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LV 4

Only for a moment. Like a breeze in the wind or a ripple in a pond. Then gone.

2022-09-20 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 4

Moments 152

Replied to Muirin_Whitecrow

That only applies to teaching I believe. mob kills can be freely distributed.

It felt as if he were being cooked, and he hurriedly distributed the experience to Wei Dianyuan.

There's Must Something Wrong with My Undeads

There's Must Something Wrong with My Undeads

Fantasy · Pigeon sorcerer coo


Holy master rn


"The Mountain Sea Merit Cauldron. I feel that this divine object is more suitable in her hands," he said. "I'm not worthy of it. Besides, it's partly my fault that she could not become the owner of great luck. I don't want to owe others."

Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Eastern · Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy



For the sake of spirit stones, they were willing to do anything.

Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Eastern · Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy


Good thing he has the charm body now or else he might really have taken it.

At that moment, the Pavilion Master of the Heavenly Joy Pavilion withdrew his hand from the box. His face did not change. "Put it away. If anyone asks, tell them it's with me."

Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Eastern · Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy


So same world as the previous place I assume. I wonder if it's gonna stay the same place or if the author is gonna use different worlds.

They wouldn't place all their bets on us; at most, we're just cannon fodder. Besides these few, there might even be Night Watchmen around."

Facing an Ancient God for a Year

Facing an Ancient God for a Year

Sci-fi · Journey to the West's Revolver


Does this imply that there are multiple transmigators in this world?

In this world, there were abnormalities, and he himself was an abnormality—a case of 'Withering Disease' not found in any normal medical record. This strange disease made his process of regrowth quite difficult. If he hadn't been one of the many transmigrators, he probably would have died young.

I Am Also An Extraordinary Creature

I Am Also An Extraordinary Creature

Sci-fi · Passing by Traveler



As a college teacher in his previous life, he had to find ways to coax some graduate students into helping with his research group.

My Cell Prison

My Cell Prison

Sci-fi · Yellow Shirt Fatty



Zhuang Yuzhen, Hai Luo, and Mi Lingyue were nervous. It was finally happening!

Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Eastern · Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy

Replied to Arden_Light

Fellow Lord of Mysteries reader I see.

"That Golden Core Realm cultivator… would he be coming here again?" asked the woman. "I want him to listen to my orders. He should bring me food whenever I ask him to. Also, take away his protective treasure and make him stay at the Lawless Tower for a month. I will tell you more about the person you seek, but he must be put here within half a month."

Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Eastern · Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy


Now teach it how to file your taxes.

"Lie down...roll some two rounds on the wheel...act cute..."

This Text Adventure Game is definitely poisonous

This Text Adventure Game is definitely poisonous

Sci-fi · Pentacolored Seven Characters



Just like if you were teleported into a cartoon world, and a character known for his sarcastic remarks came up to you, looked at you fiercely and complained, "Are these viewers out of their minds?!!!! Why, every time there's a vote, my insightful, profound character is only ranked eighth! Glasses are not my main trait! Go back and watch it a hundred more times, you heartless people!"

Four Split Personalities

Four Split Personalities

Games · Micro-leaf Paulownia


Nvm I guess.

"What?!" Motan stared at her, his pupils dilating in shock, "Did you just say you're Black Sun?"

Four Split Personalities

Four Split Personalities

Games · Micro-leaf Paulownia


Why do I get the feeling this is him they're talking about.

Black Sun is a living legend. Known as the 'King of Hackers', 'he' has infiltrated virtually every renowned private institution's servers worldwide. Vague estimates place the direct or indirect damages caused by 'him' into the stratosphere. And 'he' remains beyond the grasp of the law to his day.

Four Split Personalities

Four Split Personalities

Games · Micro-leaf Paulownia


It's no longer a question of if, but when.

"Before, the fifth floor was just an ordinary floor with cells until we called Junior Brother Jiang for help. Since then, there hasn't been anyone on the fifth floor that Junior Brother Jiang couldn't interrogate. Don't be fooled by the tough talk of the people there. It's not time yet. They will surrender eventually," said Yinsha confidently.

Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Eastern · Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy


Now watch her turn into an eldritch horror.

When she lifted her gaze, one could see her willow eyebrows and phoenix eyes, an apricot face with peach cheeks, lips like delicate embroidery, and skin like creamy jade, adorned with a golden flower at the center of her eyebrows. Indeed, she was one-third exquisite and transcendent, one-third gentle and amiable, one-third ethereal and divine, and also bore an additional hint of tender and charming grace.

The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Eastern · Axe Warrior
