[KOMPLETT - SILBER $8.000USD GEWINNER: Werwolf-Wettbewerb 2022] Zev stürmte auf sie zu, in strahlender, brutaler Schönheit, das Kinn gesenkt und mit diesen unglaublichen, stechenden Augen auf sie gerichtet. Er blieb nicht stehen, bis sie auf Augenhöhe waren und er ihr die Sicht auf alle anderen Männer im Kreis versperrte. Seine Augen wanderten zu ihrem Mund, als er sich zu ihr beugte und sein Flüstern auf ihrer Haut spielte. "Du. Bist. Mein." Seine tiefe Stimme klang in ihrem Bauch, als das Heulen des Wolfsrudels hinter ihm aufstieg und über die Berge von Thana hallte, während die anderen Chimären gegen seinen Anspruch protestierten. Gegen den Drang ankämpfend, mit ihren zitternden Händen über seine breite, nackte Brust zu streichen, zwang sich Sasha, den Kopf zu neigen und eine Augenbraue zu heben. "So mutig für einen Welpen, der gerade seine Reißzähne gefunden hat. Die anderen Männchen brüllten vor Lachen. Zev ignorierte ihren Spott, seine Augen funkelten und er lehnte sich noch näher an sie heran, wobei sein Kinnhaar ihre Wange kitzelte, als er lächelte. "So mutig für einen Menschen, der bereits das Vergnügen kennt, meinen Namen zu rufen. Sie erschauderte, als seine Zähne ihr Ohr streiften. ***** Nur wenige Tage nachdem Sasha sich ihrer Jugendliebe hingegeben hatte, verschwand er. Fünf Jahre später kehrte Zev auf einer dunklen Straße in der Stadt zurück - mit der Gefahr im Nacken. Zev ist eine Chimäre: Halb Mensch, halb Wolf. In einem sicheren Forschungslabor erschaffen, ist seine Existenz ein Geheimnis. Doch als die mächtigen Männer, die ihn erschaffen haben, versuchen, die einzige Frau zu töten, die sein Herz je zum Singen gebracht hat, reißt Zev an ihrer Leine und entführt sie in die brutale, verborgene Welt der Chimera-Clans. Hin- und hergerissen zwischen der Anziehungskraft ihrer ersten Liebe und dem schmerzhaften Verrat seines Verschwindens, versucht Sasha, Zev auf Distanz zu halten. Doch als sie diese geheimnisvolle Welt erreichen, entdeckt Zev, dass die Menschen während seiner Abwesenheit die Kontrolle übernommen und fast alle Weibchen gestohlen haben. Die Chimären sterben - und Zev ist nicht mehr der Alpha. Jetzt muss Zev gegen sein eigenes Volk kämpfen, um das Recht zu erlangen, seine einzige Liebe zu paaren. Kann er ihr beweisen, dass sein lang zurückliegendes Versprechen, ihr Herz und ihren Körper zu schützen, wahr ist? Oder werden die Menschen die Welten durchqueren, um den Wolf zu jagen und die Liebenden für immer auseinander zu reißen? [Erwachsener Inhalt, keine sexuellen Übergriffe] Das Titelbild stammt von Aenaluck und wird mit Erlaubnis und gegen Bezahlung verwendet. Sehen Sie mehr wunderschöne Kunst und unterstützen Sie den Künstler auf www.patreon.com/aenaluck
``` [Aviso: conteúdo adulto r18+/forte] “Tenho certeza de que você vai achar meus braços mais confortáveis do que qualquer outra coisa neste mundo...” Rei Darius Grant - o poderoso governante do Reino de Cordon. Ele era implacável e impetuoso contra seus inimigos. Sua mera presença gritava com autoridade rústica; sua aura sozinha já era mais do que suficiente para alguns de seus inimigos admitirem derrota e fugirem apenas ao vê-lo. Mas, apesar de tudo isso, ele estava impotente e sem-vergonha por uma mulher… sua companheira - a Princesa de Ebodia que ele se recusava a deixar ir. Descubra como as coisas irão se