He's cooked that luck might actually screw him over
[Advantage obtained: Cú Chulainn Template (Fate Series)]
Anime & Comics · The_Demon_Lord85
This Fanfic has potential. The idea is also intriguing. let's just see how far this goes because im liking it so far.
Thanks for the chapter. The pacing is good, and i like the idea of this fanfic. I'm just gonna question though does she know about HSR?
Love this Fic, Thanks for the Chapter 🔥🔥
Due to the glitch text, i almost didn't see the comments on this
Anime & Comics · S4tus
I'll just think it's because Marvel celestial bodies are way different from normal celestial bodies because Earth in Marvel literally has many conceptual spaces like newyork, which literally like has conceptually infinite dimentions
Anime & Comics · S4tus
I just think that devils actually have never changed. At least the nobles have not the cuvilian devil's might have been influenced by peace, but lets all be honest, all devil's still have their innate nature of being evil.
I have a theory that the devils began to behave well not because of Satanist propaganda, but because they found something to do.
Anime & Comics · Fal1
Then how strong were they? im guessing they were all as strong as Mark grayson when he just got his powers or at least Dceu superman level
(A/N: Another chapter done, I was even quick in writing this one. But I hope I didn't make any grammar or translation mistakes. The next chapter starts the sports festival, it might take a while to come out because I plan to make it long. For those confused about how the MC beat up 3 Kryptonians, I'll just say they're not Superman. He's made differently from the others due to the CODEX, which is why other Kryptonians don't even come close to having the same limitless potential as Superman. The rest of the Vitrumites and Saiyans just ate dirt, they didn't even stand a chance against the MC. Anyway, I'll stop here. See you in the next update.)
Anime & Comics · S4tus
On the top floor, isolated from the chaos below, a private office served as the stage for a tense discussion among three singular-looking figures. Sitting behind a dark mahogany desk, a man with spiky black hair maintained a calm yet stern expression. Above his head, an eight-spoked wheel floated in a fixed position.
Anime & Comics · S4tus
I'm gonna ask an important question: Does he have gaebolg and Cu's skills because he might really be cooke. At this point, you can't be a lancer without a lance.
Into the...¡¿Hoyoverse?!
Anime & Comics · The_Demon_Lord85