamente o que ela precisa para escapar das garras de sua família. Mas há um grande problema: Alexander quer um divórcio imediato. Determinada a mantê-lo, Rain propõe um acordo para estender o casamento, sob os termos dele. Agora tudo que ela tem que fazer é convencê-lo a mantê-la para sempre... Algumas semanas se passaram desde o casamento surpresa... “O que você está fazendo?” Rain explodiu, seus olhos arregalados enquanto observava Alexander rastejar para a cama dela. “Cumprindo deveres conjugais,” ele respondeu com um sorriso casual. “Você não pode dormir aqui! Isso vai contra o nosso contrato!” “Não estou quebrando,” Alexander disse, dando de ombros. “O contrato especifica que você cumprirá todos os deveres de esposa, exceto compartilhar minha cama. Não diz nada sobre eu não cumprir os deveres de marido, incluindo compartilhar sua cama.” A situação havia mudado, e parecia que ela já não era a única no controle...
Bienvenido al extravagante mundo de la elite, donde Seraphina Alaric, una chica delicada y frágil que siempre depende de la medicina para mejorar, solo está intentando darse un respiro antes de que su vida se ponga patas arriba debido a un matrimonio arreglado... En serio, ¿quién quiere estar atado cuando todavía estás descubriendo lo que quieres en la vida? Durante un suntuoso banquete, ella se topa con el enigmático Duque de Everwyn. Y lo más loco? Ella no tiene ni idea de quién es este tipo, solo piensa que es un misterioso desconocido. De la nada, sintiéndose aventurera (y tal vez un poco temeraria), sugiere un encuentro secreto que voltea su mundo al revés. En ese momento oculto, Seraphina se sumerge de cabeza en sus más salvajes deseos. Pero giro de trama—resulta que, el tipo con el que acaba de pasar la noche no es otro que su futuro esposo. ¡Vaya! Tanto por un misterioso desconocido, acaba de pasar la noche con su futuro esposo. "Duke, It Hurts..." te invita a un torbellino de auto-descubrimiento, romance apasionante y el dulce caos del amor cuando menos lo esperas. ¿Puede Seraphina liberarse de las cadenas sociales, o se encontrará enredada en la misma red de la que intentó escapar? Únete a ella en este emocionante viaje, y descubre cómo el amor puede ser tanto liberador como complicado. No te lo pierdas, tu próxima obsesión está a solo una página de distancia.
“Give me one year of your life and I’ll give you the money you need.” Feng Mian is a normal and down to earth modern woman. She just wanted an ordinary life, an ordinary job and find an ordinary man to marry in the future. (Yes, all should be ordinary). But when family matters took a turn for the worst, she faced a huge dilemma called shortage of money. Suddenly, a contract came due to a series of coincidences. Zhang Liang was fed up with his father's (yes, father not mother) matchmaking schemes for him. He wanted to have a peaceful year because this was his chance to expand his business overseas, yet his father didn’t seem to get the message. When an ordinary fresh graduate employee in his company accidentally saw a scene, he decided to take the chance. “Since she has a normal background with nothing remarkable, nothing should go wrong, right?” Browsing through the contract, Feng Mian gritted her teeth. 'Fine. It was just one year of my life anyway. I wouldn't lose a lot.' But was it true? Or would that one year turn out to be a ride full of ups and down for both of them? ... Story set in modern era in fictional country. This story is purely fiction, any similarities with real life's event is purely coincidence. Special thanks for CatarinaM2811 for making the cover Word count: 900-1800 words/chapter Discord: https://discord.gg/pBy2wGB ... Thorough the Years' Series: 1. 1 Year of Beginning [complete] 2. 