``` Nos últimos três anos, Ariana Ari Harlow dedicou tudo ao seu marido. Os dois se casaram porque sua irmã escolheu fugir na noite do casamento, acreditando nos rumores de que a Corporação Nelson estava falida. Ari amava Noah desde os dezesseis anos, ela pensou que era o sonho dela se tornando realidade. No entanto, não sabia que sua irmã tinha preparado uma armadilha para ela, e não era o começo de sua nova vida, mas sim o seu novo inferno. Ela foi forçada a desistir de seu treinamento como médica porque a respeitável Senhora Nelson não poderia ter suas mãos cobertas de sangue. Ari concordou. Pelo bem de Noah, ela se tornou a esposa perfeita que cuidava dos sogros e do marido. No entanto, o que a esperava era nada além de insultos, seu marido tinha vergonha dela e sua sogra acreditava que sua irmã, Ariel, era a mais adequada para o filho. Porém, Ari persistiu. Ela pensou que um dia aqueceria o coração do marido. Mas ela o pegou beijando sua irmã! De coração partido, Ariana decidiu se divorciar do marido, mas de alguma forma se viu emaranhada com Nicolai. O inimigo e rival do marido. Eles não eram feitos para ficarem juntos. Mas Nicolai não parece se importar com as chances contra eles. Na verdade, ele estava determinado a invadir a vida de Ari e incendiar tudo. Em seu torpor alcoólico, ele a segurou pelo pescoço contra a parede de um pub sujo, "Você pode negar o quanto quiser, princesa, mas você me deseja." Seus olhos percorreram seu peito ofegante e seus olhos escureceram, o vermelho apareceu desvairado, possessivo como se quisesse arrancar sua alma do corpo e introduzir em si mesmo. "Aposto que se eu dar uma olhada, você estará encharcada para mim." O calor subiu às bochechas de Ariana enquanto ela rosnava, "Cala a boca." "Me faça," disse Nicolai enquanto esmagava os lábios nos dela. Seus beijos queimavam em sua alma, e seu calor cauterizava sua pele toda vez que se tocavam. Ela achava que seu maior erro tinha sido se envolver com Nicolai. Contudo, Ari logo percebeu da maneira mais difícil, de forma literal, que ser desejada por um belo pesadelo era muito pior que um erro. E as coisas ficam complicadas quando seu marido descobre a verdade sobre tudo. "Atire no meu coração, Ari," disse Noah enquanto colocava o bocal da arma onde ficava seu coração. "Porque uma vida sem você é uma vida que eu não quero, então ou me mata ou volta. Eu te imploro." Agora que Nicolai lhe deu uma escolha, Ari se apaixonaria por ele e pularia para uma vida de nada além de perigo? Ou ela voltaria para o marido, Noah, por quem ela era apaixonada desde os dezesseis anos? E Ariana evitará o perigo que espreita nas sombras, esperando que ela cometa um erro e perca tudo que lhe é querido? Ela encontrará a chave para todos os segredos que a atam a Noah e Nicolai, bem como seu destino tortuoso? ******* Excerto: "É tudo sobre dinheiro, não é? Pegue e desapareça," Ele gritou ao jogar o cartão preto no rosto de Ariana. Ariana não podia acreditar no que ouvia quando seu marido ou seu futuro ex-marido a humilhou desse jeito. Três anos. Ariana Harlow deu a Noah Nelson, três anos e ainda assim, quando ela o pegou beijando sua irmã mais velha, Ariel —— foi isso que ele disse a ela. "Eu vou me divorciar de você," Ari declarou e partiu. Ela partiu sem um tostão, mas Ari tropeçou em Nicolai. O inimigo e rival de seu marido, o príncipe da Máfia da Cidade de Lonest, um bastardo notório conhecido por suas tendências violentas. O encontro infeliz a colocou no caminho de Nicolai, e assim como isso ele a fixou em seu olhar. Na primeira vez que se encontraram, Nicolai pediu para ser convidado para jantar. Na segunda vez que se encontraram, ele lhe entregou um milhão de dólares. Na terceira vez que se encontraram, ele declarou, "Você ficará bem em meus braços, o que você diz, princesa?" ******** ```
Arwen Quinn, herdeira da prestigiada família Quinn, percebeu tarde demais que não importava o que ela fizesse, nunca ganharia o amor de Ryan. O futuro que lhe esperava era uma vida presa na interminável miséria de um casamento sem amor. Decidida, ela termina o relacionamento e se afasta. O que ela não esperava era que, ao se libertar de Ryan, ela abriria a porta para Aiden entrar em sua vida — uma chance que ele estava esperando. Aiden Winslow, um CEO enigmático não é apenas misterioso — ele é determinado, e não permitirá que Arwen lhe seja tirada novamente.
