It's the same thing
"The more powerful an Uchiha becomes, the more extreme they become."
Anime et Bandes dessinées · michaeI
Reading the damn description made me shiver and now I'm afraid to read. Help !!!
One of the best fanfics, you will regret it if you don't read this
Thank you very much
You !!!!! Nice to meet you I just wanted to greet you hehe
"Wear a mascot costume, hand out balloons to kids, and take photos with guests."
Anime et Bandes dessinées · Junkdog
"Sushi, maybe?" Utaha suggested.
Anime et Bandes dessinées · iRedX43
Then, remembering her mother's words earlier, Utaha hesitated for a moment before cautiously asking, "Ichin-kun, you seem really knowledgeable about this stuff. Don't tell me your interests are..."
Anime et Bandes dessinées · iRedX43
Damn, she gave him the fucking gay man card
"Please stop. There's nothing like that going on," Utaha said, exasperated. "He's definitely a good guy, but he doesn't seem to have any interest in girls. Whether it's me or the other girls in our class, we're all the same to him."
Anime et Bandes dessinées · iRedX43
I was sure she would say no. I mean we are talking about utaha here
Utaha's expression faltered slightly at her mother's playful smile, but she still replied, "Yes, he's quite handsome. But it's got nothing to do with me. I'm going back to my room."
Anime et Bandes dessinées · iRedX43
So she bribed them with candy to bring her the news
Thankfully she is not bullied because Ms Eiko makes sure that doesn't happen in the class and reminds the kids to be mindful of others.
Anime et Bandes dessinées · Sokk3