Webnovel Author: IQuakeI_V - Fanfic Collection



male LV 1
2022-11-15 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Russia

ป้าย 3

Moments 55

Replied to RagingDrake


Bartmoss wanted to help these children, and he absolutely would. He understood long ago that no matter how brilliant one might be, you can't achieve much alone, and so a team was necessary. In today's world, trusting anyone is nearly impossible. Yesterday's friend could easily betray you tomorrow for a few extra eddies, which aligns perfectly with the current trends. Everyone fights their way to the top of the world, jumping over others' heads.

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Anime & Comics · amattsu

Replied to Kacper_Furude

You're not confused by the fact that a person can go to another world, but confused by the fact that someone may have had a hand in it?

"Fate isn't a toy for anyone to scrutinize so closely. From now on, this guy is under my protection." Smirking once more, the Renouncer continued on his way, humming a simple, lighthearted melody.

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Anime & Comics · amattsu

Replied to The_Puffer

the reason for this behavior will be revealed at a later date

"Greetings, creator Alex," AI's image wavered, and before me stood the beautiful woman who had been paying more attention to her appearance lately. The AI seemed to be trying to tailor her appearance to my taste, monitoring my reactions. Her current appearance seemed to be a blend of Susan and Inga, something in between the two. It was amusing in a way, but I couldn't understand why she was doing it and, more importantly, for what purpose?

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Anime & Comics · amattsu



The world of binary code was a jumble of databases scattered across the network in chaotic disarray. Due to a virus created by the world's most wanted hacker, the old network had undergone numerous changes, becoming far more dangerous and lethal. The main threat was the so-called "wild" skins, entities aimed at capturing netrunners to inhabit their human bodies. The Black Screen, which also served as an artificial intelligence, impeded its brethren, forcing them to employ cunning to overcome the barrier. Aside from the skins, there was also the "snag" factor. This term referred to incidents where a cyber-soul could not return to its body, remaining forever beyond the Black Screen. Such individuals were at best absorbed by more powerful skins or became "wild" themselves, eventually hunting down their former peers.

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Anime & Comics · amattsu



Another day for Lucy began with the loud beep of the alarm, which abruptly pulled her from the embrace of sleep. Her body instinctively jumped out of bed and began to perform the routine procedures that had become reflexive: making the bed, using the bathroom, and eventually meeting with her curator/supervisor, who would lead a group of children like her to training. Lucyna had not seen anything but the walls of the underground laboratory for a full year and had resigned herself to the idea that she would never escape.

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Anime & Comics · amattsu



"Han and Shiro got into it with Kirk and lost, as usual. Just come and see for yourself." Vincent gestured, and we quietly followed him.

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Anime & Comics · amattsu



Sue, to my taste, was quite attractive, even her mechanical arms didn't detract from her overall appearance. Long dark hair, partially tied back, green eyes, and smooth facial features. Her figure was also impressive.

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Anime & Comics · amattsu



"If you want to see your face, it's over here." The girl picked up a small piece of glass from the floor and handed it to the boy roughly. "Be careful with it. It's pretty sturdy, but it's better not to drop it too often."

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Anime & Comics · amattsu



"Who in their right mind would even think of doing that?" huffed a ten-year-old girl, whom Alex could finally see. Blonde, dirt-covered hair, peach-colored eyes, a rather cute face, and a mole on her left cheek, which the boy initially mistook for dirt. She held a LED lamp, lighting her way.

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Anime & Comics · amattsu



"Go, I need to be alone." The bodyguard obediently retreated and, turning on his heels, left his master's chamber. Reaching the door, Takemura bowed one last time, and then finally left the emperor in solitude.

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Anime & Comics · amattsu



Goro Takemura slowly walked towards his master's office. The man had bad news for the emperor, but as a loyal servant, he believed in speaking only the truth, no matter how unpleasant it might be. After passing through several corridors, Goro stopped in front of the entrance to Saburo Arasaka's office. This man had achieved impossible results, rising from a mere sergeant in the air squadron to being proclaimed emperor by the people. For the first time in five years of direct service to his lord, Takemura hesitated.

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Anime & Comics · amattsu



At that moment, some kind of flying transport whizzed by in the sky, hitting the boy with a wave of cold air. Startled once again, Alex regained his composure and decided to dive into another alley, trying to avoid being seen on the open street. A little ragamuffin without parents would raise suspicion, and Alex needed not to draw attention to himself. His adult consciousness was screaming this at him.

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Anime & Comics · amattsu



"First," Lucy thought, as she quietly walked toward the netrunner chair in the center of the room. The other children quickly followed suit, mechanically repeating their well-practiced motions.

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Anime & Comics · amattsu

Replied to BloodyAkira

I've been here since the beginning of the piece

Curiosity was gnawing at me. I wasn't sure what they wanted to show me, but I hoped it was worth the mystery. We didn't have to go far, and soon we arrived at a designated spot near a small parking area where three cars stood. Two were familiar, but the third was new to me. On closer inspection, it bore striking resemblances to classic Japanese cars.

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Anime & Comics · amattsu

Replied to Kacper_Furude

gray and white hair fits the definition of “blond.”

As she sat down, the girl slowly fitted the visor of the specialized glasses onto her face and waited patiently for Professor Kushinada's assistants to connect the cables to the port installed at the back of her skull. Feeling the cold touch of their hands on her head, Lucyna involuntarily shivered, fighting to suppress the sensation. As soon as the cable snapped into the implant, the blonde felt a familiar prick at the base of her skull, which quickly faded. A potent cocktail of drugs in her system was diligently working to suppress any resistance her body might have to the heavy load of chemicals the children were laden with.

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Anime & Comics · amattsu



Curiosity was gnawing at me. I wasn't sure what they wanted to show me, but I hoped it was worth the mystery. We didn't have to go far, and soon we arrived at a designated spot near a small parking area where three cars stood. Two were familiar, but the third was new to me. On closer inspection, it bore striking resemblances to classic Japanese cars.

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Cyberpunk - The Fall of Icarus

Anime & Comics · amattsu
