
male LV 4
2023-07-17 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Ascension Island
ป้าย 3

Moments 1
4 months ago

actually a time turner doesn't change the past when one uses a time turner , the things he does may seem like it is happening in the present but in reality everything he does already happens and can't change the outcome . like when Harry used the patronus charm , he first thought the one who cast it was his father then after using the time turner and found himself at that scene he knew he must cast it as it already happened also there was a rule when using a time turner that says your past self must not see you

Question: If Dumbledore has access to a time-turner, why hasn't he gone back to save his sister? It's supposed to be his greatest regret, right?

Playing With Magic

Playing With Magic

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