desenrolar para o nosso Rei possessivo que está totalmente decidido a usar o Entrapment da Coroa para fazer de sua companheira sua por quaisquer meios necessários. Será que ele conseguirá obter sucesso e conquistá-la por completo - corpo, coração e alma? * Nota: Volume 1 e 2: História Principal Status: Completo (Capítulos 1 a 555) Volume 3: História Paralela Status: Completo (Capítulos 556 a 641) “Só posso me declarar vencedor uma vez que eu conseguir conquistar o seu coração...” Volume 4: História Paralela Status: Completo (Capítulos 642 a 701) “O amor nunca esteve em meu vocabulário quando se tratava de mulheres até você chegar...” Volume 5: Status: Completo (Capítulos 702 a 805) “Eu escolho você… você que ocupa avidamente todo o espaço do meu coração…” Capítulos Especiais a partir daí - completo **** PS: Capa do Livro Encomendada de propriedade do Autor! Não a use! ```
"Não aqui, fracote! Vamos nos encontrar no riacho perto da fronteira da alcateia em uma hora, aí você pode me mostrar o que tem." Ele a informou. "Tudo bem, desafio aceito! Mas se eu te derrotar, você vai parar de me intimidar e me deixar em paz!" Aurora disse entre dentes. "Claro." Ele respondeu. "O ódio que tenho por você só vai acabar quando você não existir mais. Lá, ninguém virá te salvar e eu finalmente poderei te destruir. Ninguém desrespeita Dante e fica impune!" Dante pensou consigo mesmo enquanto se afastava. A vida de Aurora era para ser perfeita, já que ela tinha nascimento nobre, mas infelizmente estava longe da perfeição. Seu pai era o beta, o segundo no comando do Alfa da matilha e sua mãe era uma das fortes guerreiras da matilha. Como ela era a primeira filha, foi tratada como uma flor, protegida de danos, tristezas, perturbações e problemas, e só foi exposta à pura alegria, puro amor, felicidade e tudo de belo enquanto crescia, mas sua vida não era cheia de rosas, conforme ela foi ficando mais velha! Crescendo, ela acreditou que seria normal como todo outro lobisomem de sua matilha e da comunidade de lobisomens inteira, mas, infelizmente, ela era estranhamente diferente. Ela era a única lobisomem na sua matilha que não tinha um lobo, um animal interior, portanto era tratada como uma excluída. Enquanto outros lobisomens recebiam seus lobos em seus décimos sextos aniversários, o dela se recusou a aparecer. Nem mesmo quando ela completou dezoito anos. Nem mesmo quando ela encontrou sua companheira!!!
Roseanne has always lived a life of misery. Wolfless, she endures the hatred of her father, Alpha Zayn, and the cruelty of her stepmother and half-sister. Treated as an outcast in her own home, she dreams of escape. Her world turns upside down when she is arranged to marry Alpha Davian of the Blood Stone Pack. Initially cold and indifferent, Davian slowly begins to warm up as he uncovers the tragic depths of Roseanne’s past. As Roseanne adjusts to her new life, she discovers her hidden powers, powers more formidable than anyone could have imagined. Unraveling the secrets of her lineage, she learns she is no ordinary wolf but holds a destiny tied to extraordinary abilities. But with rogue werewolves threatening the packs, Roseanne and Davian must unite to protect their people. Can Roseanne embrace her true power and overcome the looming threats? Will her bond with Davian be strong enough to withstand the challenges ahead?
