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2022-09-09 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

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Exited for the wormfic!

The first Worm fic is something of a combination of standard Gacha system power and the Celestial Grimoire. My working title so far is: 'A Fae Gamble' (or) 'Fae Luck'. Expect parody of the grimdark/grimderp stuff, plenty of rolls/RNGjesus, and of course, goth girls (practically a given, knowing my work lol). Goth Panpan, anyone?

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy

Replied to Feebling

Doesn’t matter if they don’t ask for money, they’re still stealing credit for someone else’s work and they should be called out on it.

Replied to Hunter_Icely1

The original title of this Fic is called Harry Crow by Robst and someone has already uploaded the entire story here with proper credit attributed to the original author.



"I'm more concerned with how my daughter seems to know what 'hentai' is…" Didi frowned.

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy


For a second, I thought you were describing a pie. I got so confused then it hit me it’s pizza!😂

(A/N I googled a lot of things about pizza to write this one paragraph. I am not a native, so this was necessary.)

Robert I Baratheon

Robert I Baratheon

Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h


If they did drag him back for essentially his proximity to Ashoka how will that look? To most it would probably look something along the lines of “the order is retaliating against former member and anyone who associates with her after humiliating failed trial”. The press and palatine would have a field dragging the jedi for it.

Shaak Ti ignored the comment, continuing as if she hadn't heard it, although several masters smiled in response. "By our own admittance this man has broken none of our laws. Nor has he done anything that could justify dragging him back here, especially if he doesn't want to come willingly."

Lost and Longing

Lost and Longing

Movies · Fictiontopia

Replied to ZFang


More progress for Midas touch when this gets contained?

The good thing about the object was the usefulness of its effect. The urinal would turn filth and waste into money and gold, while turning things of value into human filth and waste. So, while highly disgusting, it was a limitless source of wealth as long as someone happened to have free forced labor and plenty of human waste to turn into gold.

Marvel: The Foundation

Marvel: The Foundation

Movies · Darkstar_crow


A proper introduction for a king!👍🏻

"Hello. I'm Jon Artica. King of Artica." Jon took the initiative to speak on his own, as the man still seemed paralyzed by him.

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Book&Literature · RaccoonLeague

Replied to DaoistWDfd8h

Primarch? I only say this cause that Rogal Dorn quote.

In truth, he knew that sickness won't matter very soon. The time still hadn't come for his bloodline to awaken fully. But when it did, he would become a different beast altogether. The world probably wasn't ready for it. 

Robert I Baratheon

Robert I Baratheon

Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h


o did Stannis foster with anyone in cannon?

It was meant to be this way and since I am not only a noble of House Baratheon, I was also the Heir of the Stormlands. I gave Stannis some instructions on continuing with our 'Projects' since he wasn't sent off to be fostered. It seems Father understood what would happen with our Project, should Stannis also have to leave. I thought that was very thoughtful of him.

Robert I Baratheon

Robert I Baratheon

Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h

Replied to cabooseiscool_1

I don’t think we know the exact date when he joined the small council, I think the only thing we know is he joined after Duskendale.

Someone was using children to spy on him and Stannis. But not only that, Robert suspected whoever it was, to use them for spying in general. There are not many that come into question. Robert had long memorised the important players of the game and the members of the small council were at the top of the list. The most probable man was Varys, also called the Spider. An eunuch from Essos, who was called here by King Aerys to act as his Master of Whispers. 

Robert I Baratheon

Robert I Baratheon

Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h


I’m surprised the same thing didn’t happen to the girl from Ravenclaw.

Harry's face darkened, "She's my friend. If I hadn't protected her and Daphne, I couldn't forgive myself." Harry had heard through Remus and Sirius that the offending boy had not survived jail. He'd not even made it to trial. He had apparently committed suicide, leaving a note and asking for forgiveness. They suspected one of the lords currently in their presence of having arranged it.

Back to the Beginning...

Back to the Beginning...

Book&Literature · burnable


I though it was going to be the Laer blade as a poisoned chalice from the ROB.

I gathered everything of value in the room. I even took the armour Ser Willem had and his sword. Imagine my surprise when I find out, that the master-at-arms, or the former Red Keep's master-at-arms for King Aerys II Targaryen, owns a Valyrian steel blade. I almost laughed out loud when I recognised the blade ... it was Fireblade. 

Viserys Fulgrim Targaryen

Viserys Fulgrim Targaryen

Book&Literature · Daoist0kxr4h
