🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣That's exactly what worries me.
"Don't worry!" Danzo smiled.
Anime & Comics · TitoVillar
а как же регенерация?
"Voyons voir, est-ce qu'utiliser pour la première fois une assimilation complète dont je n'ai presque aucune connaissance est une bonne idée ? Surtout vu mes blessures et l'endroit où je suis situé." je réfléchis en jetant un coup d'œil autour de moi.
History · Zenox007
Kakuzu has dark skin
Je suis vraiment comme dans ma vie passée, version manga. Cheveux noir/brun très foncé et peau blanche. Mais ce qui attire mon attention c'est surtout une chose, mes yeux. De jolis petits yeux.
History · Zenox007
C'est plus discret, en plus je ne préfère pas que n'importe qui connaisse mon vrai visage. Je suis quelqu'un de très personnel.
History · Zenox007
Once they inside, both Hiruzen and Iruka were shocked to see the boy who's being stabbed was actually Yoshi. Iruka began to feel guilty as he left the task of bringing him to school to Naruto which was supposed to be his. At this time, Hiruzen was already at Yoshi's bed side and caressed his hair. He frustrated with himself because failed to protect a child who's just came into the village. He almost cried when he saw Yoshi but hold it in because he doesn't want Iruka to see him like that. After a while, Hiruzen ordered Iruka to go back to the academy while he went back to his office.
Fantasy · Anony_writer15
They can apply the chakra
Back at Konoha's Hospital, in an emergency room, doctors and nurses were trying their best to save Yoshi. While outside of the room, there's a shinobi who was still waiting for the operation to finish.
Fantasy · Anony_writer15
this is shinobi?
A shinobi appeared out of nowhere in front of the entrance of the hospital with a bleeding boy on his hands. He rushed inside and tried to find a doctor. Everyone at the hospital were shocked with what they're just witnessed, they couldn't help themselves than wondering what happened and started whispering to each other while made wild guesses. Among the people, there's doctors and nurses who's rushing towards the shinobi with a stretcher.
Fantasy · Anony_writer15
I looked at the kid, observing him from hair to toe. Don't misunderstand, I'm not a pervert. He has straight black hair with white stripe on one of his bangs which is unique, pale white skin and pale blue eyes. I saw him wore an oversized black round neck t-shirt and a short black pants. I also realised that he's barefoot.
Fantasy · Anony_writer15
"Funan, I'm the Hokage!"
Naruto: Uchiha’s Unserious Saga
Anime & Comics · TitoVillar