"I might look drunk, Your Highness," she gulped. "But I'm not. This is my first and last warning to you. If you don't stay away from me, I will surely destroy you and your people." "Are you sure?" His gray eye interlocked into hers. Hazel rolled her eyes and held the hem of her dress so that she wouldn't trip. She could barely see now, especially with the aid of that terrible headache raking her skull. However, just a slight error and she wobbled all over him. His grip was held tightly to her waist but she pushed him away from her as she said, "Husband, you mistake lust for love. This is a warning, you will regret this." "Wife, there is a lot you need to learn from me. Like knowing how to tell a lie. Nevertheless, I shall give you another two weeks to take an act of revenge on me, if you don't succeed, I won't hesitate to make you mine even against your wish. If you do succeed, I am happy to die in your hands." He continued, whispering along her earlobe since he knew she would be unaware of what they had discussed the next morning, "It is like killing two birds with a stone, I will be able to fulfill my promise about keeping you away from evils. You would be able to protect yourself against me." As he said those words, he clenched his jaw. "It's funny how I am the evil you need to hide from, the one who has and will hurt you the most." *** HAZEL COLESHILL, a 22-year-old vampiress who had a very terrifying past with a werewolf, pledged to protect her clan by sacrificing herself to the werewolves as part of a truce. However, already having an idea of who she was going to battle with, an alpha prince, who is rumoured to be a psychopathic monster, she is pledged on destroying him completely before he does. In short, she would make him obsessed with her and then finally destroy everything that he holds dear. LUCIFEL, a psycho-born alpha prince, was caged as a child by his father to undergo therapy and experiments. He doesn't believe he is insane, thereby figuring out weaknesses in those that treat him and feigning progress to shorten treatment was his best escape. He came across a rude vampiress prisoner and is determined to make life hell for her by making her his pet not until things change and he figures out that he is obsessed with her. Who would believe that just one night of hot sex with that gorgeous thing was enough to change his personality from a cold being to a being who wants nothing but her? He could swear that she definitely bewitched him! But will his obsession turn into something else? However, why does this vampiress look like someone who he promised to protect in the past? The war between the werewolves and vampires seems to be neverending, will these two people end the war between the two creatures, or create a tougher war? EXCERPT 2 "How does it happen?" "Possessing your shadow in the walls is really helpful. Shadows are meant to be the most vigorous reflections. They attack your enemy if you can control them and then hide back in the walls. They break walls and are extremely powerful." Hazel sighed softly before she said, "Let's go back to the last one. Possessing beings just by staring at them in the eyes." "Have you heard about the rule majorly known among humans?" "What rule?" "The rule about," she raised her two index fingers up and then curled them, signaling a quote. "The rule about not looking into a vampire's eyes?" Hazel shook her head. "The rule about vampires possessing humans when the humans stare at them is as old as the mountains, however, it can also be said to be a superstition but it is not a superstition for some special ones among us." Fannie looked at Hazel intently before saying, "Someone like you, Lady Coleshill. You have the ability to possess beings just by staring at them Warning: Mature Content, Sexual Content and Heavy Fantasy.``` ¿Qué pasa cuando una diosa se enamora de un cambiaformas? Asara, la diosa del amor, fue castigada por su padre, el dios del trueno. Su delito fue enamorarse de un mortal cambiaformas alfa. Para pagar por sus pecados fue reencarnada como Cassandra LeBlanc, una princesa mortal en el mágico Reino de Speldaria. Su familia y su reino, exceptuando a su hermana mediana, la rechazaron porque nació sin ninguna habilidad mágica y no tenía recuerdos de su verdadera identidad. Su prometido, el poderoso mago comandante de Speldaria, no se inmutaba por ella. Deseaba a alguien fuerte. La vida de Cassandra se trastornó cuando recibió como obsequio un esclavo guerrero por parte del poderoso alfa de Dusartine. Se le pidió que participase en el Evento Anual de la Arena colaborando con el guerrero. Cassandra, que odiaba "La Arena" con todo su ser —un lugar donde la sangre fluía como el vino y la vida era más barata que el propio aire que respiraban—, no entendía su propósito en