True, buuut surely there is a tracking spell or demon community of snitches that would point the mc in the right direction
'I doubt Buffy will find Xander…tonight and if she does he probably won't be human anymore, what do I do? I mean I know I'm not really Damon, but I care…love Xander just like any good brother should…if only I remembered the gypsy spell to curse vampires with their human counterparts souls…I mean I know I need one of those orbs, candles, salt, and animal bones.'
TV · Shane_Town
Mohra demon blood can make a vampire human again
'I doubt Buffy will find Xander…tonight and if she does he probably won't be human anymore, what do I do? I mean I know I'm not really Damon, but I care…love Xander just like any good brother should…if only I remembered the gypsy spell to curse vampires with their human counterparts souls…I mean I know I need one of those orbs, candles, salt, and animal bones.'
TV · Shane_Town
"Hang on. Are you... are you saying that Snape fancied my mother?" He asked in disbelief.
"What party?" Tam asked quickly.
TV · Kapur_69
Me and Peter, dressed in our usual casual workout clothes, end up in front of a huge abandoned warehouse in the middle of... You guessed it. Hells Kitchen. Of course, out of all places, for someone to host a massive illegal fighting ring, it's here. Where else could it be.
Movies · Thecarim
4 whole inches
Before I move on from my glow-up, I remember to check one more thing. I look inside my my pants. A smug smile comes to my lips. Yup, I glowed up.
Movies · Thecarim
However now that I look back at my new and improved self, I can proudly say that this is the glowup of the century. I still retained parts of what I used to look like, but I now stand at 5'11, I have broad shoulders, and I'm still slightly chubby (but that's gonna change soon if I start working out!). The biggest difference though, is my face. I look to be around 18, with sharp, youthful features, big blue striking eyes, skin as smooth as a Kpop idol, and finally some medium-length black messy hair, slightly parted to show my eyes.
Movies · Thecarim
Sigh....Xander is gonna die cause Willow is an idiot
Yep and he would be easier to control ...stick him in a padded room until you can curse him with a soul
'I doubt Buffy will find Xander…tonight and if she does he probably won't be human anymore, what do I do? I mean I know I'm not really Damon, but I care…love Xander just like any good brother should…if only I remembered the gypsy spell to curse vampires with their human counterparts souls…I mean I know I need one of those orbs, candles, salt, and animal bones.'
Buffy SI (OP MC)
TV · Shane_Town