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2022-10-21 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 5

Moments 76


Defying gender roles doesn't necessarily make you strong and there are plenty of traditional ladies in ASOIAF with a steel core.

All ladies are the same and similar. Embroidery, pretty talk, long dresses, modesty, helpfulness and the like were considered the norm. The only exceptions were a few, like those born on Bear Island, well, or Lyanna and Arya. They weren't afraid to speak their minds in front of anyone. Their voice was loud and clear.

Game of Thrones: King of Magic

Game of Thrones: King of Magic

Anime & Comics · Tiir_Rumibul_3715



"That matters not! Marcus is literal divinity! If he lies with a maiden, then they are sure to bear his children!" Xenovia proclaimed in reverence. She reached for her bodysuit's zipper. I knew I had only a few seconds before she started getting naked. 

Dimensional Nephilim

Dimensional Nephilim

Anime & Comics · StarWaves


This unironically put Shakespeare to shame[img=update]

"Run with those ideas, Kid." I pointed to the boy, "All sorts of things will let you down in life. You might one day wake up as a giant space lizard man a hundred and sixty years into the future, and everything and everyone you care about are gone. And you might use that giant space lizard man body to save the galaxy from massive robot cuttlefish, and you might think that you'll get your happily ever after, but no, you might discover your penis can fuck through the walls of the universe, and now you've lost it all again, except this time your penis brought your kick ass girlfriend along for the ride. And you might through the sweet magical science of your penis gain cannibal powers that cause you to eat the whomever you may have landed near upon arrival to this new universe, gaining their memories and adding their capabilities on top of your own. And maybe you build yourselves a new life in this new universe, only to discover that your smooth lizard cock has once again carved through the fabric of existence and deposited you somewhere else, and maybe it keeps doing it, over and over and every time you keep slipping more and more away from who you were but you're so far gone you can't take the time to care because doing so will crush you under the weight of everything you've lost, so you maybe just keep running forewords screaming about adventure and tiddies and other awesome things that keep the terrible dread of self reflection at bay. And maybe one day you'll be duking it out with a huge jacked Greek dude who hits you in the giant space lizard man head with a rock so hard your consciousness is flung across the omniverse to a place you have no idea about, and now you don't even have your girl anymore and it's just you. You and science. Keep hustling, Kid... I've had enough of this bank." 

Worm: The Lizard Daddy that Replaced Armsmaster

Worm: The Lizard Daddy that Replaced Armsmaster

Book&Literature · JManM


Truth Bomb.

"Shat up, ya arse!" Dain roared, "Don't even think about saying anything about us owing you for making us! You made us because you wanted to, and if you wanted some damn gratitude then you should have been down here fighting with us against Morgoth, against Sauron. But no! You only ever left your homes when they came for you! You all left us to suffer as a part of some twisted story! Some grand narrative we should be happy to be a part of no matter how small and mean. NO! I won't do it! I haven't lost a single dwarf fighting King Thrag, and I'm not gonna! He killed the Nazghul! He killed the Balrogs! He killed Sauron! He killed Morgoth! Sounds like a lot of my enemies he gone and killed! He sounds like a right problem. For all of you!"

LotR SI: Mordor for the Orcs

LotR SI: Mordor for the Orcs

Video Games · JManM


Don't you mean "one hundred and eighty" degree? Maybe flipped the board on it's head would be better

ASOIAF/GOT: Minecraft in Essos.

ASOIAF/GOT: Minecraft in Essos.

TV · Marcia_05


Really???? This has the subtlety of a stone.

"... You say that as if it isn't your desire in the first place."

Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF)

Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF)

Video Games · SovereignOfHeaven

Replied to grav1ty24

He should be reinjecting it in the economy.At this rate he could own the whole world.

'Maybe I should change the company name from Mojang to Electronic Arts if I keep going like this?' Alex thought as he laughed at how excited he was about planning how he was going to get money out of the Players' wallet.



Movies · NunuXD


He shouldn't have apologízed, it sets the precedent that everything is his fault.

"About what happened to Maria, I can only say that I'm sorry. I never imagined that some terrorists would use the ESW Players to try to reach me, or even get to me. Despite having suffered countless difficulties until the development of Oasis that we have now, I didn't imagine that one of the difficulties would be something like what happened today. Fortunately, no catastrophe happened and Maria's safety was preserved." Notch said.



Movies · NunuXD

Replied to Curtis_Allinson_6062

Agreed!He could've made sure things were better for Mark and his mom.Even if by some reason she refused, it's not like she knows Bruce Wayne is Bataman so he could have gentrified the neighboirhood, give him a scholarship, arranged for her to have a job... given that poverty is the main cause of crime!

"You're right... I shouldn't have left you and your mother, I know how bad Gotham can be better than anyone. In truth I did not want you to become a hero, it ran the risk of you encountering your father, I just hoped you'd never get your powers and lead a regular life" Batman explained.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed


Too little, too late.

Mark sighed "You have until I reach the nearest airlock," he said as he walked past him, he didn't need to turn around to know that he was being followed, for a while neither of them said anything and instead just walked through the corridors of the watchtower until finally, Batman spoke "I was wrong... I let my paranoia get the better of me and the result of which has almost left us broken," he said.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed


"Viola and 'I'"

"Yeah, it's always impressive when you have two master mages with a load of time on their hands. It took Viola and me about Six years to complete this little bunker" He said with a smile as with another wave a row of torches lit it all the way to the bottom.

Skyrim: The Man In The Background

Skyrim: The Man In The Background

Video Games · CYANOMN1VORE


Seriously?! The Aedra are Anuic entities and therefore invested in the general wellbeing of Nirn.The Daedra are chaotic gods that unable to not play around with mortals.

'Kind of like a shitty parent, they might be horrible but at least they care enough to be around and I know about them and what to expect. The mystery of the divines of the 'unknown' is something I'd rather not trifle with. Well besides Akatosh, he's cool'

Skyrim: The Man In The Background

Skyrim: The Man In The Background

Video Games · CYANOMN1VORE