ella. Encima de eso, el misterioso guerrero la afectaba de maneras inimaginables. Su mirada hipnótica la desconcertaba. Su esencia rara la abrumaba. Su cuerpo bronceado y musculoso la consumía con pensamientos pecaminosos. Incluso los sueños de su vida pasada la atormentaban. Cuando "La Arena" comenzó, las agendas ocultas y las verdades subyacentes salieron a la luz y a Cassandra se le presentó un destino. No le quedó más opción que ceder y elegir un camino. La pregunta sería: —¿Cómo enfrentará Cassandra una vez que se entere de la maldición que se le ha impuesto? —¿Podrá obtener sus habilidades mágicas y enfrentarse a su padre? —¿Quién la ayudará en su viaje? ~Extracto~ Entonces lo sintió, todo él. Toda su aspereza. ``` ``` La fuerza de su brazo. La suavidad de sus labios. El agarre de su mano. El calor de su aliento. Cada músculo de su cuerpo se tensó al pensar en las implicaciones de dormir en brazos de un hombre. Nunca antes había dormido en el abrazo de un varón. Toda su piel hormigueaba como pequeñas chispas danzando en las partes que lo tocaban. Las grietas de su cerebro tenían estos recuerdos que no eran suyos. Este roce de alguna manera no le parecía ajeno. Se sentía segura en su abrazo tranquilizador y no deseaba apartarlo, y sin embargo sabía que esto no era para nada apropiado. Cassandra intentó zafarse de su agarre, pero sus brazos parecían hechos de hierro, pues no se movían. La ligera prenda que había llevado se había alzado de su muslo de leche dejándolo al descubierto, mientras el musculoso y bronceado de él se posaba sobre el suyo. Y ahora podía sentir algo punzándola en la espalda. Sus ojos de repente se expandieron al darse cuenta y Cassandra entró en pánico total. —¡Suéltame! —dijo con voz grave. Siroos lentamente levantó su pierna y aflojó su agarre en su cintura para que pudiera moverse. Se había despertado cuando ella se tensó por primera vez, pero deseaba ver qué intentaría. Con los ojos muy abiertos le echó un vistazo al hombre que la tenía envuelta en su abrazo como a un tesoro precioso, su tesoro. Sus ojos dorados fundidos se abrieron y había una suavidad y deseo con los que la miraba. Aquellos suaves rizos marrones le caían sobre los ojos mientras olvidaba parpadear, observando la belleza eterna que era ella. Su fragancia única era una tortura para sus sentidos. —Cómo deseaba tomar su delicado tobillo, jalarla hacia él y tenerla esparcida bajo su cuerpo —murmuró—. Besar la misma piel que desprendía tal aroma que le estaba volviendo loco. En su lugar, dobló su brazo y lo colocó debajo de su mejilla usándolo como una almohada para mirarla con ojos llenos de deseo. El silencio incómodo entre ellos se prolongó mientras Cassandra se aclaraba la garganta. —¿Tenías que subirte sobre mí para dormir? —preguntó. —No fue intencional, pero ciertamente fue tentador y definitivamente no será la última vez —su voz profundamente hipnótica era aún más seductora temprano en la mañana cuando resonaba a su alrededor. La portada del libro es mía. ```
TERMINADO | ADVERTENCIA —¡Esto NO es un libro de romance de hombres lobo! Es una novela erótica e incluye varias escenas de sexo. El Alfa Vishous y su novia Ava son hombres lobo que viven en una manada. Después de completar los rituales, Ava se ha convertido en la Luna de la manada, Pero no es el fin de todos los rituales. Lee el viaje de más rituales desconocidos por los que Ava podría tener que pasar. Sola. --- Ahora puedes comprar directamente toda la serie de este libro de mí entrando en: reamstories.com/krystalwatt Allí hay más libros y más novelas eróticas disponibles para que leas y disfrutes. Grupo de FB: fb.com/groups/krystalwatt / El Club de Lectores de Krystal Watt: La Manada Página: fb.com/ktish7 Instagram: @authorkrystalwatt
[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] She was the most unpopular female wolf in the New Moon Pack, as lowly as a blade of grass. Eight years ago, her mother went missing, her father was killed, and her entire pack was exterminated. Thus, she had been demoted to the lowest servant level by her father's murderer. For eight years, she had been beaten, cursed, and starved, but she kept her identity a secret. This year, she turned eighteen years old. He was the alpha of the largest werewolf pack in all of America and shone like the sun. With his perfectly sculpted face and a tremendous amount of money, no werewolf didn't know his name, and he was the dream lover of every woman. Everything seemed perfect, except for the fact that he didn't have a mate yet. This year, he turned twenty-six years old. What kind of spark or conflict would there be when they meet by chance? “Rose, I can give you everything you want. In exchange, you have to be mine.” “Alpha, the truth is, I'm—” "Oh, Jesus f*cking Christ! Now, you will never escape me, my Luna.
