Magic! *Wink* Wink
"Are you interested in buying a wand maintenance kit? It's only 7 Sickles! But for 1 galleon you even get an enchanted wand sheath." Said items flew towards him as the wandmaker waved his wand.
Book&Literature · soul_words
More details(examples under spoiler tag, maybe) will be helpful, thanks.
Don't know, I am thinking of a rewrite but it will be after a longgggg time. I am working on marvel on the side now... and am not getting time to even edit my backlog not to mention writing new chapters- I am writing year 2 right now. Would you prefer a rewrite or continuation for my pokemon fic?
'A parasitical magical force that is the result of strong emotions of distress.' That was what Leon remembered from his previous life.
Book&Literature · soul_words
Don't worry, it's not a plot hole nor he was being careless and he didn't see those red eyes- he was leaving.
A pair of red eyes watched Leon from deeper in the cavern.
Book&Literature · soul_words
The above is previous young, damaged, newly emancipated Levi.. not our Leon. I believe I mentioned it and I never said Levi had great mental health, the first chapter should clue you in to that...again first chapter is released long back.
As he wanted to imitate a flying superhero on a whim, he didn't have much time to plan his stunt.
Book&Literature · soul_words
Both reasons are present in Wiki. Dumbledore's sister is great example of becoming an obscurus due to 'strong emotions of distress.'
'A parasitical magical force that is the result of strong emotions of distress.' That was what Leon remembered from his previous life.
Book&Literature · soul_words
Chill! She is not a Deus Ex character and he won't be her dog. Don't worry!
He is not ignoring anything. I didn't want to go into metal's properties but everything is in the chapter- why jewelry metals are famous etc
"Why not copper, Leon? Doesn't it have more tensile strength compared to platinum?" Flitwick asked like he was expecting the beginner's mistake.
Book&Literature · soul_words
He is 14 and it wasn't a infiltration mission. But Ethrex, the scroll, has his reasons. It will be talked about in future.
Not sure yet, I will develop the secondary characters for now, and at the end of the second year, I will take readers wishes into account. Romance won't start until the third year.
Harry Potter: A Real Tale(AU, SI)
Book&Literature · soul_words