another big disappointment of a story, idk why they all start good and captivating with good characters and story line, then it gets a Lil famous and the author will just start shiting whatever came to their mind without thinking and ruining the story, like Wtf, I'm so disappointed in this, it's frustrating to see how the Mc's IQ will drop by 100 halfway through, and you can see it happening it's like the author stops caring what readers are saying and just write whatever, it always happens when the slice of life end and the "Action" gets interduce, you can feel it and I was stupid enough to push through it hoping it'll come back to normal but it just we downhill from their on, anyways, not RECOMMENDED.
wtf is this shit??? I dropped this novel a while ago and just decided to check if maybe it got good and I judged it too fast but no, oh not it got worst, WTF is this shit, did the author change or what? what a gross development. guss it's time to put a review
why is he calling her his wife???
The father had a matching jersey with the logo and team of a fake team. On the back of the shirt, it said "Liu Meiyun" with the number 1 below it.
Fantasy · Anime_timez24
this was confusing af, and that's why I hate Chinese names, isn't Liu Meiying the Mc's woman? then why is there a guy here that the author mentioned as his parent calling her his wife??? I'm really lost, the info dump was all over the place and you add the Introduction of all these characters with similar names and trying to keep it mysterious at the same time just threw me off, ...I think I should treat this as any other Chinese novel and turn off my brain to read it.
God how much I hate Chinese names, they're so fucking confusing and long, especially when I'm listening to the book instead of reading
waaahh, what a cringe Mc, wtf?? I'm convinced ether the author is a 12 year old and the Mc is brain dead, and I'm not interested in a Chinese brainless Mc, I'm tired of that bulshit.
damn, how stupid is the Mc not to understand that it was blackmailing material to use of that Alexander boy?? even after the middle-aged man lately told him that he wants to use him. damn, can someone fix the Mc's discretion and remove that " Genius" form there, it's becoming more and more annoying how brain dead he is.
"So, He takes permission; that's good." Jack sighed with relief, then realized, "Wait a minute." Jack said this stopped in his tracks.
Urban · tiko_tiko
so, you telling me that it'll take 6 years for the Mc to become a decent man, who doesn't get scared of his shadow?
"Yes, then you'll be somewhat equal to her in assets at least; I'll be sending her to China; studying there will maybe make her a little smarter; she'll get back here after six years, so you've got six years." Middle-aged Reimann pointed at his watch.
Urban · tiko_tiko
yeah, this story is starting to do downhill, I had high expectations reading the genius part in Jack's discretion, thought he'll be a smart guy, but so far all I saw was a brainless idiot with nothing to him, just a childish guy with a fat wallet and no background.
damn it, is this gonna be like that other novel "Vimpire's slice of life" where the Mc is gonna be a grown ass man in the body of a 15 year old but still acts like a baby who sucks on his mothers/Aunts boob's for milk all the time? I knew this was gonna be the case when he started calling her "mama" even in his thoughts.
My Elf System
Fantasy · PhoenixAsh