{WARNING: R18, MATURE SCENES AHEAD ^^} [please this book is under construction](check out my other book, REBORN IN RUINS: Survival in an apocalypse) In a world where supernatural creatures are out from the shadows, humans are forced to live at the bottom of the food chain. The supernatural race, led by the powerful and ancient Vampire King who rules with an iron fist. Every continent is governed by a supernatural lord, either a vampire, werewolf, or demon, but all answer to the Vampire King. Nikolas, a young man with a traumatic past, is thrown into this dangerous world when he discovers he is the fated mate of the deranged Vampire King. The King, who has lived for centuries, is becoming more deranged, due to his failure to find his fated mate. As Nikolas is drawn into the Vampire King's dark world, he must confront his own demons and become who he is destined to be With the help of unexpected allies and people from his past Nikolas must escape the King's clutches and shatter the chains of fate that bind them together or will Nikolas fall for the deranged vampire king. A little slice from the story !! (Luca leans in, his voice taking on a low tone. "I heard rumors about the Vampire King. They say he's getting more and more deranged by the day." I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What kind of rumors?" "That he's locked himself away in his castle, surrounded by his loyal guards," Luca said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Some say he's lost his mind, while others claim he's plotting something big." I snorted. "I wouldn't put it past him. He's always been a heartless monster) *** please vote and send gifts******"You are mine now." He said. I could only stare at him in shock, who would have thought that a man as gorgeous and powerful as him can ever want a Wolfless, weak girl like me? I like him too but how do I tell him that I want his best friend too? They say that When two fated mates meet, they know. When mates see or feel each other close, they are restless until they are with each other. But what happens when when one can feel their wolf and the other cannot feel it or feel anything at all. Jasmine felt torture, in her pack, in the hands of school mates, in the hands of her 'mate' until the story changes and through her, two packs get intertwined into each other. A Rejection is powerful enough to kill an inner wolf and it would only take the love of two men to resurrect her. "I want you… both of you." I said before closing my eyes, my wolf at peace for the very first time since I shifted.
Cursed by a witch, the wolf was imprisoned in the cave for many years, waiting for that someone who can free him from the curse. One day, he took matters into his hands and deceived a beautiful maiden. The maiden was trapped in the cave along with the handsome Wolf. Both desperate to leave, but the freedom can only be obtain by one person, the one left behind has to suffer. The wolf claimed that going intimate with him is the only way to escape the cave. The beauty refused to give in to the wolf's advances. But for how long she can hold her ground? When precious freedom is at stake... A sacrifice is needed. ~~~ Stunned, Sabrina saw a handsome guy standing at the entrance of the cave. She was expecting a hideous looking monster, but not a good looking Adonis. "Come here, little girl..." the guy said. Sabrina shook her head, refusing his order. "No, I can't! My grandma prohibited me from entering this cave!" The guy sighed. Suddenly, Sabrina saw blood dripping from his hands and he fell into the ground twitching in pain, he looked at her, his eyes pleading for help. "Please, help me!" he begged and fainted. Sabrina rushed to his side. And the story begins... ~~~ The cover is mine, made by Mics Artemia. ~~~~~~~~0~~~~~~~~~ ~My Other Novels~ * Hot Romance With The Vampire~ Completed *The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny ~ Completed *The Tale Of Three Sisters : Completed *The Last Embrace : Completed *The CEO's Painted Skin : Completed *Sweet Surrender : The CEO's Second Wife ~ Completed *Hidden Husband: Beloved Wife ~ Completed``` Uma híbrida meio humana sem lobo. Era tudo o que Harper Gray significava. Para escapar do abuso incessante de sua família, Harper aproveitou a primeira chance de fugir no momento em que sua matilha foi atacada. Mas nos escombros do caos e da ruína, ela encontrou sua companheira. Infelizmente, ela não esperava que a Deusa da Lua a emparelhasse com o assassino mais notório da região — Damon Valentine, o alfa da mesma matilha que dizimou a sua. Os contos de suas crueldades tinham se espalhado amplamente. Todo lobisomem conhecia o nome; até alguns humanos o temiam, e Harper não era exceção. Ela não tinha planos de se unir a alguém tão aterrorizante quanto Damon Valentine, e faria de tudo para romper o vínculo. No entanto, Damon Valentine não tinha planos de deixar sua pequena companheira escapar. Capturada, Harper foi levada de volta à matilha de Damon — não como sua futura Luna, mas como a mais nova escrava da matilha. Para complicar ainda mais as coisas, Damon não era o único homem com quem a Deusa da Lua tinha emparelhado Harper. Blaise Valentine — o irmão gêmeo de Damon — também tinha interesse em sua nova escrava pet. Os irmãos Valentine tinham suas próprias disputas, mas concordavam em uma coisa: eles nunca deixariam Harper partir. ― Aviso: - Consexo - Temas R18 ― Servidor do Discord: https://discord.gg/7HAMK2bRYU ```
``` Étoile est une fille qui n'a connu aucun monde. Elle a été retenue captive par sa famille élargie depuis la mort de sa mère quand elle avait deux ans, ou a été sa mère assassinée ? La date de son dix-huitième anniversaire approche et si elle ne s'échappe pas bientôt de ses ravisseurs, elle devra épouser un homme qu'elle méprise. Artem est un jeune Alpha récemment arrivé qui a été dégoûté par les actions des Alphas précédents. Voulant réformer sa meute et protéger les faibles, il a pris le contrôle par la force. Maintenant, il sauve ceux qui ont été battus, maltraités et négligés. Lors d'une de ses missions de sauvetage, Artem découvre la jeune Étoile. La fille a peur de sa famille, du monde extérieur qu'elle ne connaît pas, et de lui. Alors, comment va-t-il lui dire qu'elle est son compagnon destiné et la future Luna de leur meute ? Artem peut-il obtenir la confiance d'Étoile alors qu'on lui a dit que personne ne se soucie des loups faibles, surtout pas l'Alpha ? Peut-il la convaincre que le monde n'est pas comme on lui a fait croire ? « Je ferai tout pour te sauver, Étoile. Tout pour te protéger. S'il te plaît, tu dois me faire confiance. » Étoile peut-elle dépasser sa peur et faire confiance à cet homme qu'elle n'a jamais connu auparavant ? Et sa famille va-t-elle simplement se laisser faire et lui permettre d'être emmenée loin d'eux ? Quels hauts et bas attendent notre Alpha et son compagnon dans ce grand huit d'histoire ? ***AVERTISSEMENTS*** Violence Graphique Langage Vulgaire Contenu Sexuel Contenu Mature/Adulte Maltraitance Emprisonnement Tentative de Viol SUIVEZ-MOI ET DITES-MOI CE QUE VOUS EN PENSEZ https://discord.gg/8wrYgHqemB https://twitter.com/DCinMI https://www.facebook.com/deni.chance.71 ```
[COMPLETO] Reth avançou em direção a ela, queixo baixo, fazendo com que a sombra projetada por sua mandíbula rígida cortasse a espessa gola de pele de seu colete. Seus cabelos haviam caído sobre seus olhos durante o confronto, então ele a espreitava por entre eles como um leão na grama. A cada passo, seu andar gracioso e ondulante a fazia lembrar de um predador perseguindo sua presa. Apesar do chão da floresta estar coberto de galhos e folhas, ele não fazia nenhum som. “Qu-quem é você?” Elia gaguejou, recuando, com as mãos para cima. Ele acompanhou cada passo dela até que ela bateu forte contra a árvore atrás dela — e não parou até que ele pairasse sobre ela, tão largo que seus ombros e peito formavam uma parede à sua frente. Ela podia sentir o calor emanando de sua pele no ar fresco da noite. “Eu sou o Rei Leonino.” Sua voz era um cascalho escuro e rouco. Atrás dele um coro de sibilos, uivos e chilreios de concordância se levantou do povo que observava. “E