

male LV 2
2022-09-30 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Brazil
ป้าย 5

Moments 49
1 years ago
Replied to Daoist4MxvaV

I understand what you mean by that, but if you consider that Kuroto is a human and now has mana and the ability to perform magic, and is different from the magicians of DXD, Kuroto might surprise, by developing his own magic system

1 years ago
Replied to Daoist4MxvaV

Kuroto is not a dragon, although his sponsor is one.

1 years ago
Replied to Daoist4MxvaV

Responding to you again, it's likely that Kuroto will be closely connected to Kuoh, because of his family, but his story is not the same as the demons', so we cannot confuse humans with demons. Kuroto is a human, so do not confuse demonic conflicts with the conflicts of a Jujutsu Arcanist. Kuroto will have his duties and responsibilities which are not tied to Kuoh, or to the family of Rias Gremory, although his fate is somewhat intertwined with the Gremorys in a certain way.

1 years ago
Replied to Daoist4MxvaV

So Daoist, let's go to the topics since you are being a great reader and commenting, I will give you a spoiler. Kuroto, at the MOMENT up to where I have planned so far, will have two or three women, depending on how the story unfolds, demons, one being from the Gremory family, one or two from the Sitri family. Others might be added but for now only these (that is, until it happens there could be more, haha, I will take your ships into account, don't worry).

1 years ago
Replied to Kinglur

thanks for the feedback bruh ☺️

  • Cynic’s Second Wind: DxD Chronicles original

    Cynic’s Second Wind: DxD Chronicles

    Anime & Comics

    Debochado e alexitímico: esse era meu antigo eu, vivendo uma existência marcada pela indiferença e cinismo. Minha morte, tão degradante quanto a vida que levei, deveria ter sido um fim, um descanso eterno que, no meu ponto de vista, seria mais do que suficiente. No entanto, parece que os céus tinham planos diferentes – ou talvez, apenas um senso de humor extremamente cruel. Com o que deveria ter sido meu último suspiro, veio, para minha surpresa e desagrado, um novo fôlego de vida. Renascido em um mundo onde magia, demônios, anjos e entidades caídas não são meros produtos de contos fantásticos, mas uma realidade tangível e perigosa, aqui estou eu, reencarnado como um humano comum. Perdido neste estranho novo mundo, uma pergunta persiste, martelando incessantemente em minha mente: Por que eu não pude simplesmente permanecer morto? Qual é o propósito de ser arrancado do nada para ser jogado de volta à existência, e em um lugar tão absurdamente surreal quanto este? Por que, de todos os destinos possíveis, eu tive que reencarnar? Prepare-se para uma saga onde o sobrenatural e o humor negro coexistem, onde poderes, artefatos, criaturas místicas e personagens oriundos de diversos animes e mangás farão suas aparições. No entanto, no cerne desta narrativa enigmática e irreverente, encontramo-nos imersos no universo de High School DxD. Embarque nesta jornada desconcertante e, por vezes, hilariante, enquanto eu tento desvendar o mistério por trás de minha inexplicável reencarnação.

    16 Chs 5 คอลเลกชัน

  • Cynic's Second Wind: DxD Chronicle original

    Cynic's Second Wind: DxD Chronicle


    Debochado e alexitímico: esse era meu antigo eu, vivendo uma existência marcada pela indiferença e cinismo. Minha morte, tão degradante quanto a vida que levei, deveria ter sido um fim, um descanso eterno que, no meu ponto de vista, seria mais do que suficiente. No entanto, parece que os céus tinham planos diferentes – ou talvez, apenas um senso de humor extremamente cruel. Com o que deveria ter sido meu último suspiro, veio, para minha surpresa e desagrado, um novo fôlego de vida. Renascido em um mundo onde magia, demônios, anjos e entidades caídas não são meros produtos de contos fantásticos, mas uma realidade tangível e perigosa, aqui estou eu, reencarnado como um humano comum. Perdido neste estranho novo mundo, uma pergunta persiste, martelando incessantemente em minha mente: Por que eu não pude simplesmente permanecer morto? Qual é o propósito de ser arrancado do nada para ser jogado de volta à existência, e em um lugar tão absurdamente surreal quanto este? Por que, de todos os destinos possíveis, eu tive que reencarnar? Prepare-se para uma saga onde o sobrenatural e o humor negro coexistem, onde poderes, artefatos, criaturas místicas e personagens oriundos de diversos animes e mangás farão suas aparições. No entanto, no cerne desta narrativa enigmática e irreverente, encontramo-nos imersos no universo de High School DxD. Embarque nesta jornada desconcertante e, por vezes, hilariante, enquanto eu tento desvendar o mistério por trás de minha inexplicável reencarnação.

    16 Chs 5 คอลเลกชัน

  • Cynic’s Second Wind: DxD Chronicle -  English version original

    Cynic’s Second Wind: DxD Chronicle - English version


    Sarcastic and alexithymic: that was my former self, living a life marked by indifference and cynicism. My death, as degrading as the life I led, should have been the end, an eternal rest which, in my view, would have been more than sufficient. However, it seems that the heavens had different plans - or perhaps, they just possessed an extremely cruel sense of humor. With what should have been my last breath came, to my surprise and dismay, a new lease on life. Reborn in a world where magic, demons, angels, and fallen entities are not mere products of fantasy tales but a tangible and dangerous reality, here I am, reincarnated as an ordinary human. Lost in this strange new world, one question persistently hammers away at my mind: Why couldn’t I have simply remained dead? What's the purpose of being pulled from the void only to be thrown back into existence, and into a place as absurdly surreal as this? Why, of all possible fates, did I have to be reincarnated? Prepare yourself for a saga where the supernatural and dark humor coexist, where powers, artifacts, mystical creatures, and characters from various animes and mangas make their appearances. However, at the heart of this enigmatic and irreverent narrative, we find ourselves immersed in the universe of High School DxD. Embark on this disconcerting and often hilarious journey as I attempt to unravel the mystery behind my inexplicable reincarnation.

    16 Chs 40 คอลเลกชัน

  • Cynic’s Second Wind: DxD Chronicles - English version original

    Cynic’s Second Wind: DxD Chronicles - English version


    Sarcastic and alexithymic: that was my former self, living a life marked by indifference and cynicism. My death, as degrading as the life I led, should have been the end, an eternal rest which, in my view, would have been more than sufficient. However, it seems that the heavens had different plans - or perhaps, they just possessed an extremely cruel sense of humor. With what should have been my last breath came, to my surprise and dismay, a new lease on life. Reborn in a world where magic, demons, angels, and fallen entities are not mere products of fantasy tales but a tangible and dangerous reality, here I am, reincarnated as an ordinary human. Lost in this strange new world, one question persistently hammers away at my mind: Why couldn’t I have simply remained dead? What's the purpose of being pulled from the void only to be thrown back into existence, and into a place as absurdly surreal as this? Why, of all possible fates, did I have to be reincarnated? Prepare yourself for a saga where the supernatural and dark humor coexist, where powers, artifacts, mystical creatures, and characters from various animes and mangas make their appearances. However, at the heart of this enigmatic and irreverent narrative, we find ourselves immersed in the universe of High School DxD. Embark on this disconcerting and often hilarious journey as I attempt to unravel the mystery behind my inexplicable reincarnation.

    16 Chs 393 คอลเลกชัน