Webnovel Author: OneArmedImmortal - Fanfic Collection



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~𝕴 𝖊𝖓𝖏𝖔𝖞 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖎 𝖉𝖔~ ~𝕺𝖗𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘~

2022-12-21 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 8

Moments 2036

Replied to newcommer2


If it had been his former self back on Earth, Gwen wouldn't even have been just a friend or a mere best friend. The concept of friendship between a virile man and a fertile woman was surely loose from a psychological perspective. If it were not for NZT and his current developed rationality, Gwen would have already been marked. 

Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive

Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive

Anime & Comics · OneArmedImmortal

Replied to SkillsMasterAkurai

I made it up for Joe's convenience. Please don't look it up in the periodic table lol

And Joe did measure it, further confirming Stark's confident words. Understanding how much energy was being produced by his arc reactor was important. For the medium of conductivity, Joe had to break his own wallet to buy thick high-voltage copper wires that he manually electroplated with silver. The wires were perfectly insulated and soldered to the arc reactor with extreme-current connectors. The connectors consisted of superconducting materials made from a foreign element called Aegium. It could withstand extremely high levels of voltage. 

Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive

Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive

Anime & Comics · OneArmedImmortal

Replied to Lordmoonlight


Replied to kiddeath1998

no biggie

Enjoy 20 chapters ahead if you like the cook: Patreon.com/OneArmedImmortal

Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive

Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive

Anime & Comics · OneArmedImmortal


used to

"Who said you are, man? Aren't you the person with one of the hottest chicks on campus?" Joe wiggled his brows suggestively. "To pull someone as gorgeous as MJ is something only you can do." 

Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive

Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive

Anime & Comics · OneArmedImmortal

Replied to Shanmay

I think I meant the monster, not Frankenstein himself. And here, Joe's referring to himself as Frankenstein...


"Frankenstein? Do I look like a monster? Let's be for real. I am probably Frankenstein's creator, and you came looking for me." Joe countered with a meaningful smirk.

Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive

Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive

Anime & Comics · OneArmedImmortal

Replied to LegateMattius

haha it depends per person... The only dark souls game I've played is the remastered version, and I didn't find it that hard.

Just imagine someone introduces you, a total beginner, to a highly frustrating and difficult Souls game like Sekiro. What will you do about it? Some folks may give up or begin learning from their mistakes by strategizing. The commencement of strategizing against those challenging bosses would instill this crazed obsession of wanting to beat the game. There was something psychologically satisfying about earning those PlayStation 5 trophies after clearing the obstacles that had earlier blocked your path. 

Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive

Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive

Anime & Comics · OneArmedImmortal



"Hehe, very fun, but it's not enough." He gave her a humorless smile. 

Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive

Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive

Anime & Comics · OneArmedImmortal

Replied to Anonny_Anonymous

Replied to ThreshGasm

go to fanfiction.net and search: Twelve steps to omnipotence

"I am going to be omnipotent if omnipotence isn't a paradox." Joe slightly smiled when he recalled a particular Marvel self-insert fanfic with a protagonist determined to carve out his own steps to omnipotence. 

Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive

Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive

Anime & Comics · OneArmedImmortal

Replied to BloodMonk

friends with benefits

The Mary Jane beside him was currently in a budding relationship with Peter. However, there was something that Peter didn't know. Mary Jane had once been an FWB with the previous Joe Petersen. So the physical chemistry between Joe and Mary made their current relationship quite complicated, and anything could go awry. 

Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive

Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive

Anime & Comics · OneArmedImmortal
