But before he left, Maylan reminded him:
Anime & Comics · Daoiste1
"I need papers. Complete identity package - birth certificate, social security, the works. I'm willing to pay." I say as I take off my hoodie.
Movies · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
Eidolon is now talking with Illyana amicably, the one that opened the door to him, when he saw them approaching.
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
he is potential man
Then she looked a little down… At the Megumi that was just at her waist-level… And the silly thought formed and took strong enough roots to never be removed.
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
"Sis, come here. Let me explain," Airi sighed, rubbing her temples. She motioned for Marina to come closer, feeling exhausted in more ways than one. Despite this being her first time, it wasn't technically her first time, considering she had been with Blake Silva several times now. Either way, her legs felt like jelly.
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I did not want Komi to be my woman like Marin and Sumire. I did not want her to love me. It would make things more complicated.
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"Sorry for the delay, I was figuring out how this works… But finally…" A voice reaches everyone "...I am here."
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"If you want to make them laugh you can show them the 'Puny God' video." Eidolon helps from the side.
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
"Was just minding my own business on my way to Kyoto, until I saw that lady over there named Raynare saying how his death was gods fault for giving him a Sacred Gear, and when she found out that I was a witness she decided to kill me as well," I explained and as I did so Akeno Himejima teleported over as well and as she came out of the teleportation she giggled evilly seeing Raynare's form and then she skipped over and kicked her over onto her back so she could take a look at the fallen's face.
Space whales? Nope rather deal with devils.
Anime & Comics · Azazyel