Probably to act as if it hurts.
"G-grandma!" Viel immediately cried as he touched his butt. Although he didn't really feel anything, he knew that he did something wrong because Grandma Ling scolded him.
Fantasy · Romeru
Divorce incoming
"Your husband, the Grand Duke of Blackwood…"
Fantasy · Sister’s Bride
Just replace them all with permanent undead, atleast they will be truly loyal and won't believe horse shit.
"It's the public sentiment."
Urban · Shadow-kun
I thought that the people of his country hail their Holy Emporer more than a stinky church
Many rumours saying similar things as the above were busy doing its rounds within the Theocratic Empire. And I have to say, all those crap did sound rather reasonable. Since several points were lining up way too conveniently, those claims should sound that much more convincing to a layman.
Urban · Shadow-kun
Someone call Chris Hansen please
"How foolish you are!" The old man stood up from the chair. "However, that will only make it more satisfying to tame you."
Urban · Shadow-kun
Why doesn't he just put the heart inside his inventory?
The threat Hans spoke about? The odds of it happening were around one percent, tops. Even then, both Hans and I had made preparations, just in case.
Grandson of the Holy Emperor is a Necromancer
Urban · Shadow-kun