The Obliterator was bristling with weapons, each chosen for its devastating effectiveness. Chief among them were the 34 Capital-Class Quad Pulse Cannons, mounted strategically along the dorsal and ventral hull. These massive cannons were the epitome of destructive force.
Sci-fi · Drake_thedestroyer
don't big planets have higher gravity, also why is everything bigger than earth?
However, Gliese 581c was not as small as Mars; its mass was 5.6 times that of Earth, and it had another title.
Others · Frishard
can't wait to read the rest
thanks for writing it was a great story, would read again!
the screen of death
when Adam was wondering whats going a blue screen appeared in front of him saying.
Anime & Comics · outerself19
In the military it's good to follow what other people are doing if it's wrong you all get yelled at, if it's right you wont be alone doing something stupid,
A minute later, all the armored cavalry on the tanks saluted Fadin for no apparent reason, as if he had achieved some unprecedented feat.
History · Count Constantine
So far the quality is good
When next chapter?
The Forge Lord.
Book&Literature · SrDevoxero