2 Years of Restarting [complete] 3. -Work in Progress- 4. -Work in Progress- 5. -Work in Progress- 6. -Work in Progress- 7. -Work in Progress- The series are all STANDALONE, meaning you don't have to read the other series in order to be able to follow this story. You can just read one and you still didn't lose anything. Each of the series have different main leads but they all happen in the same universe (and similar timeline, some are overlapping but mostly not) ... Other novels: -Flowers Bloom from Battlefield [complete] - Under the Veil of Night [complete] - 7 Path of the Lilies [on long hiatus] - Villain Lady [complete] - Science and Fantasy [complete] - Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower [on going] - The Quiet Empress [on going] ... Note for those who read Sorahana's other novels: This novel took a different approach compared to my other novels because it focused heavily on romance and also in main lead's perspective. follow me on IG: @sora100518``` Bien que ce ne fût qu'un mariage de convenance, Amélie Ashford était la femme parfaite en tout point. Elle était intelligente, obéissante et bien respectée. Elle était aimable envers tous et dévouée à son mari. Et elle était parfaitement contente de passer le reste de sa vie ainsi, même si on la harcelait constamment pour qu'elle tombe enceinte. Jusqu'à ce que son mari entre dans leur maison avec une maîtresse à ses côtés et finalement exige le divorce. "Très bien," dit Amélie calmement, "je te divorcerai." Les yeux de Richard pétillaient en entendant les mots de sa femme. Cependant, à sa grande surprise, elle n'avait pas encore fini. "Mais ne sois pas étonné quand tu recevras une invitation à mon prochain mariage." A la surprise générale, Amélie se remaria en effet, et avec un homme plus jeune et, comme il s'est avéré, plus riche ! Et elle s'est assurée que son ex-mari réalise ce que signifie perdre le soutien d'une femme comme elle. _____ "J'ai été élevée pour être l'épouse parfaite de la haute société, façonnée pour exceller et rester vigilante. Tout ce que je savais, c'était comment feindre un sourire, lire et travailler dur pour s'assurer que personne n'ose mépriser ma famille. Mais en fin de compte, c'est exactement ce qui m'a rendu ennuyeuse et terne. Alors, quand mon mari a décidé de me divorcer, pourquoi Liam est-il tombé amoureux de moi à la place ?" Important : La FL n'est pas une Mary Sue. Le divorce a lieu dans la seconde partie du roman alors attention à votre tension artérielle. ```
La vida de Rain Clayton da un giro salvaje cuando destroza el coche de su novio infiel, solo para descubrir que no era suyo: pertenecía a un extraño. Para empeorar las cosas, descubre accidentalmente que está casada con este extraño, nada menos que Alexander Lancaster, el recluso Vicepresidente y Director Ejecutivo del poderoso Grupo Lancaster. Criada en una familia que la maltrató y ahora presionada por su padre para casarse con el hijo psicópata del alcalde, Rain ve este matrimonio sorpresa como una bendición disfrazada. Después de años de sufrimiento, parece que los cielos finalmente han tenido piedad de ella, regalándole un esposo multimillonario guapo, un hombre despiadado con sus enemigos y exactamente lo que necesita para escapar de las garras de su familia. Pero hay un problema importante: Alexander quiere un divorcio inmediato. Determinada a mantenerlo, Rain hace un trato para extender su matrimonio, bajo sus condiciones. Ahora todo lo que tiene que hacer es convencerlo de que la mantenga para siempre... Unas semanas pasaron desde su matrimonio sorpresa... —¿Qué estás haciendo? —exclamó Rain, con los ojos muy abiertos mientras observaba a Alexander trepar a su cama. —Cumpliendo los deberes maritales —respondió él con una sonrisa casual. —¡No puedes dormir aquí! ¡Está en contra de nuestro contrato! —No lo estoy rompiendo —dijo Alexander encogiéndose de hombros—. El contrato especifica que cumplirás todos los deberes de esposa, excepto compartir mi cama. No dice nada sobre que yo no pueda cumplir los deberes maritales, incluido compartir tu cama. La situación había cambiado, y parecía que ya no era la única en control...