He married the daughter of the Lancaster family purely for revenge. He expected her to be obedient and submissive, not to resist or show emotions—a perfect pawn in his plan for vengeance. However, when his gaze locked onto the third daughter of the Lancaster family, the one who barged into the living room was her—disheveled and stained with blood. She seemed ordinary, but beneath the surface, she hid an unknown sharpness. "Do you love me?" he asked coldly. "You're crazy!" she rolled her eyes in disdain. In that moment, he smiled with satisfaction, believing he had everything under control. But she fought back. Marrying him was merely one step in her own plan. Four years later, with the Lancaster family completely destroyed, she threw the divorce papers in his face, smiling like the final victor: "Albert Wilson, have you finished using me? Thank you for making me think I once loved you. Now, never see me again, even in death." Just as she turned to leave in triumph, she accidentally walked into a gang's arms deal, and an explosion forever separated her from him. It was only when he found the two-month pregnancy test result among her belongings that he realized he had lost the only salvation of his life.4.86
Auraya is haunted by a mysterious visitor in her dreams every night. The only way to clear her head the next morning is to write down the details of their scandalous encounters. Yet, when this trick no longer works in her favor, Auraya feels that it could threaten to unravel her perfect life. She can't stop thinking of this mysterious, fictional man. And she has no time for fantasies. She has a job to focus on - a job she has worked very hard for. One day, the notorious son of the CEO, Dex Mobius, appears to help run the business. Auraya discovers that no longer is the man in her dreams a fictional character - he is real! And he seems to recognize her, too. What is real and what is fantasy? And is the fantasy world that is slowly taking over Auraya's every waking thought worth sacrificing all of her hard work?4.75
[Mature Content.] "I'll always be by your side, next to you, on top of you, behind you... The choice is yours to make." An immortal who has lived a millennium... He went by many names, many lives, many titles, but one stuck with him the most... Kaden. One look and you'd think you've met the devil. Dangerous, devious, and indifferent, people always bowed their heads to him—except for the woman that brought the tyrant to his knees. A woman with a special ability and curse... Lina. She was cursed with clairvoyance—the ability to see a person's close or far future. When most don't remember their childhood, Lina remembered her first life. Since birth, she had repeated nightmares about a man who supposedly died. 1000 years after his death, Lina sees him again, and he wants everything to do with her. Unfortunately, there's nowhere in this world she could go that he couldn't find her. What'd happen to the frightened Lina and the devious Kaden? Will they find love again? Will she run from the truth? Would he let her leave? A human girl and an immortal, together... it is a love that sent the world to its knees. + + + + + Warning: Strong sexual content. You might get addicted to the book ;) Connect with me: Instagram: www.instagram.com/xincerely_author Facebook: www.facebook.com/xincerelywriter/ Email: xincerely1@gmail.com Cover: A commissioned art piece drawn by Laylee Hui. All rights exclusive. Editor: diane_loves_2_readAunque solo era un matrimonio por conveniencia, Amelie Ashford era la esposa perfecta en todos los aspectos. Era inteligente, obediente y bien respetada. Era amable con todos y devota de su esposo. Y estaba perfectamente contenta de pasar el resto de su vida así, aunque constantemente la acosaran con la idea de quedar embarazada. Eso fue hasta que su esposo entró en su casa con una amante a su lado y eventualmente exigió el divorcio. —Muy bien —dijo Amelie con calma—, te divorciaré. Los ojos de Ricardo brillaron al escuchar a su esposa pronunciar esas palabras. Sin embargo, para su sorpresa, ella no había terminado. —Pero no te sorprendas cuando recibas una invitación a mi próxima boda. Para sorpresa de todos, Amelie de hecho se casó de nuevo, ¡y con un hombre más joven y, como resultó, más rico! Y se aseguró de que su exmarido se diera cuenta de lo que significaba perder el apoyo de una mujer como ella. _____ —Me criaron para ser la esposa perfecta de la clase alta, educada para sobresalir y permanecer alerta. Todo lo que sabía era cómo fingir una sonrisa, leer y trabajar duro para asegurarme de que nadie se atreviera a menospreciar a mi familia. Pero al final, eso fue exactamente lo que me hizo aburrida y sosa. Entonces, ¿por qué cuando mi marido decidió divorciarme, Liam se enamoró de mí en su lugar? Importante: FL no es una Mary Sue. El divorcio ocurre en la segunda parte de la novela así que cuídate la presión arterial.
