Rogi reincarnated into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen as the son of Ogi Zenin and the secret brother of Maki and Mai, whom they didn't know about. At eighteen years old, Ogi took him to the Zenin clan, hoping that he would at least have curse energy, but he didn't. So Ogi decided to give him some money and throw him out of the clan, as Ogi was afraid that he himself might slice the head of his own son.
Perplexed, Rogi decided to return to the location of his home on real Earth just to check it out, and to his surprise, he found an old house that was very similar to his own. He decided to purchase it and thoroughly inspect every nook and cranny. To his shock, he discovered that the house was almost identical to his own.
Rogi hurriedly went to his room to check the cabinet where his Playstation was, but to his surprise, he found only a mysterious marble.
After spending twenty years constantly fighting to survive and roaming in the cursed spirit world, Gavin finally managed to escape and return to the land of the living. However, he found himself not in the real world of planet Earth, but in the world of Jujutsu no Kaisen Anime and Manga.
Also, In order for him to continue existing in this human world, there was only one thing he needed to do: find a host body to possess and complete its desire.
[ The host was called upon by the desire of a person who lacked cursed energy. To this person, the Zenin Family should work together instead of being divided. ]
[ The host is bound to the Zenin Family, which means that if the family perishes, the host will cease to exist and won't be able to return to the world of the living. ]
Suddenly, the system added something.
[ It is advisable for the host to live a low-key and simple life; otherwise, the daily rewards that the host has received or might receive in the future upon completing a task or mission from the system will be non-existent. This also applies if the host seeks fame or status. ]
If you guys like this fanfic, check out my Strongest Gaming Family System too.
Thank you for the chapter
LEVEL EVERYTHING UP in my Eldritch Tribe
Fantasy · Notorious_911