To save her family from dying unjustly like they did in her previous life she has to marry a Prince rumored to be a demon. A marriage that was only a deal on paper turns to something they both can't resist. ** Two people who transverse through a lifetime of difficulty and hardship only to find each other again in another lifetime. Will their love transcend over the forces of time and the evil that lurks behind the power of a wish? Or will fate tear them apart to regain the world's stability. *************** Excerpt "How ridiculous, just because you saved my life, now I have to pay you back by marrying you?" Hamon looked strangely terrifying as he gave her a mocking laugh. If he wasn't already wounded Ara might've beat that laugh off his face, for her own peace of mind. "Your Highness if you keep laughing like that, your wound will open." Her voice sounded muffled behind the armor making it quite gruff. "Shut your disgusting mouth, even your voice is disgusting." "Your Highness, listen to what I ha-" "I'm going to say this one last time. I'm not going to marry you....so You can take your sorry self and leave this place right now while am being nice!" Ara wanted to fume At him when he kept on interrupting her again and again. 'He thinks I'm disgusting, after I risked my life to save him? What an arrogant pompous Prince!' Despite her anger boiling beneath the surface, she said in a calm voice. "Can you please just listen to me first?" __ Excerpt 'Without Arabella...Hamon is nothing.' 'Die? How will you die when I'll be here to bring you back? Not even death can take you away from me, wife.' 'If anything happens to you...I will ruin the entire world!' Memories of his words to his wife began to echo in his head, then images of her smiling face. And what she said earlier. 'If you tell me to split up with you again, I'll get very mad at you. And I won't allow you hold me to sleep tonight!' 'Hamon, I'll be dead before I leave your side, I am your wife and once your soldier, I am not a coward. I am staying by your side!' Hamon sat frozen on the cold forest ground as he held Ara's dead body in his arms. There was no longer any signs of tears in his eyes, all that was left was a pair of soulless eyes. He slowly glanced down at her pale lifeless face, the reality began to sink to his mind. His wife was dead, Ara was dead... She died saving him, taking the arrows meant for him. As those thoughts went through his mind, his face slowly began to darken, like cloudy storms of an incoming typhoon that could tear the skies and the earth apart, gradually his forearms veins started to turn purple and it spread to his neck veins and forehead. He pulled away from Ara's body and stood to his feet. Eyes as red as blood, claws long and sharp pierced through his fingers cutting his skin, but he didn't so much as flinch as the blood dripped from them. Purple dark veins appeared on his face as his sharp fangs peeked out of his clenched lips. There the Demon stood with flames blazing in his hands, it looked nothing like Hamon. Just his soulless eyes were enough to make one crawl away in fright. __ Note: this book is a slow burn romance, and there's no major tragedy. You can also check out my other book. Title: Bound To The Ice Dragon King Happy reading!Mature content[R-18+] NO RAPE~ ~What happens when a psychopath falls in love?~ The infamous wallflower and sole heiress of the Falcone empire, Abigail Falcone, was a loner, shy, and reserved. She did not know how to socialize or even how to love until she met him. Desperate to escape her scheming relatives, Abby sought a favor from her late best friend’s fiancé—a marriage of convenience. No one would have ever paired the shy, stammering wallflower with the sinfully handsome mafia leader. However, it quickly becomes clear that Abby is a woman of hidden strength—and Remo Quinn finds his dead heart beating once again. Wary but tempted, she struggles to get through the arrangement without stripping herself of her morals and losing her heart to her husband—a man so beautiful and broken, he will hurt her as much as he will love her. While seeking revenge and amidst the sultry heat of their forbidden desires and secret fears, will Abigail find the love that will change her life forever? Or will she face the punishment of falling for her deceased best friend's fiancé? What happens when Remo finds out his little shy wallflower wife is a little sly fox? ——————————— ——————————— Excerpt ~ "Beg me to use you, Abby," he growled, his voice husky with desire. Abby's breath caught in her throat as she struggled to comply with his demand. With a mixture of arousal and trepidation, she managed to whisper, "Please ...Remo..." But Remo wasn't satisfied with just her words. He wanted to see her beg, to hear the desperation in her voice. With a wicked grin, he applied a bit more pressure to her thighs, a hint of pain mingling with pleasure. "Words, little sweet doll. Beg me," he commanded, his tone leaving no room for disobedience. The sensation sent a jolt of arousal coursing through Abby's veins, her resolve crumbling under Remo's intoxicating dominance. With a whimper of surrender, she found herself uttering the words he desired, her voice trembling with need. "Please...use me," she pleaded, her heart racing as she surrendered herself to the delicious torment of Remo's touch. Trigger warnings; Self-harm, mental illness, rough sexual acts etc.