Abigail’s only crime in life was being born as the mute daughter of the deceptive maid, who drugged her boss and got pregnant for him… or so she thought. All her life she had to serve her stepsister, Genevieve, attending to her every whim. While Genevieve used every opportunity she got to make Abigail’s life hell, even to the point of seducing Abigail’s boyfriend. On the night she resumes college, Abigail crosses path with Jamal Jonas, a heartbroken elusive billionaire, who leaves behind a stuffed animal that belonged to his first love. Abigail keeps the stuffed animal, which stirs her long lost memories. Five years later, Jamal shows up again, but this time as Genevieve's new live-in driver. Working for Genevieve quickly places him near the supposedly mute and intelligent Abigail who he doesn’t immediately recognize, and soon enough, Jamal finds himself pulled in by Abigail's charms. Jamal quickly realizes there is more to her than meets the eye, and there might be more connecting Abigail to his first love than Genevieve.Nachdem sie an ihrem Hochzeitstag von ihrem Verlobten und ihrem Cousin betrogen wurde, schwört Zara, wiedergeboren mit Erinnerungen an vergangene Fehler, ihr Schicksal neu zu schreiben. Impulsiv heiratet sie einen Fremden, um sich ihren Ex vom Leib zu halten, nicht ahnend, dass Snow alles andere als ein einfacher Callboy ist. Snow Zephyr, ein wohlhabender CEO und Alpha des Ivory Crescent Packs, braucht eine Vertragsfrau, um seinen Vater zu besänftigen und seine Position zu sichern. Als eine kühne, entschlossene Frau ihm eine Vernunftehe vorschlägt, stimmt Snow zu, nicht ahnend, welches Chaos sie in sein Leben bringen wird. Zaras trotzige Entscheidung provoziert den Zorn ihrer Eltern, was dazu führt, dass sie aus der Firma geworfen wird und gezwungen ist, woanders Arbeit zu finden. Sie findet einen Job bei Aurora Conglomerate Inc. und muss feststellen, dass ihr neuer Chef Snow ist, der Mann, den sie geheiratet hat - und der Onkel ihres Ex. Die Funken fliegen, als ihre gegenseitige Anziehung inmitten der dunklen Geheimnisse seiner Familie und der drohenden Gefahren wächst. Zaras Stärke und Unabhängigkeit ziehen Snow in ihren Bann, der in ihr die potenzielle Luna sieht, die sein Rudel braucht. Gemeinsam stellen sie sich rachsüchtigen Ex-Geliebten, Entführungskomplotten und tödlichen Rivalitäten. Als Zaras Kräfte erwachen, muss sie sich mit den Gründen für die Enteignung durch ihre Familie, den versteckten Klauseln in ihrem Ehevertrag und ihrer endgültigen Rolle in Snows Welt auseinandersetzen. Als sich ihre Vernunftehe zu einer echten Partnerschaft vertieft, taucht eine neue Herausforderung in Form einer Schicksalsgefährtin auf. Wird Zara gegen die Gefahren ankämpfen, die sie erwarten, oder sich ihrer wahren Bestimmung stellen? **AUSZUG** "Ich... wollte nicht zu spät zur Arbeit kommen. Du schienst beschäftigt zu sein, also dachte ich, ich fange schon mal an." Snow hob eine Augenbraue. "Wirklich? Oder liegt es daran, dass dich die letzte Nacht so sehr mitgenommen hat, dass du meine Nähe nicht ertragen konntest?" "Schmeichle dir nicht selbst, Snow. Du hast mich nicht im Geringsten beeinflusst." Er schmunzelte und trat näher heran. "Ist das so?" Seine Finger strichen über mein Kinn und hoben mein Gesicht an. Mein Puls beschleunigte sich. "Wir sind bei der Arbeit", schnauzte ich und schlug seine Hand weg. "Das ist nicht professionell." "Du bist meine Frau", murmelte er. "Du hast mir immer zu gehorchen." Ich verkniff mir eine Erwiderung, ein Hauch von Rebellion flammte in mir auf. Langsam trat ich näher und ließ meine Finger über seine Brust streifen. Sein Grinsen schwankte für eine Sekunde, als sein Wolf reagierte und Snow sich auf die Lippen biss. "Vorsichtig, Boss", säuselte ich verführerisch. "Tu diesen Lippen nicht weh. Ich bin sicher, viele Mädchen würden sie gerne küssen." Snow beugte sich hinunter, seine Lippen streiften mein Ohr. "Und du? Willst du unbedingt mal probieren?" Überrumpelt zögerte ich, dann gewann ich meine Fassung wieder, als ich ihm in die Augen sah. "Im Gegensatz zu anderen Mädchen habe ich einen starken Widerstand gegen..." Ich konnte nicht zu Ende sprechen, als Snows Lippen mit einem heftigen Kuss auf meine trafen, der mir den Atem raubte. *************** REIFER INHALT Ich nehme am Viral Book Call Contest teil. Unterstützen Sie mich bitte!
