I’m working on it
Sorry about the impromptu pause and the long wait. I had to deal with some real life problems.
Anime & Comics · OriginalMaker
Varl’jat is the name Vandle Savage used millennia ago. As for the other two…never be shy to take creative liberty
-[Daughter of Ander and granddaughter of Varl'jat. Blessed with longevity due to her lineage, she has persevered through the ages, hunting down her father and those spawned from him in an attempt to cleanse the world of the stain that is her family. She is your sister.]
Anime & Comics · OriginalMaker
Legacies is FanFiction in my opinion
Through some kind of spell or ward that she barely understood, the Gibbons house was safer than ever, even with the elder Salvatore's attempts to raze it to the ground. Neither humans nor vampires could enter without being invited in, which was something she had yet to see in her long life.
TV · OriginalMaker
You completely missed everything I said but that’s fine. Everyone has their own opinion I guess.
Also on the point of things working out for him, what do you expect when he already knows most of what is originally supposed to happen. It would be even dumber for him to fail with that knowledge and power.
The way you say it makes it seem as if they’re all bowing down to him and fearing him for no reason the second they meet him. What illogical thing has the mc done? Honestly curious…
People he teaches can’t teach others. It can only be learnt directly from him. And besides, how threatening is fire bending to the MC compared to what he can do?
And a few seasons later or so Jeremy says that even though his memories were compelled away, the ‘sadness and emptiness’ were still there. He just didn’t know why he felt that way.
Rather than compelling her to quit drugs and pot, I simply twist her thoughts, making her want to stop and to think that it's because she wants to stop. Much more subtle than compulsion.
TV · OriginalMaker
You’re right about that but there is a reason for that train of thought in much later chapters.
Midoriya isn't used to using his quirk. No matter how I think of it, it doesn't make sense. There's another option, that the quirk is incompatible with his body. That could only happen if the quirk…didn't originally belong to him.
Anime & Comics · OriginalMaker
You’d lose quite handily
Sorry about the impromptu pause and the long wait. I had to deal with some real life problems.
With These Hands
Anime & Comics · OriginalMaker