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2023-02-15 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

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Maybe he should also make a streaming film platform like Netflix maybe he could make something similar and with all the best features combined with other

If a film started in over 2,000 theaters, it meant it already had a huge advantage from the start. Its future success depended on audience reactions: if the film was profitable, theaters would request more showings. Otherwise, they would quickly pull it from their schedules.

America: Beginning with the acquisition of MGM

America: Beginning with the acquisition of MGM

Movies · Raaven

Replied to Iceling

Well if he spend 10 years or more his power level would be strong enough to destroy the time chamber and get out

With his system of infinite power growth, even if it's only +1 power per second, entering there means he could gain a year's worth of combat strength in just a day outside!

Dragon Ball One Power Level Per Second

Dragon Ball One Power Level Per Second

Anime & Comics · nyawdao4

Replied to Iceling

Well let's add mastered ultra instinct on top of that. Since ultra instinct is not a transformation but a state so it could indeed combined with ssj4 maybe ultra ego is more compatible.

Imagine if my power level breaks a billion, but I can only exert the strength of tens of millions—what kind of strength is that? Furthermore, if I only rely on the system, crushing Frieza in the near future is not an issue, but if I only possess power comparable to Frieza's final form, I'd still be crushed by him.

Dragon Ball One Power Level Per Second

Dragon Ball One Power Level Per Second

Anime & Comics · nyawdao4

Replied to Gurnoor_Singh_4533

That's proto adamantium I believe

My hammer brings down enough force to mold the hot Vibranium like playdough easily bending it into the shape of armor. I was making a suit like Mercy's from Overwatch, after all she does have the same appearance and similar power set so I think it'll fit her nicely. The actual armor would be a skin fitting suit of interwoven fabric like metal, but I would add a spell to change the appearance to something more natural looking like cloth. My Idea is to model it after the winged victory skin, a Greek themed skin that I find pretty hot and works in the current time period.

Hades in Marvel

Hades in Marvel

Movies · User_Not_Found


Special most mutant have immunity to immense temp or lower temp by default which the breathing technique require those for manipulation of heat and cold in the body which Tha applications is very important for the power and vitality the muscle would produce, there are a lot ot things to say when talking about demon slayer breathing technique science but you know what I mean that this is not gonna work for a mutant maybe a human. Also this might not even work for mages

Landing his feet on the deck of a ship and hearing this request, Richard simply replied, "No," to Lambert. It wasn't that this Witcher couldn't learn it, but Richard was unwilling since he had just met him. Especially knowing that the blood that flows through his hands includes a number of decent folk. This applied not just to Lambert but to almost anyone on this ship. By modern standards, many of them could be considered wicked. For now, he would hold off on teaching until he found a suitable successor with morals and integrity similar to his own, or at least close to it.

Witcher: First Demon Slayer

Witcher: First Demon Slayer

Video Games · joshua_martin_0566


What I mean by mutant the breathing technique won't work for mutant. Since their physiology is way to different and each witcher have different physiology depending on what they infused to their own blood that remake their dna thus changing the body physiology.

Landing his feet on the deck of a ship and hearing this request, Richard simply replied, "No," to Lambert. It wasn't that this Witcher couldn't learn it, but Richard was unwilling since he had just met him. Especially knowing that the blood that flows through his hands includes a number of decent folk. This applied not just to Lambert but to almost anyone on this ship. By modern standards, many of them could be considered wicked. For now, he would hold off on teaching until he found a suitable successor with morals and integrity similar to his own, or at least close to it.

Witcher: First Demon Slayer

Witcher: First Demon Slayer

Video Games · joshua_martin_0566


No he can't his a mutant

Landing his feet on the deck of a ship and hearing this request, Richard simply replied, "No," to Lambert. It wasn't that this Witcher couldn't learn it, but Richard was unwilling since he had just met him. Especially knowing that the blood that flows through his hands includes a number of decent folk. This applied not just to Lambert but to almost anyone on this ship. By modern standards, many of them could be considered wicked. For now, he would hold off on teaching until he found a suitable successor with morals and integrity similar to his own, or at least close to it.

Witcher: First Demon Slayer

Witcher: First Demon Slayer

Video Games · joshua_martin_0566


Well I guess Mc could take this lower world to accumulate knowledge and experience maybe he could in the future hack higher world.

What I need to do now is to try as much as possible to restore everything back to default settings and then proceed from there.



Others · Elderdras


Lol Mc literally coding the creation and expansion of a universe

Everytime something was fixed, there are ten others that will break and a hundred more will stop functioning as they should.



Others · Elderdras


Dream maybe

Now I just have to find a non-existent existing realm across the eternal nothing and infinite everything while hoping that the self that is not me(?) is still within, which if they are anything remotely like me(?), I highly doubt.



Others · Elderdras


Lol if he did get rejected that is the same him being a Rob sudden being a mortal lol unless the realm also came with him thus it being is own existence outside

To escape from non-existence, I need an existence to acknowledge me(?) and to do that I need to somehow interact with said existence but attempting to do so will only end one of two ways. One, said existence and their reality gets destroyed and ceases to be or two, this realm(?) violently ejects me which will most likely end up with my destruction.



Others · Elderdras


Yeah just like the scarlet king on scp verse

A creature or being in existence acknowledging the existence (whether they believe it as fact or fiction is inconsequential) of a non-existent thing serves as a one way ticket out of this realm into said creature's/being's reality.



Others · Elderdras


I like where this going does that mean Mc would be what I was thinking if he did named this

This, as a matter of fact, is how most of the so called outer gods and eldritch non-entities came to be.



Others · Elderdras


Well mostly they just didn't want any beef. It's beyond their pay grade

In short, even if the residents bombarded the police with calls, they should not dispatch any officers!

Marvel Start With Reality Stone

Marvel Start With Reality Stone

Anime & Comics · nyawdao4


Nah unless they are as durable the demons like the moons in the demon slayer.

Fifteen minutes later, gazing back and seeing that the fleet was far enough to avoid the monsters' projectiles, Richard set his sights on a distant humanoid Ice Elemental. Despite seeing many hills of Wild Hunt soldiers' corpses caused by that Ice Elemental monster from the same universe, which instilled fear among the people of this world, Richard remained confident. No opponent had yet resisted a single stroke of his blade. Perhaps in the future, there would be such a contender, but for now, the foes in front of him were no match for his power.

Witcher: First Demon Slayer

Witcher: First Demon Slayer

Video Games · joshua_martin_0566


Bro gotta copy lots of scp ability perhaps he could also copy the church maybe magic you knoww

As we prepared for the mission, I couldn't help but think about the Fifth Holy Grail War and the role I would have to play. The stakes were higher than ever, and failure was not an option.

I am Scp O76/Able in Scp the copy cat

I am Scp O76/Able in Scp the copy cat

Others · Tahmina_Begum_9138


Please author tell me he could copy

Kirei chuckled. "If you insist." With a swift motion, he drew several Black Keys, the signature weapons of an Executor of the Church.

I am Scp O76/Able in Scp the copy cat

I am Scp O76/Able in Scp the copy cat

Others · Tahmina_Begum_9138