'Am I hallucinating? Am I dying?' Marx thought. Perhaps he was seeing visions because he was feverish, and his head ached from the contusions he suffered during the crash. He blinked, but the vision was still there. He saw a beautiful woman fully naked on the edge of the other side of the spring. Her slightly wavy hair with the color of copper cascaded freely down her slim waist. She raised her arms and dived cleanly into the water. Marx waited, but after some time, she did not emerge. Marx chuckled. How could a woman be in a jungle in the middle of nowhere?" He heard a growl from behind him, and before he could react, a big tiger pounced on him. The last thing he remembered was seeing four canines closing in and hearing a loud female voice shouting, "Khalil, stop!" … Discover how Amaya, who grew up in the wild, coped with the pressure and challenges of returning to the civilized world. Accompany her on her journey to find love, acceptance, and recognition in the treacherous human world of betrayal and greed. *** The book cover is not mine. It is a photo of one of the most beautiful actresses in my country. *** Jan 2025. I finally had the chance to upload the characters' avatars. I hope you will love Amaya, Marx, and Ibrahim just as I loved bringing them to life.4.69
[COMPLETED] “Can I trust that your feelings won't impact this?” he asked, staring at her with a menacing intensity. “I'm here for the job. You require someone to play a role, and I simply need payment. This is strictly a business deal. Let's both wear our brightest smiles," she replied, maintaining a serene expression not flinching a bit at the intensity of his stare. *** “What if a client develops feelings for you?” he inquired. Venessa's heart skipped a beat at his words but she was still able to maintain her composure. “My job forbids it, as long as I'm bound by the contract,” she murmured, just audible enough for him to hear. *** Vanessa, an ordinary college student, lands a job at an escort rental agency after losing her previous one in an unfortunate incident. There, she encounters Jayden, a successful CEO seeking a rental girlfriend who won't fall for him, as he's still enamoured with his celebrity partner. However, despite his intentions, Jayden ends up falling in love first because he can't help but fall for her charms. As their professional arrangement becomes increasingly complicated, both must grapple with their growing feelings and the boundaries of their business relationship. Will Jayden accept his newfound emotions, and will Venessa remain strictly professional or succumb to love? *** This book has a little element of fantasy as the male lead comes from a secret clan of immortals. Seat back a enjoy how mysteries are unravelled and our Ml and Fl fall in love.4.61
[Contenido maduro.] —Ese bebé es mío, y tú también —declaró, señalando la barriga de Kate mientras sus profundos ojos verdes la miraban, como una víbora lista para atacar—. Kate no podía creer que él, Henry Grant, su nuevo jefe ocho años menor que ella, fuera el padre de su hijo no nacido. —Deberíamos estar juntos por defecto. Pero te daré una opción. Ve y sufre con tu inútil marido, o ven conmigo, te mostraré la diversión que te has perdido. ===== Durante los últimos cinco años de su matrimonio, Katherine "Kate" Woods, de 32 años, siempre había creído que era infértil. No era capaz de concebir un hijo y su inútil marido Matt siempre la insultaba por eso, llamándola mujer inútil a pesar de nunca encontrar trabajo él mismo, obligando a Kate a ser el único sostén de la familia. ¡Sin embargo, aún tenía el descaro de engañarla con su propia hermana! Con el corazón roto, Kate escapó a su oficina tarde en la noche con cuatro botellas de fuerte vino tinto. Para su sorpresa, no estaba sola. Un guapo joven estaba de pie en su oficina, observándola. Se negó a darle su nombre, pero se ofreció a hacerle compañía durante la noche. Con lujuria y bebidas alcohólicas corriendo por sus venas, Kate fácilmente se abandonó a sus instintos más básicos y reprimidos, seduciendo al visitante sin nombre pero dispuesto. En su estupor ebrio, declaró audazmente: —Si mi marido quiere acostarse con todas las mujeres en la tierra, entonces dos pueden jugar ese juego. No le importaba hacerlo sin protección, ya que siempre pensó que era estéril. Solo para encontrarse mirando una prueba de embarazo positiva un mes después. Kate Woods, la supuesta 'mujer estéril', estaba embarazada. El extraño había logrado en una noche lo que Matt no pudo en cinco años. —Ahora que Henry le ha dado una opción, ¿Kate dejará a su inútil esposo y se lanzará al mar de la incertidumbre con este joven? ¿O se quedará con Matt, su esposo que la engañó por el bien de sus familias?4.83
