Archduke Franz Karl*
History · New Sea Moon
*in other words*
History · New Sea Moon
1848 revolution brought about the death of thousands of people across Europe, especialy France.
History · New Sea Moon
This is kind of shamLeeds that the author is rating his own work 5-stars. It is what it is.
There is slight mistake you made there. The Caliph would addressed as Amir-al-Mu'minin( The Leader of the Faithful ) when directly being spoken to.
"Caliph Abu Bakr, I agree with you, I do. And I suggest we start drafting our plans immediately. I will let my men inform the other, so they can start preparing for a campaign." Abbas nodded and immediately favoured in Abu Bakr's decision.
History · xmafian
Bro that's the shoes info on Jon Snow. We don't know whether he was even named by Lyana or Rhaegar.
283 AC, Tower of Joy
The Warg Lord (SI)(GOT)(ASOIAF)
Book&Literature · LazyWizard