você é?” “Elia,” ela respirou. “Elia,” ele rosnou, inclinando-se mais perto, trazendo consigo o aroma de pinho e chuva e o almíscar de algo distintamente masculino. “Eu sou Reth.” Ele disse o nome com um estranho rolar gutural na garganta. “Eu sou o Rei das Feras. Eu sou o Líder do Clã, e eu sou Alfa de WildWood.” Vários rosnados se ergueram das multidões atrás dele, mas ele os ignorou. Elia engoliu enquanto ele se inclinava até que o cavanhaque em sua mandíbula roçasse sua bochecha. “Eu sou o Rei,” ele disse, “E você será minha parceira.” A floresta atrás dele irrompeu. ****** Elia é uma estudante universitária pobre até a noite em que é levada ao mundo dos Anima — governado por humanos cujos corações antigos pulsam com o sangue dos animais. Lá ela é forçada a um combate até a morte. Mas quando Elia sobrevive, e se recusa a matar seu último oponente, o Rei deve ou matar Elia ele mesmo, ou tomá-la como sua parceira. Reth, o brutal Rei das Feras com o sangue de leões, surpreende a todos quando escolhe a fraca humana Elia para se tornar sua Rainha. Ele promete a ela todo o conforto de sua riqueza e posição — mas deixa claro: Ela não aquecerá sua cama. Ele a escolheu para derrotar aqueles que tentavam pressioná-lo a mesclar sua linhagem Leonina com os Lobos. Elia precisa da ajuda dos Anima para se tornar mais forte e governá-los bem. Mas os Lobos vingativos veem apenas uma humana fraca que lhes trouxe vergonha. Conforme Elia e Reth se aproximam, os lobos estão determinados a destruí-la. Reth e Elia admitirão seus sentimentos um pelo outro a tempo de lutar pelo Reino — e por suas vidas — contra a traiçoeira tribo de lobos? Ou os lobos matarão Elia e roubarão o trono? [Conteúdo maduro - sem violência sexual] Arte da capa usada com permissão de direitos autorais pagos. Ilustrada por Aenaluck — veja mais arte incrível e apoie-os em www.patreon.com/aenaluck
"A Luna likes you needs to be killed!" The Alpha stood in front of me. He scanned my body as it was shaking in hunger and in great fear. Alpha Winston was already about to transform into a wolf and killed me. "Please, I am kneeling in front of you to beg not to kill me. I will serve you and remained as a slave of you, just to let me live." My tears was falling from my face, until it reach to the edge. "What do I need to do just to prove it." Alpha Winston's face was now turned into a wolf, as well as his hand and some part of his stomach. He continued to stare at me and was about to kill me. He then lowered his gaze, and was letting his face to be near me. "What did you told me? I hate you and I would not let you live. The blood running in your body was strong enough to prove that you needed to be killed." I shook my head and slowly close my eyes. "I agreed that I was an enemy. But I can prove that you need me, even if you hated me. Just do it as fate let me come here in your pack." "I need a Luna, I do not need a slave like you."4.99
*Book 1 Completed* *Book 2 Completed* Blanca Vergil, the first of her kind, a young, naive hybrid, met Dimitri Norton, a rich, handsome, and powerful vampire. After a terrible betrayal in his past, he used his powerful abilities to fight against his fate. But when two strangers come together and two lifemates face treacherous schemes and uncover a dark mystery that links them together, you get a story and an adventure no one could have ever foreseen.``` —¿Qué precio estás dispuesto a pagar por la libertad? La sin lobo y huérfana Tania estaba atrapada en la vida de una esclava. Parte de su espíritu estaba cautivo por su amo para ejercer control sobre ella. Para obtener su libertad, hizo un trato para espiar al Rey Eltanin, el Alfa más despiadado y poderoso de Araniea. El Rey Eltanin, de ojos tormentosos y libertino, era dominante, arrogante y mandón como el infierno. Compitiendo contra el tiempo para salvar a su lobo y reino del rey demonio, Alfa Felis, cruza caminos con Tania. Ella es una espía y la personificación de la tentación. Y ahora Eltanin debe elegir entre el destino de su reino y su compañera. —¿Elegirá Tania su libertad y rechazará a su compañero? ¿O renunciará a la única cosa que siempre quiso? Definición de "libertino" en el diccionario: depravado. Sinónimos de libertino: librepensador, pródigo, disoluto, inmoral, lascivo. Mis otras novelas son: Confesiones Feroces: Adrianna y el Alfa (Completado). El Príncipe Alfa de la Media Luna de Plata (nominación WSA 2021). Ileus-El Príncipe Oscuro (Premio de plata WSA 2022). Hambre Oscura (5.º Premio en el concurso de hombres lobo). La portada me pertenece. Está encargada. Artista de la portada: Micehellwd. Editor: Astromnia. ```