**Nominated for 2020 Spirity Awards** Bitten by a werewolf, Dawn Wyatt becomes a Neotide – a werewolf who has no place in the world of pure bloods. What follows is even more harrowing. Targeted for being killed by their father’s enemies, eighteen-year old Dawn Wyatt and her ten-year old brother Cole escape the capturers and literally plead to be taken in by a farmer's family. The family complies, but when the captors offer a huge reward of ten million dollars for the escaped siblings, the family betrays them. To save their lives, they flee the country. Dawn returns back five years later as a 'Bitten' werewolf and brilliant market analyst to carve her niche. And also to avenge those who turned her into a werewolf and took everything away from her, without realizing that she is a cynosure of multiple conspiracies. ------------- Daryn Silver is the lethally sexy Prince of a rare Silver Clan of pure blood werewolves. Cold, ruthless and merciless, he is arrogant. And she is bitten. He wants to eliminate all the bitten—the rogues from the face of the Earth. He's been hunting them down for years. What happens when he meets her? It's difficult to resist her, and challenging to accept her. Dawn’s life is turned upside down when she meets him. She realizes dangerous things about him - He is a pureblood werewolf and is the prince of a rare Silver Clan who every other pack bows to; He has had numerous girl-friends. In fact he had to get restraining orders from some of the crazy ones; He maneuvers her in his world with a proposal she never anticipated. Dawn uses that to her advantage! She knows she is playing with fire. ------------- She nodded and walked inside as he held the door open for her. As soon as she closed the door, Daryn held her hand and pulled her against the wall. "Daryn…" He leaned down and placed his hands on either side of Dawn. Their faces were an inch apart. Daryn parted his lips as if to say something. Dawn could feel all the heat that emanated from his body, from his breath. She clasped the cold wall and stared into his eyes. He drew a faction closer and her breathing hitched. Her mind left all the reasoning. This was not what she had expected in his office. It was the first time she had even stepped in there. "I am unable to stop thinking about you Dawn," he whispered. She bit her lip to stop herself from touching his lips and feeling him. Daryn grabbed the back of her neck and his lips fell on hers. She shuddered. At first he lightly brushed them and then his kiss turned deep, full of passion, which he had held back for a long time. It was getting harder and harder to not kiss her senseless, to feel her. And Dawn—she closed her eyes. --------- Join me in reading the adventurous journey of Dawn Wyatt and Daryn Silver. Like I said, this is going to be one suspense/thriller/steamy romance novel! So strap your seatbelts for a roller-coaster ride! Warning: This novel is fast paced and contains suspense, thrill and romance. Don't expect typical cliché romance that you keep reading. And if you are looking for that, then I am sorry this book isn't for you! The book contains MATURE CONTENT! ------------- Feral Confessions Series: Feral Confessions: Adrianna and the Alpha (Completed) The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince (Completed) Ileus (Ongoing) Other books: Sugar and Spice: The CEO's Feisty Wife (Completed) Two Contracts: My Lover is a CEO (Completed) Join me on Discord at https://discord.gg/yqKgCvQBillie Bob Jones never intended to work with the second richest man on Earth, yet after being asked to do a favor for his best friend he found himself in a dilemma. Not only had he caught the attention of the famed billionaire, he had also caught the attention of the most dangerous man on Earth. His simple life of riding horses, competing in rodeos and helping his stepdad Clyde on the ranch gets upturned when he becomes the new prey of the one and only Benedito Goncalo Cruz Pereira.
