Did you drop your ff
Why not just use firefynde at the hole in the sky and keep it there it Burns on its OWN
After he was done with that he would have liked to call it a day but knew that the fight was anything but close to being over. He quickly rolled out of the way to avoid some more blasts and shot down two more chariots before flying off and returning to the air. Four red beams shot out of his wand and took out four more chariots, he then produced a flock of birds with metal wings and directed them to attack Chitauri soldiers, and they did so.
Book&Literature · Lotus_Lover
True that
Bardi's face remained expressionless. Without sparing another glance, he walked away.
Anime & Comics · JD_787
No hé is not supit
Do tell, what will Vali choose? Will he allow Silas's followers to continue breaking the seals, or not?
TV · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
Have his second Wife be Qetsiyah
This is only the beginning, since Tatia is the female lead in this fic, so do tell, how did you find it?
TV · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
Do they have daglicht rings ?
Also, finally it has been brought to light that Klaus isn't Mikael's son, but the question is, will Mikael still hate Klaus because of it or now, unlike the show, not?
TV · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
The translation in this chapter was of a not to great qualety
Please don’t make HIM join like a little bitch
He needs to have the raw ingredients to make anything. As long as he doesn't have bottles, or the stuff to make bottles, or the serum, he won't be able to make it. It's not just create anything out of nothing. He needs the ingredients to do it.
Across the room, Peter forced Connors' jaws open, holding them apart with his bare hands as the tentacles kept the rest of his body restrained. With precision, he formed a vial of the cure within his symbiote and injected it into the lizard's throat.
Movies · Kakarot1809
It from hate right ? No longer love she can have HIM kill silas
This is only the beginning, since Tatia is the female lead in this fic, so do tell, how did you find it?
The Boy King's Journey in TVD/TO As A Mikaelson
TV · Samael_Son_of_Dawn