"You never specified what extra money you needed."
Anime & Comics · ThePpp_Pppp
"It's worth 70% of our grade"
Anime & Comics · ThePpp_Pppp
"You have 2 brain cells, both are fighting for third place"
Anime & Comics · ThePpp_Pppp
Sora's face dropped, and he got on his knees.
Anime & Comics · ThePpp_Pppp
"GABABABABA! You little ones really helped us out back there. If there's anything we can do to thank you….." Brogy said while eating Sanji's cooking, "GEGYAGYAGYAGYA! I had completely forgotten about the bounties placed on our heads! If you guys were not here, we would have surely been tricked..." hearing this Vivi looked down, "But even so…..It's originally my fault, that those agents came to this island…." But Luffy patted her shoulder, "Why the long face!? No one's blaming you….here, eat some Rice-crackers….." Luffy shared his Rice-cracker with her. She smiled and took it, "Thank you, Luffy."
Anime & Comics · Phantom_178
"You there kid with Strawhat….." Crocus called Luffy and getting his attention, "Are you the one who used the 'Voice of all thing'!!??" Luffy's eyes widen at that, 'How the hell he know about Voice of All Thing, it was only Oden and Roger who could hear it!!' "Yep….but I still to train it." Crocus looked at Luffy as if he is looking at his soul, then he sighed, "I am too old for this shit…."
Anime & Comics · Phantom_178
They finally arrived at the restaurant where they docked Going Merry and enter the establishment, they took a nice corner table and settled down there and started to inspect the Menu for anything cheap and good. After some time and discussing with themselves they ordered their foods, all of a sudden they heard a loud yelling sound and a blond guy with swirly eyebrows walked out of the kitchen area with grumpy mood with their orders but when he saw Nami, his mood immediately changed and he ran towards them with hearts in his eyes and placed their food on the table and knelt beside Nami, "Oh Mademoiselle, such beauty like yours I've never seen in all four seas, your beautiful orange hair reminds me of an elegant and mesmerizing sunset..." but before he could say anything more, he was rudely cut off by Zoro, "And a swirly brows like yours reminds me of those ungrateful dark clouds which covers up the sun…."
Anime & Comics · Phantom_178
Cinder's eyes glinted dangerously, her voice dropping to a near whisper. "Once I have the Maiden's powers, I will deal with the lucky golden boy myself."
Anime & Comics · Milk_Is_My_Drug
Anime & Comics · Milk_Is_My_Drug
He wondered if Y/N would work...
The Adaptive Quincy of Bleach
Anime & Comics · ThePpp_Pppp