[Check out my new novel, "THE BILLIONAIRE'S BABIES ALL WANT ME"] "Greatness comes after the third death". .... Joanna Anderson, had nothing except the empty title of being the King's mate, making her a foe to everyone in the kingdom. Losing her mother in infancy, despised by her father and having suffered so much for years, she was pushed down a cliff and left to die. Kayden Greyson, the fifth King of Twipera, was a gentle and loving soul until the day he lost his beloved and everything changed. With the bitterness of heart and the mysterious death of all kings in their four years of reign, bothering him, he is helplessly faced with death. Can he find out the true cause and save himself or would he fall prey? And what has her survival had to do with his life? **** The wind howled in response as its sweetness, welcomed the body that was thrown into its embrace. "I have suffered too much all my life to end up like this. I don't want my life to end like a joke. I deserve more than what I got from life. I, Joanna, refused to die.” Tears rippled through her face as she closed her eyes waiting for the final destination at death’s door. But… it never came. No one has ever entered the Ancient Forest of No Return and come out alive but this powerless werewolf girl did. Not only coming back alive but with a system, making her powerful through completing missions. The last thing on Joanna's mind after returning was having a relationship or anything that has to do with love but the first mission she got changed everything. [Main mission: Seduce and make your mate hard and say I LOVE YOU] [Reward: 50 exp] [Failure: returning to level 1] Almost pulling out her hair or crying, the mission remained unchanged. She needed to seduce the king either way. ***** This is not your typical kind of werewolf novel. I can assure you that this book is different. All you need to do is to be a little patient and you will see the magic happen. Also to the curious ones who want to know, this is a romance story and although the MC has a SYSTEM the story won't be focused solely on the system aspect. It will explore the romance part of the story majorly, so those who are still contemplating, add the novel to your libraryAn extraordinary werewolf with unique magical abilities, including foresight, must learn to follow her heart while fighting a cruel fate. Jodie Mickelson, a maid in the whispering moon pack, is a unique hybrid born from an affair between a powerful witch and an alpha king. When she discovers that the pack's alpha is her fated mate, she hopes for a change in her luck. However, the alpha rejects and banishes her due to his disinterest in their bond. Fate sets Jodie on a path of destiny. Ares, known as the 'Bastard Prince,' is a formidable force of nature in the werewolf world and beyond. Betrayed by those close to him and haunted by rumors of his supposed depravity, he seeks to reclaim his thrones. Their paths will cross, sparks and insults will fly, and love will blossom. However, a terrible vision foretelling Ares' inevitable death at her hands stands between Jodie and her second chance at a happy ever after. Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to the cover image.
ALPHA ATTRACTED TO AN ALPHA SYNOPSIS: They shamelessly judge me with surprised, disgusted, and calculating male eyes, which makes my stomach clench with fury. The air that is brimmed to the edge with testosterone of Alpha males makes me sick right down to the pit of my core. I must not be weakened because I’m an Alpha too and I’ll prove it.