A shiver travels through my body while the EXP is automatically distributed in my statistics. Another window opens.
Fantasy · Charo_sama
The room freezes when my hand whistles in the air and hits her cheek with a sound slap. The shock resonates in the tavern, and the man staggers under the impact. Before he even resumed his balance, I grab it by the collar and plate violently against the wall.
Fantasy · Charo_sama
"A beer," I just say.
Fantasy · Charo_sama
I walk slowly through the forest, the smell of the damp earth tickling my nostrils. The fresh wind rushes between the trees, and the sunlight struggles to filter through the dense foliage. My wandering mind, bringing me back to memories that I prefer to forget. A soldier's life, a betrayal life. Now I am a lonely mercenary, without allegiance. Nothing holds me back.
Fantasy · Charo_sama
The Church of Solaria, all-powerful and omnipresent, governs each aspect of our life. His saint knights are the armed arms of the divinity, the blessed warriors who spread light, justice, and ... fear. They carry sparkling armor, marked with the divine seal, and are venerated as celestial messengers. Their duty is to protect the kingdom, but in shadows, their power is also a burden. Far from sermons and songs of worship, there is a darker side to their mission. And those who dare to challenge the church or its knights often end up.
Fantasy · Charo_sama
For me, the story development and writing quality are rather average. I'm not a big fan of the protagonist, but overall, it's still okay.
For the moment it's okay, the MC is still Chad, the story is a classic of revenge and all the tralala, but I am curious to know how it will take place
The Mercenary Slayer Of Holy Knights
Fantasy · Charo_sama