I'd be Outta there in a instant
"That sounds… like Perish Song."
Video Games · michaeI
if I was in the place of darkrai and my trainer said that , even I would have the same reaction
Easy for you to say.
Video Games · michaeI
since when did pseudo legendary became common
Anime & Comics · devmaya
Pretty decent fanfic , and I'm hoping it will be written for at least a few hundred chapters since aside from one or two fanfics , most pokemon fanfic with over hunder chapters are just translated and i really hope it will keep updating regularly
How about sonia , most fanfic goes for cliche fmc like Sabrina or dawn so it will be better in my opinion
2) I'll decide in the future, but I'd be down for suggestions. Also they have to be human. I know how some people think…
Anime & Comics · Primordial_VoidFox
to be honest he has a point , if you get it instantly then you are probably not so innocent yourself
"See? You got it instantly!"
Anime & Comics · Phaeron
how does this work since it has swords instead of hands
Ceruledge didn't even bother looking their way. It calmly served drinks to Machoke at the next table, as if the scuffle had never happened.
Anime & Comics · Phaeron
what about scyther and nidoran , scizor and nidoking/queen are pretty great pokemon in my opinion , mankey is also a good choice
After thinking on all the Pokemon that are native to that area I decided to avoid catching any of them. While I initially thought of catching a Clefairy or Zubat, I decided against it.
Anime & Comics · Primordial_VoidFox
maybe it's just a genetic variation like shiny , just like how i once saw a video of pikachu that can fly
A realization settled in. Maybe there are levels to this. Maybe not all abnormalities qualify as Anomalies.
Anime & Comics · Insane_Rebel
most of the good female characters are underage with few exceptions
2) I'll decide in the future, but I'd be down for suggestions. Also they have to be human. I know how some people think…
The Knowledgeable Professor
Anime & Comics · Primordial_VoidFox