I thought he was going to mention Rains aim
"Nobody had seen Princess Seishan on the wall today. She seems to have disappeared somewhere… a few guys saw her leaving while we slept. Considering her position, the only thing that could force her to move is an order from the Queen. So, I bet something is afoot."
Fantasy · Guiltythree
Sounds like singing lol Do Re Me Fa So La Ti Do
Su, Mu, Yu, Du, Lu, and Ru.
Fantasy · Raj_Shah_7152
I wonder how real the info is 😈
Elaine nodded her head before taking out a pile of documents, saying, "This is the dirt on the Ardagan family you previously requested."
Fantasy · Fixten
He started it Sunny will finish it
But what of it?
Fantasy · Guiltythree
I mean the Nothing is real… They even have a Prince And the Unknown is also real So…
"Tell us, if Nobody is real, is nothing real?"
Book&Literature · NobleQueenBee
With fire
'...How am I even supposed to kill that thing?'
Fantasy · Guiltythree
I’m not so sure about that
'In a week or two, I will all but have forgotten that this even happened.'
Book&Literature · NobleQueenBee
Questions His only weakness :P
"Enough questions!" The man gritted his teeth. "Yes, I have thought about it, and yes I care! When she succeeds, I will protect her at all costs."
Book&Literature · NobleQueenBee
All hail the mighty Shadow chair
"If you're an assassin, you will face situations where you must cross a vast distance in a matter of seconds. Whether it's closing in on a target before they escape or outrunning an entire battalion of pursuers, your ability to move will determine whether you live or die."
Timeless Assassin
Fantasy · Raj_Shah_7152