Aria and Ivy are twin sisters whose father has gone missing for three years. They have left no stone unturned to find him, but all in vain. In an unusual encounter, a business tycoon, Noah Allen Carter, falls in love with Aria. Meanwhile, Ivy approaches Joshua Martin, who is a friend of Noah, to help find her father and in the process falls for his charms. What happens when the sisters find that the people they love are the ones behind their misery? ............................................................................................ "Ivy, sweetheart. Please come back. I love you." Joshua cried holding her hand. However, there was no response from her. "Ivy, please say something. Don't be like this." Joshua kissed her hand, but Ivy had long made up her mind. Only a miracle could make her come back to him. ............................................................................................ "I hate you, Noah," she shouted. "I love you, Aria," he replied, pulling her towards him. "No, you don't." "Yes, I do. Falling in love with you is the best thing that ever happened to me. I will always love you; today and forever." ............................................................................................ Readers can join my discord server to know more about the book. Discord: https://discord.gg/rPCgMp9MCH Disclaimer: The cover picture does not belong to me. Editing is under progress.4.52
Ace Carter Greyson, su esposo de cinco largos años, exigió el divorcio en la noche de su quinto aniversario de bodas. —¿Razón? Simplemente porque no puede darle un hijo.— Fénix le rogó que se quedara, pero su firme decisión era inflexible, así que finalmente lo dejó ir. Su vida se destrozó aún más después de descubrir su relación clandestina de largo tiempo con su secretaria, —y ahora, la amante estaba embarazada.— Solo meses después de su divorcio, él se casó con la secretaria embarazada. —El mundo de Fénix se pone repentinamente patas arriba cuando descubre que está embarazada de cuatro meses.Charlotte thought she had it all...a steady job, a simple life, and three years of what seemed like a perfect relationship with the charming, successful Alexander Wallace. But everything shatters when he suddenly breaks up with her. Alexander's engagement to billionaire heiress Eleanor Whitmore, Charlotte friend, is splashed across every media outlet, leaving Charlotte betrayed and heartbroken. As she struggles to piece her life back together, an unexpected opportunity at one of the city's most powerful companies, puts Charlotte face-to-face with a world she never thought she'd be part of. She becomes the Secretary of Ethan Grayson, the CEO of Grayson Enterprises, making Alexander reappear after a sudden rumored relationship news of Charlotte and Ethan broke out. Will Charlotte reclaim her life and proceed with the revenge against her ex-fiancè, or will Alexander's return pull her back into chaos after finding out about her real parents?
Five years ago, Liu Duoduo took on the role of a caretaker for an injured man without giving it much thought, enticed by the generous pay to pay for her tuition. Little did she know that she would eventually fall in love with her boss, despite his warning: "Never fall in love with me." There relationship had improved till, One cold night, the intoxicated man stumbled into her room, but she didn't mind and welcomed him happily. The next day, he compensated her and asked her to leave. Three months later, Liu Duoduo discovered that she was pregnant with her ex-boss's child,the man she had fallen in love with. However, she decided to raise the child on her own without informing him. Five years later Excerpt "I don’t what a brother or sister..I only want me" "That won’t do..besides it’s not up to you..I want a cute Cotten padded jacket too.”he replied "Why..we’re the perfect triangle not square, no brothers or sister allowed daddy." "Triangle Huh..might as well as make it a football team." Liu Duoduo watch them bicker back and forth, football team? when did she become a breeding cow. Having struggled to raise her son alone, Liu Duoduo returns to give her child a complete family. But things are not as easy as it seems, when she has to deal his troubling mother and her mysterious family background, the situation gets tougher when she’s framed with a murder. Please don’t forget to send your love to my other works. My Darling CEO Is An Insomniac. Thank you for your support!4.37