[SLOW BURN ROMANCE. RATED 18: NO RAPE] What if the sort of love you'd wanted and desired, only but a man incapable of love could give it to you–a man who has not the slightest of an idea what the word "Love" meant? ..... Vampires coexisted with humans for centuries without either side hunting or killing the other due to a peace treaty. They didn’t feed on human blood for so long either, but that changes when the first vampire auction is held. Six human slaves were sold, and among them included Avelina, a twenty-six-year-old woman. Avelina is sold to an infamous Vampire prince, Draven Delgaard, rumored to have committed heinous acts even amongst his kind. She fears for her life upon their first encounter, but to her utmost bewilderment, Draven Delgaard makes a deal with her. He sought the inheritance of the royal family, but to be qualified, he needed a wife. Since his kinds weren’t available due to his reputation, Avelina was one of the few options left. In exchange for her freedom, she will assist him in obtaining the inheritance. But this royal inheritance can only be acquired through the style of a chess game with other royal opponents. A game of strategy and survival. Should she succeed, her freedom shall be regained and it would be a win-win for both her and Draven. However, she soon realizes that success might come at a very heavy cost. Will Avelina and Draven be able to win the game of chess? Will they secure her freedom and inheritance, or will they fall victim to the dangerous machinations of the royal family?"You flirted with me and now you want to run away?" Being Special Agent, she is tired of serving her moody, unpredictable, and bad-tempered husband. It's exhausting. People say that Mu Yeli despises this country bumpkin wife who barged into his life halfway, he never gives her a second glance. But the truth is... "Sir, Madam is outside fighting with someone." "Why aren't you getting a doctor to check if she is injured?" "Sir, Madam has swollen the neighbor's Miss's mouth with a punch." "Why did she have to do it herself, what are you guys here for?" "Sir, Madam thinks you're too nosy and doesn't want you, so she ran away from home." "Bring her back... No, don't scare her, I'll go personally!"
Charlotte Bourbon, a 19-year-old widow, was happy in her life after she got married to the man of her dreams. However, because of a sudden illness, her husband died within a month, and Charlotte's life came to a sudden halt. ‘She became the curse for her husband that he died young.’ ‘She is the one, who killed her husband.’ ‘She should have died with her husband.’ Numerous such things Charlotte would hear from the people around her in the palace when she decided to take her life. However, was it that easy to die? Édouard Bourdillon was the eldest son of King Christian Bourdillon of the Kingdom of Escana. He decided to marry the widow of his late younger brother so that he could take over the Beromont territory which his brother possessed. But was this the only reason he wanted to marry Charlotte? ~~~~~~~~ "What are you doing?" Terrified Charlotte asked as she saw Édouard unbuttoning his shirt. "I am hot, so I am taking off the shirt," Édouard said and reached for the last button. "But it's cold weather," Charlotte said and knitted her brows. "Not here, Charlotte. Your mere presence around me makes me hot," Édouard said and took off the shirt. "Ahhh!" Charlotte quickly brought her hands in front of her eyes and covered them. From the gaps between her fingers, she peeked out of curiosity. A lump formed in her throat as she saw his perfectly carved body with a few scars on the chest and near the abdomen. Charlotte saw him approaching her and she tightly shut her eyes. A few seconds later, when she realized everything was so quiet, she opened her eyes again and found him before her. She promptly moved back and hit the wall behind her. She thought to leave the room when Édouard caged her petite body between his arms. "Are you going to—" "Yes. I want to be wild with you tonight, Little Cherry," Édouard said with a smirk, and the next second, he lifted her in his arms. ~~~~~ *Cover art is mine. Made by "HS AONARAN" available on FB* Follow me on Instagram: rayoflight_pcy