oh thank God.... I was hoping for this for a while now! Although I thought it could be Emory he fell for I knew he had to fall for someone else in order to make all of this work! Zara a d Davis will be so happy if he shows up married to Liz lol.
I'm soooooo happy to see new chapters!!!!! I've been dying to read more!!!!! keep em coming... your doing fantastic!!!! xoxoxox
but I'm loving this lol. I mean he is similar to her lol. Maybe its her who brings all the Alpha's together. Like I don't want her to date them all... but I WANT HER TO DATE THEM ALL lol.
Kitten Roman's fur was soft, gleaming, and scented lightly with lavender. He smelled clean—and, dare she say, like her.
Fantasy · Glimmy
please let her lay down with him to take a nap on her bed and then wakeup cuddling w his human form lol.🙏🙏🙏🙏
I have been in bed sick for 2 days and these extra chapters definitely made my mood improve.
omg he's so cute lol
lol well I mean he got a little taste lol. Then spoon fed her back to health and pledged his protection and said she is welcome in his house..... he is used to fighting against his own/wolfs emotions every single day so he has much more will power built up! Clearly he's not immune to her though and pampered her like he would a mate lol..... I can't wait to see that get spicy!
"Have you forgotten, lady purple? That little sin we committed in the classroom the other day?"
Fantasy · Glimmy
oh gosh she's going to cheat on him with all of them! But she only made him promise to be monogamous right.....they didn't say she had to be and he already said he doesn't mind sharing right?!?!?! lol.
Roman reached across the table, his fingers lightly brushing against hers before curling around her hand. Violet tried to pull away, but his grip was firm and he wouldn't let go. So when Violet stopped struggling, his thumb began to trace lazy circles over her palm.
Fantasy · Glimmy
He just broke her in a way she will never recover from. The first time he did this and atleast held back.... I wasnt sure if I could get past it even if he redeemed himself.... this.... It's unforgivable and I hope she destroys the lot of them.
lol I mean there are worse ways to be tricked into things lol. I need to know what happens next lol
Fake dating my enemy, The playboy billionaire
Urban · dream_ash