Sorry 🥺. I'll fix it 🙏
Fantasy · Sixtee
Aoki never disappoints... Let's go!!!
Oof 😅
"Humans are quite possibly the most unreliable species of all creatures," she said. "I should have known that, but I still made mistakes."
Fantasy · LotusLin
Interesting start 😍🥳
She rested her chin in her hands and tilted her head tentatively. Her master was regaling her with her favorite story. And as the words spilled out one after another, Tuzi became absolutely enthralled. It was her favorite because this story is the one about her, and how she came to be in this vast universe. Her origin story.
Fantasy · LotusLin
They are an advanced species with great technological achievements and have been kind enough to send 4 Arc Ships that can carry 250 million people each.
Games · Raj_Shah_7152
It's time for us to move on, it's time for us to explore new planets and become a species that has presence throughout the Milky Way galaxy.
Games · Raj_Shah_7152
What I wanted to hear 🥰
For now, the family of 3 barely made their ends meet but they could be considered as happy as one could be while surviving on the bare minimum.
Games · Raj_Shah_7152
At first it was a yearly affair, then it became bi-annual, then seasonal, then monthly and now finally the frequency had increased to just a few weeks apart.
Games · Raj_Shah_7152
Ruined 💀
There was not a single city in the world that looked intact anymore as the concrete empire was crumbling.
Games · Raj_Shah_7152