Odelia Grace, a beautiful and smart woman, a secretary of a big company, had to give up the career she had at a young age for a marriage with the CEO of another company, Vincent Percy. The marriage was filled with love and support for each other for 4 years. However, they did not have a child. Vincent's family became furious, and continued to demand and pressure Odelia. A beautiful marriage turned into a nightmare because of their abuse. "You barren woman! My son is jinxed because of you, he shouldn't have married you in the first place!" snapped her mother-in-law. Until one day, Odelia was kicked out of her own house and went to a hotel for the night. She accidentally met a man who was drunk. Unintentionally, there was a hot night between the two of them. And after that night, Odelia finally realized that she was not barren and that she was carrying a baby. The baby of her ex-husband's enemy, Sean Osbert.4.63
“He knew he should not go easy on her, but his heart is challenging his mind…” (Warning: Novel is r-18 with strong mature content but NO rape and violence!) **** Arya Tan, a beautiful, young, wannabe actress, was in a difficult situation that her only option was to agree on a deal offered to her to save her loved ones' lives. The deal was to make the aloof man named Ryu Ken fall in love with her, only to leave him heartbroken and devastated afterward. Would she succeed, and if she did, would she be able to escape Ryu’s wrath? Ryu Ken, a ruthless CEO who never gave a second glance to any woman how-much-ever beautiful she was, gave his heart to one woman. And despite his warnings, the woman broke his heart and left him. So he vowed to find her and punish her as brutally as he could. But could he really punish her when deep in his heart it was still her he longed to be? Could love overcome the hate buried in his heart? ====== Excerpt: "Leaving already? You seem to be in such a rush to talk to me. Why don't you spill it out now?" Stunned, Arya wondered if she was hallucinating. The voice was very familiar. The man's arm encircled her waist, abruptly pulled her towards him. He then leaned forward and scornfully whispered into her ear, "Aren't you here to negotiate? I was hoping you had a better offer." She tilted her head to look up at the rude man and was left open-mouthed looking at a familiar face. She was shocked but mumbled, "Ryu?" Ryu smirked and stared at Arya's slightly opened lips and said, "Did you miss me? How about this?" Before Arya could utter another word, Ryu captured her lips abruptly and kissed her roughly. ========== Author's Note: Hope you enjoy reading this ORIGINAL novel of mine (It's absolutely a happy ending! Author hates the sad endings!). Many thanks in advance for your support. With Lots of Love, EUSTOMA_reyna Other Books: (www.linktr.ee/eustoma_reyna) The General Who Hates Me (completed) The Doctor Who LOVES Me (completed) The Law of Attraction (completed) Kiss Me Not (in writing) The Untamed: Game of Hearts (in writing) The Crown's Entrapment (in writing) contact me at: Discord Link: https://discord.gg/PNGkTUy Instagram: eustoma_reyna Facebook Page: @eustoma.reyna The book cover is mine, art created by laylee_hiu (instagram)4.88
[Completed] Meet the Mafia King, whose fearsome reputation in the Underworld spread far and wide! But he hides behind the identity of a billionaire CEO. Money? Power? Handsome? All check! Except that he had a teensy tiny problem - his ZERO EQ that failed him to understand emotions. Until the day Song Lihua walks in his life. Song Lihua's simple aim in life was to get a job and earn money. But a chance encounter with the Mafia King makes her fall in love with him at first sight. She declares to win his heart one day. But to her shock, the Mafia King himself becomes her next door neighbor! Together with her, the emotions in deep slumber within him began to awaken. Hiding a dark secret from her, the Mafia King slowly grows closer to her. But as he faces a threat that could bring the truth to light, he does something unimaginable to stop Lihua from leaving. Amidst the hidden conspiracies of the Underworld, what will the Mafia King do to keep her by his side? How far will he go to hide his secret? "You are my first love that brought this empty shell of my heart back to life. You have a place in my heart no one else could ever have." - The Mafia King. ------ **Scene excerpt** "Boss, please tell me the source of your skills!" Lihua sobbed. "Cookbooks. Videos." "That's it? You mastered such awesome skills just by that?" "They are too easy." "If it's that easy then why am I suffering like this?" The clueless Mafia King absolutely didn't mean any harm or mockery to her self-esteem by saying the next words. "Lack of talent." "..." -------- You are all welcomed to join my discord ^^ - https://discord.gg/CbhNys444r Follow author on Insta - enthu_reader7 **Cover is designed by artist Vatarison. Insta - vatarison.art**