Austend_Greyback - Profile


LV 3
2022-12-26 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 2

Moments 313


Esto promete


"Keep your blades at the ready," The leader murmured, his voice a low growl in the stillness of the night. "Tonight, we rid ourselves of these Northern pests and reclaim what is rightfully ours and should belong to us."

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

Anime & Comics · thelightedghost


No puedo compartir tu mismo pensamiento pero admito que es un poco interesante (Saber un poco más sobre el mundo de got)

/*I know that this GOT arc is throwing many people off. But I can assure you that this arc is temporary and will be finished soon. This arc was written as a foundation for the future. The story of GOT won't affect the Naruto world at all.*/

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

Anime & Comics · thelightedghost




Robert, while sitting in the middle and the high seat, was looking around, and if one knew Robert well, one could see that he was checking out the women in the hall to fool around. Ned, who was sitting beside him, was kind of ashamed and felt bad. He had supported someone who was still in delusion that Lyanna was the love of his life.

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

Anime & Comics · thelightedghost


La muerte misma

At that moment, Hiruzen knew that he had messed up, because now he felt like he might not be able to take down these two people that Aoto had made friends with. Who the hell were these people?

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

Anime & Comics · thelightedghost


Aoto y su gente:


The thing was Hiruzen knew that Naruto was kidnapped, but he was given the promise that it would be only for a few days and let Naruto blurt out about some of the secrets of Aoto. This was for the safety of Konoha. What he didn't expect was Naruto being treated bad and forcing him to spill the core secrets of Aoto. 

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

Anime & Comics · thelightedghost


¿Primera vez?


Kirito gave him even more beating after he learned about what he did to those kids. 

In Naruto With Minato Template

In Naruto With Minato Template

Anime & Comics · kamidemond



This was none other than Ceasar Clown, he was all tied up and beaten to the pulp. 

In Naruto With Minato Template

In Naruto With Minato Template

Anime & Comics · kamidemond


Muy roto y versatil

They all had seen this before but still, this was just surprising how broken this Jutsu was.

In Naruto With Minato Template

In Naruto With Minato Template

Anime & Comics · kamidemond



"Men of Lannister! Today, we face some savages from the North, but we shall not falter! Together, we shall crush these Northern upstarts and reclaim what is rightfully ours! We are better than them. We are more intelligent than them. We will crush them!"

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

Anime & Comics · thelightedghost




As the sun cast its golden rays over the battlefield near Bronzegate, the air crackled with tension as the forces of House Lannister assembled for battle. Ser Tywin Lannister, the mastermind behind the assault, surveyed the open ground with confidence, his soldiers arrayed in disciplined ranks behind him. Little did they know, however, that they were about to face an opponent unlike any they had encountered before.

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

Anime & Comics · thelightedghost


JAJAJAJA Es como si una oveja intentara dialogar con un monton de lobos a que la comida vegetariana es mucho mejor

The messenger, a slight tremor betraying his nerves, cleared his throat before speaking. "I come on behalf of Lord Tywin Lannister, offering terms of surrender and reconciliation. House Lannister seeks to avoid any bloodshed and offers amnesty and protection to the Uchiha clan in exchange for your allegiance."

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

Anime & Comics · thelightedghost


Después del orgullo viene la caída; tras la arrogancia, el fracaso.

"This bitch only knows witchcraft while I know swordfight. I will flay her with my sword and show who is the real king." Joffrey said and even though he was hurt by the flowing nose, that didn't stop his anger and adrenaline rush. 

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

Anime & Comics · thelightedghost


You'd think they'd just compared you to Hiruzen Sarutobi.

This made Ned a little dumbstruck as he didn't have a counter to that. He felt bad for his friend, and there was nothing he could do, or rather, those who could help had refused to help. In his pain, Ned was by his side, and Robert was thankful that his friend didn't pull some tricks and seemed to be trying his best to take away the pain and make him better.

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

Anime & Comics · thelightedghost


"Estupidamente tonto"

Some of the soldiers sensed something was wrong and launched an attack. But it didn't materialize, and they were crushed before they could even shout or ask for help properly. If it were daylight, maybe they would have some kind of help, but choosing the night to attack was the most dumb thing they could ever do.

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

Anime & Comics · thelightedghost


Esta gente me provoca diversión y lastima


They were required to pay double, and if it was not paid, they would have to pay them back with imprisonment or more fine. Robert, after seeing the agreement, looked at Alaric and said, "The Uchihas would pay more tribute to the kingdom, and if they are not able to do so in the next 6 months, required action would be taken upon them. In addition to this, the Uchihas wouldn't be recognized as a House for the next 3 years."

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

The Shopkeeper of Konoha

Anime & Comics · thelightedghost



'Could it be a Sharingan? god, there are so many theories out there that say that Zoro is hiding a Sharingan in there. 

In Naruto With Minato Template

In Naruto With Minato Template

Anime & Comics · kamidemond
