he's worried because the ultimate version of reed is evil and would break open his skull to get the infinty stone and almost kill him
"Hermes," he called out, and his tablet lit up with a soft chime. "Find everything you can on Reed Richards. I want his current whereabouts, his research projects, associates—everything."
Anime & Comics · Xcalibur_Xc
Sarutobi had always maintained a cordial attitude toward the Uchiha. So why was Toki so hostile toward him?
Anime & Comics · Legend_Man_1262
yangchen prodigy avatar?
"But, you will have a difficult time embarking on that path at a young age, as very few Avatars become fully fledged Avatars at a young age. The youngest two are Aang and me, with him becoming one at 12 while I finished my training at 16." Yangchen added, with Hayato nodding in agreement.
Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023
well you can't blame her with the avatar state your basically a demi-God
'Yeah... I'm definitely not getting on her bad side. Who knew that Avatar Yangchen would have a God Complex.' Hayato thought to himself.
Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023
he's shows respect by calling them by name so cool that sukuna respect him
"True freedom, like mine!"
Anime & Comics · Fanglin
it's simple negative times a negative equals a positive number that's how reversed cursed technique works
Then Cursed Energy (-) x Cursed Energy (-) = Positive Energy (+)
Anime & Comics · HeliosTheDepressed
so sukunas slash were based off of sword slash while yuji are gonna be different
"Sukuna's technique was used by him 1000 years ago, but we're far from that time, so you need to interpret how it works in your own way. If you keep copying what he does, you'll never reach your maximum potential, and the same goes for the other techniques at your disposal."
Anime & Comics · TheJiujitsuGuy
He declared, receiving a tired nod from other men who were seated beside him.
Anime & Comics · TheJiujitsuGuy
tobirama is more of an assassin then a wide range destructive power like hashirama so it's not really far to compare the two
This is also why Senju Tobirama developed so many forbidden techniques, but could never surpass Senju Hashirama.
Anime & Comics · Gustina_Kamiya
this ass hat does not know a good trainer even if they rocked his head into the ground
Meanwhile, Goh paced the area, hands behind his head, scanning the expansive park. "Is this all the Pokémon you've caught so far, Kai? After travelling for so long? If it were me, I'd have at least a dozen more by now!"
Pokemon: Skybound
Anime & Comics · iamxeno