Why would he want his friends to die young?
Waking up early, Fujin freshened up, and prepared to leave for the academy. For the first time in 10 months, Fujin hadn't done his morning workout. He waited for Daisuke and Eichi to get ready as they too were planning to participate in the exams. In all, around 7 boys and 2 girls from his orphanage were taking the academy exams this year. They all left together, along with the caretaker Momonosuke from the orphanage.
Fantasy · Devil_Hex
Well I hope there is romance that will be the icing on the cake for this great fanfic
Has far as I know the north doesn’t have knights
Theon was part of the contingent that left with Robb, they were all mounted cavalry, 6000 mounted knights, with the sole goal of relieving Jaime Lannister's siege over Riverrun.
Book&Literature · PrinceOfNilfheim
Thats cringy
He was aggressive, and held his sword with uncharacteristic nonchalance. His blows were light and quick, serving simply to probe openings in his opponents, yet when one of them overreached, he swiftly knocked him down with a blistering blow to the nape of his neck.
Book&Literature · PrinceOfNilfheim
As for Beauty and the Beast, Adam was truly unlucky, as this tale had arrived in France twenty years earlier, written by Madame Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve, and had been published again in a new version in 1756-1757 by Madame Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont.
History · Super_nugget
Peak that’s what it is
I felt a dull ache in my rear as I hurriedly stood from where I'd been sitting. Grimacing, I eyed the ornate wooden contraption I'd been perched on—a chair if you could even call it that. The padding was so thin, that it seemed insulting to the very concept of comfort. Sure, it was beautiful, something that could fetch a high price as an antique, but for someone as picky about seating as I am, it was a nightmare. My tailbone practically ached just looking at it. But then, something strange happened. I realized the pain wasn't real. My discomfort was only mental, some kind of phantom sensation. As delicate as my backside tends to be, I was surprised to find I could stand and move about just fine.
Anime & Comics · hmak27230
A sad smile formed on his lips as he watched them devour the little he had brought home. He would never say how he had obtained it or what kind of meat it was.
History · Super_nugget
[The chosen candidate for the Demon King, Ash, accept the gift from the ancient Demon God, become the king of the demons, sacrifice the world to become a new god, kill the goddess, and start a new reincarnation on this planet!]
Anime & Comics · Erovia
Some is better than none
Adam had almost said "compensate the families," but nothing could compensate for such a loss. No sum of money could make up for the loss of a son.
History · Super_nugget
Dynamic Duo Route (Camie + 1)
My Hero Academia: Izuku Reloaded
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels